Vcast music
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God I hope you are kidding...
Ever sit down to write a quick reply and spend an entire evening "honing" it?
See below:
Here are my five, and I'm going to follow those with some "you really need" apps too:
1. Opera Mini set to no photos (low data plan here, this is a great way to get on the WWW without burning up data.)
2. All Google stuff [might be a cheat to put them all here, but so what: Gmail, Docs, Navigation, Sky(to show off phone's power), Voice, Latitude (find your friend's GPS location, Maps, ]
3. Unified Remote: run a laptop from your phone. I have an old laptop hooked into and behind my main LCD Living room TV which with this app I can now control via my Bionic thanks to Unified Remote. Hulu (ads but without paying for Hulu Plus cause they think it is a laptop) / Netflix (paid for it but not the discs which we don't get anymore) / projectfreetv (free) / hgtv (ads) / surfthechannel (free) and any other online shows at my fingertips! TOTAL geekout to run from my phone and not use the wireless keyboard!)
4. GasBuddy (find cheapest gas, in my business the best app to save me $)
5. Netflix / Pandora (yeah, cheated and put them both here, but they are "tv/movies" and "Radio" so here they both fit into my "entertainment" apps.
---Also, some honorable mentions---
- Where's my Droid: you've lost your you tackle a nearby person and take their phone and send the text "ring" to your starts to ring (EVEN if it was set to not ring!) and you find it....OR you've lost your you tackle a nearby person and take their phone and send a text "GPS" to your phone and it tells you it's current location, speed, trajectory, and a link to the google map location of it, and long/ can customize the words "ring" and "gps" (highly suggest this) so those that might have it won't know what the texts mean. Free app, very powerful! Can be used to add tracking for a kid's phone OR your spouses!!! HEH! You could make the text phrase "I love you" and it will send you back their location! LOL. Note, when I tested this, the "sent" location info and other texts DID NOT show up in the text program!!!! WOW! Imagine, checking on your kids/wife's/husband's location by saying "I love you" (or any other word or phrase) in a text message. Little scary how powerful and ap this is.
- HandyCards: ever get tired of putting all those loyalty cards from different groceries, auto parts,etc stores on your key ring? This puts anything that uses a barcode in your phone, just hold it out to them to scan (DON'T give your phone to them to scan it, drop issues with people ya know)!!!
- Square: take Discover, Visa, Mastercard, Amex with your phone and have people sign right on your phone for purchase. Find them at squareupDOTcom. Low rates, no gateway or transaction fees, no contracts. Charged only when used at 2.75%! Emails awesome professional receipts to your clients automatically. Great app and company.
-----CardCase: (sorta goes with Square) keeps your credit card info in a safe place linked to but not on your phone. Can pay any Square merchant (like me) with your phone: iphone or android compatible, no blackberry.
- barcode scanner: so you are in a store, just pick up what you are looking at and scan the UPC symbol and get reviews on it and see if amazon or some other online shop has it at a better deal (or at least ensure you aren't getting screwed on cost) Also reads those fancy "square black and white" symbols you see in magazine ads all the time.
- Dropbox (haven't used but seems awesome for what it could do)
- Zumocast (used it and it DOES rock, everything on your laptop/PC on your phone, and easily download what you want to take with you. Even rip DVD's to your PC and watch on your phone over same WIFI connection. Can download (not just stream) videos/photos/music to/from phone too!)
- HDR Camera (cool to help stop washouts which happens a lot with droid bionic's camera) you will not get the full 8mp picture, but the 6 or 5 mp photo you do get with look awesome! It takes three photos and "puts them together" to get "best results." Try it, might or might not like it. If you use it don't put photos on SD card or you won't find them in gallery....probably on SDcard somewhere???
- NPR News
- Raindar (show area RADAR)
- tape-a-talk (record voice recordings to remind you later, dictate letters/emails/meeting points, etc)
- UPS Mobile
- Wifi Analyzer (to get your router on a signal not everyone around you is using)
- Amazon Kindle (even if it does eat battery I like the option of reading a bit on the go with my phone)
- Flashlight (does what it says, also can turn your phone into emergency "flashing yellow lights" becon)
- iTriage (helps in medical situations)
- Fandango (your friends are waiting in line for tickets, you jump on your phone, bam, walk in)
- IMDB (settle all arguments about who was in what movie and when)