Sprint Galaxy S3 First Impressions/Reviews

This phone is just too damned slick. I mean literally slick. I have never had an issue dropping g phones until now. I guess I need a case afterall.

Walking from the car to work the phone slipped from my hand and bounced 3 times on 3 of 4 corners. Warning the chrome edge is extremely soft. I guess I can tell my gs3 from my daughter's now without viewing the screen. :(

Yea, that's what I said about it to begin with. Slippery phone indeed. Unfortunately gonna have to rock a case.
Just Flash It !!!

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Re: So... First impressions?

This phone is just too damned slick. I mean literally slick. I have never had an issue dropping g phones until now. I guess I need a case afterall.

Walking from the car to work the phone slipped from my hand and bounced 3 times on 3 of 4 corners. Warning the chrome edge is extremely soft. I guess I can tell my gs3 from my daughter's now without viewing the screen. :(

Just Flash It !!!

And THIS is why I put a good case on my phone!! Even though I baby the F out of my phone, accidents are bound to happen!
Re: So... First impressions?

This phone is just too damned slick. I mean literally slick. I have never had an issue dropping g phones until now. I guess I need a case afterall.

Walking from the car to work the phone slipped from my hand and bounced 3 times on 3 of 4 corners. Warning the chrome edge is extremely soft. I guess I can tell my gs3 from my daughter's now without viewing the screen. :(

Just Flash It !!!

I know it doesn't help to soften the blow BUT the first time i ding a new device i brush it off and look at it like character :) Dropped my NS4G the second day and took a few scuffs and while my friends gasped in horror, i laughed and joked that now i could tell mine from theirs.

That said, with a phone this big and no rubberized coating, a case might not be a bad idea if for nothing more than grip.
Re: So... First impressions?

OMG, I love this smartphone!!! I wasn't this impressed with the S2 Epic I had. I couldn't be happier. Picture quality is amazing, it's snappy and very little bloatware. It's so sleek looking, I ordered the White S3 16GB (obviously). So happy I chose this smartphone. :D

This is great news for all of us still waiting to get our greedy hands on this device!:)
Re: So... First impressions?

I spent 2 weeks with the HTC EVO LTE 4G, the one I had, had problems with 3G data and receiving calls. The screen was better on the EVO, and I miss the kickstand. I prefer sense so far, but that maybe because of using nothing but EVO's since they came out. The SG3 is its equal in many other ways, and so far bests it in a few others.
The multitasking is far superior to the EVO.
Other than the multitasking, you can't go wrong with either phone.
All in all, I think the SG3 does what it suposed to do smoother and as it was meant to do it, better than the EVO.

This is good info, since I was on the fence between HTC and Samsung all spring long. Patience, Patience, but I want this phone like today. Have to wait since I didn't pre-order one.:(
Re: Sprint Galaxy S III First Impressions/Reviews

I am loving this phone! I thought I really loved my GS II and wasn't sure about giving it up, but this phone is leeps and bounds better! It's faster, smoother and has stuff on it (neat stuff) that will take someone like me who is a little technology challenged some time to figure out!! There is no lag and "moves" so fast!
I tried the HTC Evo LTE for a few days but didn't like it at all compared to my GS II or even the original Evo, which I loved! In my opion, this is by far the best smartphone I have ever owned!
(I'm glad I took the day off to play with it and personalize it because it has taken me most of the day to do just that!) I have a strong feeling that I'll be "learning" about this phone for a
long time!! :D
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I absolutely love my GS3!! I am having one issue though. Has anyone noticed the lower back of the phone getting very warm with use?
I absolutely love my GS3!! I am having one issue though. Has anyone noticed the lower back of the phone getting very warm with use?

Yes, i noticed that! Kinda annoying! Plus this phone isn't blue, it's purple! :( I'm so switching to the white marble..though i didn't want too! But omg, i am in love with this phone! LTE, get here already! And, I'm having wifi problems, it keeps turning on without me doing it.. so i keep turning it off! ;(
Re: Sprint Galaxy S III First Impressions/Reviews

Loving it!! Would like to find out how to mute the shudder sound when taking pics.:p
Re: Sprint Galaxy S III First Impressions/Reviews

This phone is just too damned slick. I mean literally slick. I have never had an issue dropping g phones until now. I guess I need a case afterall.

Walking from the car to work the phone slipped from my hand and bounced 3 times on 3 of 4 corners. Warning the chrome edge is extremely soft. I guess I can tell my gs3 from my daughter's now without viewing the screen. :(

Just Flash It !!!

Lol! Better hurry up and switch before she notices the difference. :p Assuming you have had or atleast played around with an original palm pre would you say it is more, less, or equally as slick in terms of the plastic?
Re: Sprint Galaxy S III First Impressions/Reviews

Loving it!! Would like to find out how to mute the shudder sound when taking pics.:p

it's an OGG in /system/media. There may be an app that can fix this but otherwise /system is r/o so you'll need to root then rename the file, resulting in a muted shutter sound.

EDIT - Also because Android is a single source used worldwide, and some countries like japan, korea, and certain US states, have laws prohibiting disabling camera shutter sounds, I believe a user toggle is completely removed from android. The way it's done now seems to be a line in the build properties:
ro.camera.sound.forced=true <- this means even in silent the audio is played
ro.camera.sound.forced=false <- setting it to false should mean when phone is silent, shutter is silent.

It requires root to edit the build.prop because it's in /system so you'll need to mount it as r/w but build.prop is a simple text file so editing it should be easy. Also, if that line isnt in the build.prop, try adding it with a value of false.
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Re: So... First impressions?

What kind of build quality problems are you having? Mine is really solid, at least so far...

And so far I haven't had the random button pressing problems that I was having with the EVO; I kept hitting the volume buttons when I was looking for power. I know I would have gotten used to it, but coming from an S2 it was annoying as hell. :D

its like i keep accidentally pressing the menu and back buttons during normal use of the phone, those buttons are too close to the edges imo
it's an OGG in /system/media. There may be an app that can fix this but otherwise /system is r/o so you'll need to root then rename the file, resulting in a muted shutter sound.

EDIT - Also because Android is a single source used worldwide, and some countries like japan, korea, and certain US states, have laws prohibiting disabling camera shutter sounds, I believe a user toggle is completely removed from android. The way it's done now seems to be a line in the build properties:
ro.camera.sound.forced=true <- this means even in silent the audio is played
ro.camera.sound.forced=false <- setting it to false should mean when phone is silent, shutter is silent.

It requires root to edit the build.prop because it's in /system so you'll need to mount it as r/w but build.prop is a simple text file so editing it should be easy. Also, if that line isnt in the build.prop, try adding it with a value of false.

Thanks!! I'll look into this.
Re: Sprint Galaxy S III First Impressions/Reviews

one of the things I am most interested in is the screen. I know the HTC evo lte is brighter and better quality and
I know there is another thread regarding side by side comparisons but a couple (maybe few) questions I have -

those that have or own the galaxy nexus on sprint - is the sgsiii brighter?
those that have epic 4g touch, brighter?

the screen to me is tied for #1 for importance with the camera quality. im outside a lot of the day. also, how is the vibrating feedback while typing? can you feel the vibration when the phone rings in your pocket?

btw I hate the shutter sounds - it was highly annoying a few weeks ago while taking pictures at graduation and being the only smartphone that had it.
Re: Sprint Galaxy S III First Impressions/Reviews

btw I hate the shutter sounds - it was highly annoying a few weeks ago while taking pictures at graduation and being the only smartphone that had it.

Oh yeah ... try this! At a wedding for strangers as a guest, asked to snap pix by my date because of the 8mp cam, middle of vows and WHAMMO!!!! Burst mode with shutter. I quickly deleted the audio file but my feelings of awkwardness were verified by the multiple dirty looks i received.

Come on, there are legitimate reasons to mute shutter without being a perv!!!!!!!!
Re: Sprint Galaxy S III First Impressions/Reviews

I am loving the S3. It is a great phone the screen is great, it's fast, and has lots of features. Glad I didn't get the iPhone.
Re: Sprint Galaxy S III First Impressions/Reviews

Got my sg3 i am in love with this phone. The only thing I dont like is that it gets warm to hot while charging and when being used. Other than that its totally amazing!:D
Re: Sprint Galaxy S III First Impressions/Reviews

Cant Wait for my Verizon 32GB!!!! I hate how they are alllllllways last
Re: Sprint Galaxy S III First Impressions/Reviews

?Aesthetics?I, personally, am very impressed with the look and design of this phone. I love the subtle roundness and the silver band looks good offsetting the glossy white. The home button is not huge and blends in nicely?I like that the width is the same as the earpiece, providing visual balance. On my old Evo, I pushed the on/off button so much to wake the screen that it begin to become depressed and hard to push. Having this home button to wake the screen is a welcome change and I feel it will last the lifetime of the device (I have a feeling I won?t be rushing to upgrade this phone anytime soon). The only negative is that this baby picks up fingerprints like crazy?a case and screen protector is necessary. I also don?t like the process for removing the back cover, feels like I?m going to break the clips.

?Screen?The screen looks great to me! The colors are nice and deep and sharp enough for my needs. Compared to the Evo (old and new), it is a tad bit less sharp, but definitely not a deal breaker.

?Phone ? So far, the phone works great, on both ends the clarity and sound quality is good. The speakerphone is nice and loud. I haven?t used Bluetooth yet but I have hooked the phone up to the cassette jack in my car and the sound comes out great when listening to music or placing a call. What I don?t like about the phone is the actual phone screen. I don?t like how when you view the call log and click a name it doesn?t automatically call the person. You have to go to another screen and hit the call button?which I also don?t like where the icon is placed. Even from keypad, if you are typing the number and it begins to give you options to who the numbers are matched too, you have to hit the call button rather than just click on the number when you recognize it to place your call.

?Overall User Interface?This is going to take some time getting used to coming from an Evo. But I like the smoothness, and the motions are pretty cool. They work for me 95% of the time.

?Signal quality (Compared to other devices)?Still testing this out, as I have not gone many different places with the phone yet but so far it?s been fine.

?GPS?Works great, locks on quickly.

? Performance /Battery Life?Pretty good, I use the power saving option. I am also satisified with the speed even minus the LTE boost.

?Camera?I love it! I used this phone the day after receiving it to take pics at a wedding tht took place at an aquarium. Gave me the opportunity to test it in low lighting inside and while the sun was going down. My pics, particularly the indoor needing flash were so much better than my friend's who had an iphone.

Compared to my Evo, which was 3 years old, I'm glad I upgraded simply for the increased speed and storage alone. All of the other extra features are great, more like a bonus because I was very happy with that phone and used to it as well. Perhaps as time goes on I will feel that same comfortableness with this phone. Overall, I am happy with my purchase and looking forward to LTE rollout because I'm still a little sore at never getting 4g on the EVO. This $250+ purchase has to got to be fully justified, lol.

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