Trouble with KitKat


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2013
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I, unfortunately, received the KitKat update and have acquired some problems along the way. First in the camera mode there's no zoom option, Second in the photo galleries the way the photos are arranged are quite different, not really to my liking, Third the battery drains very very fast with little use. The phones battery has been drained then fully charged twice it also has been powered off then on twice and has even been reset, no master reset yet. Anybody else have these or other problems associated with the update?
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Kevin OQuinn

AC Team Emeritus
May 17, 2010
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I, unfortunately, received the KitKat update and have acquired some problems along the way. First in the camera mode there's no zoom option, Second in the photo galleries the way the photos are arranged are quite different, not really to my liking, Third the battery drains very very fast with little use. The phones battery has been drained then fully charged twice it also has been powered off then on twice and has even been reset, no master reset yet. Anybody else have these or other problems associated with the update?

For camera zoom just pinch to zoom. For the gallery thing, I think you'll just have to get used to it. I prefer it actually. Seems less cluttered and easier to navigate.

I haven't had the update long enough to comment on battery life. It's also not my primary device so doing that will be kinda tough.

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