Upgrade from Moto X Pure to V20?


Jul 13, 2015
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Good Monday morning all of you that are far more intelligent than I am!! I have a quandry I could use some experienced, long term hands on advice from. After 17 years of being a slave to "Big Red", I made the switch to the "un-carrier". So far, I am not at all sorry I made the switch, coverage is as good, if not better, and, the bill is MUCH less than it was. I have a Moto X Pure that I really enjoy, and, of course, since it is unlocked, I am using it on T-Mo also. I did pull the trigger on an LG V20, because of the $480 price, but, I am on the fence about this phone. I am within my 14 day return, and, the manager of the store told me that there would be no $50 restocking fee if I decided to return the V20, so, I have tried to love it, but, so far, I am still favoring the Pure. Now, of course, I know I am comparing a 69 Corvette to a 2017 BMW, but, I could use some feedback from some of you that have had the v20 for a while. A good number of forums have people talking about how they feel the V20 is just.....eh......but, I also know my Pure is already a year and a half old. Am I missing something with the V20, or, is it really just........eh..??? Feedback would be appreciated from anyone of you that feel the same way about the v20, or, from those of you who love it. I understand opinions are a matter of perspective, but, any feedback might help.

Mike Dee

May 14, 2014
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Good Monday morning all of you that are far more intelligent than I am!! I have a quandry I could use some experienced, long term hands on advice from. After 17 years of being a slave to "Big Red", I made the switch to the "un-carrier". So far, I am not at all sorry I made the switch, coverage is as good, if not better, and, the bill is MUCH less than it was. I have a Moto X Pure that I really enjoy, and, of course, since it is unlocked, I am using it on T-Mo also. I did pull the trigger on an LG V20, because of the $480 price, but, I am on the fence about this phone. I am within my 14 day return, and, the manager of the store told me that there would be no $50 restocking fee if I decided to return the V20, so, I have tried to love it, but, so far, I am still favoring the Pure. Now, of course, I know I am comparing a 69 Corvette to a 2017 BMW, but, I could use some feedback from some of you that have had the v20 for a while. A good number of forums have people talking about how they feel the V20 is just.....eh......but, I also know my Pure is already a year and a half old. Am I missing something with the V20, or, is it really just........eh..??? Feedback would be appreciated from anyone of you that feel the same way about the v20, or, from those of you who love it. I understand opinions are a matter of perspective, but, any feedback might help.

Any phone will do... It depends on what your expectations are. I love the V20 compared to everything else out there but it's not for everyone. I like the large screen, removable battery, wide camera, secondary screen and my favorite feature is the Quad DAC.


Jan 28, 2011
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Good Monday morning all of you that are far more intelligent than I am!! I have a quandry I could use some experienced, long term hands on advice from. After 17 years of being a slave to "Big Red", I made the switch to the "un-carrier". So far, I am not at all sorry I made the switch, coverage is as good, if not better, and, the bill is MUCH less than it was. I have a Moto X Pure that I really enjoy, and, of course, since it is unlocked, I am using it on T-Mo also. I did pull the trigger on an LG V20, because of the $480 price, but, I am on the fence about this phone. I am within my 14 day return, and, the manager of the store told me that there would be no $50 restocking fee if I decided to return the V20, so, I have tried to love it, but, so far, I am still favoring the Pure. Now, of course, I know I am comparing a 69 Corvette to a 2017 BMW, but, I could use some feedback from some of you that have had the v20 for a while. A good number of forums have people talking about how they feel the V20 is just.....eh......but, I also know my Pure is already a year and a half old. Am I missing something with the V20, or, is it really just........eh..??? Feedback would be appreciated from anyone of you that feel the same way about the v20, or, from those of you who love it. I understand opinions are a matter of perspective, but, any feedback might help.

I really love my V20. I had a Samsung Galaxy S7 and I liked it but felt limited to what Samsung offered. The V20 will not disappoint; the removable battery, 2nd screen, dual cameras, high quality audio playback, hd microphone, IR blaster, and beautiful IPS display made me glad to own a V20. Sure, it's not a perfect phone, but it does pack much more features into a phone most manufactures won't care to even try. Pixel: no microSD support, boring iPhone wannabe design. Samsung: way too curvy and all glass, no removable battery. HTC and iPhone: no 3.5mm headphone jack, boring phones. V20: amazing audio, great design, and plenty of features. I'm looking at the new flagships like the Galaxy S8 and I'm not really impressed, there's really nothing new. Manufacturers are cutting down on features and trying to make their phone more "simple", well for advanced power users, there's the V20.

Also glad you jumped ship and went to a more affordable carrier! T-Mobile is great, I'm on their prepaid plan. Been using them for years, very good coverage and LTE speeds. Also you get more features vs the big name carriers (unlimited music streaming, unlimited video stream for post-paid customers, free mobile hotspot on any plan).


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2015
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The wide angle camera and DAC for music are two features I just love that no other phones offer.

You can also buy an unlocked V20 for $450 if you want more flexibility with your phone carriers, and probably better resale value down the line.


Feb 23, 2011
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In a world where it's common for phones to compete on looks, the V20 competes in power and functionality. From a features standpoint, it offers more than most anything on the market right now, and does them exceptionally well.

But every user is different, so it's ok to not really feel it with the phone. Check out the pros and cons sticky thread that was recently started. You may see something in there that sways your opinion one way or the other.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2012
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Good Monday morning all of you that are far more intelligent than I am!! I have a quandry I could use some experienced, long term hands on advice from. After 17 years of being a slave to "Big Red", I made the switch to the "un-carrier". So far, I am not at all sorry I made the switch, coverage is as good, if not better, and, the bill is MUCH less than it was. I have a Moto X Pure that I really enjoy, and, of course, since it is unlocked, I am using it on T-Mo also. I did pull the trigger on an LG V20, because of the $480 price, but, I am on the fence about this phone. I am within my 14 day return, and, the manager of the store told me that there would be no $50 restocking fee if I decided to return the V20, so, I have tried to love it, but, so far, I am still favoring the Pure. Now, of course, I know I am comparing a 69 Corvette to a 2017 BMW, but, I could use some feedback from some of you that have had the v20 for a while. A good number of forums have people talking about how they feel the V20 is just.....eh......but, I also know my Pure is already a year and a half old. Am I missing something with the V20, or, is it really just........eh..??? Feedback would be appreciated from anyone of you that feel the same way about the v20, or, from those of you who love it. I understand opinions are a matter of perspective, but, any feedback might help.

Doesn't matter what other people think, does it. :)
The real questions:
- Do you like the phone ?
- What are you on the fence about regarding this phone ?
- What do you like about your moto that this phone doesn't have or do ?


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May 3, 2011
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Where do you live? I travel for business all over the country and live in a topographically challenged area. Rarely has Tmo had better coverage and actually quite the opposite for anywhere I have been. I actually do not recall a place where Tmo stood out. The normal trend at work is when people take positions with travel, they ditch Tmo.


Jul 13, 2015
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Appreciate the input, and suggestions. T-Mobile has been great so far, and, I have not noticed any hiccups in service, and, I love the simplicity of the statement. No hidden surprises. I know a phone is just a phone, and, it is all subject to everyone's likes and dislikes. Ultimately, it is up to me and what I need, I just appreciate feedback from others that have spent more time with the device than I have.

Take care!!


Jul 13, 2015
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Fortunatley, I am in a fairly heavily populated area in Ohio, and, I don't stray too far from the home area. I actually even had a stretch right off of the Interstate where Verizon had no coverage at all, again, just outside of Columbus, and right along the Interstate. Everyone has bad coverage areas, hopefully TMo will work out for me, it is certainly less per month.


Jul 13, 2015
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What I like about the Pure is that it is, as it is called, Pure. Not a lot of frills, I have Nova Launcher on it, camera is actually pretty good, stereo speakers, perfect size in my hand with the rounded back, with, or without my Otterbox, I do use the gestures, it is nice to just wave my hand over the screen to check for missed calls, texts, or notifications. I have been using the Pure for 6 months, and, have not once, experienced any lag, or slow down. I am not a gamer, but, I do a lot with YT and music, Netflix, etc. I guess I like the simplicity. As far as the V20, it is certainly a Cadillac, with tons of features. I am concerned that bootloop issues may arise, that it may get buggy after a few months, (I know a reset will fix that, but, that's a minor hassle), and, there is a definite difference in the brightness of the 2 devices. I may just keep them both, but, hate to pay $480 for a phone that I sort of like. I only paid $299 for my Pure last fall from Best Buy. I know it is all subject to our own opinions, just appreciate feedback from those that have had the device longer than I have. Thanks again.


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Nov 16, 2012
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...I have a Moto X Pure that I really enjoy, and, of course, since it is unlocked, I am using it on T-Mo also...

What a coincidence.

I'm new to the V20 and I am upgrading from my Moto XPE just as you are. Also on Tmobile.

I do like the nice touches of the V20 like the second screen. This is nice since I don't lose that functionality on my Moto X Pure where I can wave my hand across the screen to get the time and status.

The V20 feels lighter too. I will be getting a custom wood covering for the V20 since I think the back looks kinda ugly. My Moto X was a custom leather build from Motorola so I like that feel very much. Both phones are not slouches in the screen department so it's hard to find any flaws there.

But I'm enjoying the skin and Nougat enough to feel good about the purchase.


Jul 13, 2015
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Interesting. I am glad someone else understands how good the Pure really is, and, how hard it is to consider a change. I think sometimes we are always so bent on the next, newest thing, that we think something with a little age on it is obselete. Take the 1969 Corvette analogy in my original posting. Almost 50 years old, but, still a really fast car, yes, no frills, but, you didn't buy it for luxury. That is why you by a BMW. The Pure is fast, sleek, and, still, a pretty darn good phone, regardless of the fact that it is 1 1/2 years old.


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Nov 16, 2012
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The Pure still remains my favorite Android phone. Not sure why I switched actually. Lol

Maybe the draw of having an integrated quad DAC (now I don't have to carry around my FiiO). Or maybe it was just the focus on audio. A prior phone of mine was the Nokia 808, and it recorded with high fidelity like the V20. It also had what Nokia called Rich Recording. Man I missed having that, but this LG has something similar.

It looks like I gained everything that I lost over the years back with the V20. So I guess it is a natural choice.



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Oct 11, 2012
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I upgraded from Moto X Pure Edition to the V20. Mine was forced though, because the X did a belly flop and the screen shattered. I was going to replace with the Z Force, but it was out of stock at the Verizon store, so they convinced me to take the V20. So far it's working well, and I've grown to like it. Maybe LG will have more frequent software updates than Motorola ever had.

Mike Dee

May 14, 2014
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Interesting. I am glad someone else understands how good the Pure really is, and, how hard it is to consider a change. I think sometimes we are always so bent on the next, newest thing, that we think something with a little age on it is obselete. Take the 1969 Corvette analogy in my original posting. Almost 50 years old, but, still a really fast car, yes, no frills, but, you didn't buy it for luxury. That is why you by a BMW. The Pure is fast, sleek, and, still, a pretty darn good phone, regardless of the fact that it is 1 1/2 years old.

I had considered the Pure a while ago. The only thing that held me back which is true of all carrier unlocked is that certain carrier features weren't compatible.


Feb 8, 2015
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LoL.....are you still using the V20 or did you go back to the Pure? I was going to make the same post but stumbled on this thread. My issue with the V20 is the overall size. It's such a big device and noticeably taller than the Pure. Also trading the stereo speakers for the better wired audio. I want to keep the V20 for the update to USB, the fingerprint sensor, more native storage, replaceable battery, but I'm still swayed by what the Pure offers being that it checks most the boxes and is good enough. I only paid $175 for the V20 but have to ship the one I got back to LG for warranty support ATM. Debating whether I should return it back to the original owner or let LG repair the issue I'm having with the DAC.


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Jul 4, 2014
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LoL.....are you still using the V20 or did you go back to the Pure? I was going to make the same post but stumbled on this thread. My issue with the V20 is the overall size. It's such a big device and noticeably taller than the Pure. Also trading the stereo speakers for the better wired audio. I want to keep the V20 for the update to USB, the fingerprint sensor, more native storage, replaceable battery, but I'm still swayed by what the Pure offers being that it checks most the boxes and is good enough. I only paid $175 for the V20 but have to ship the one I got back to LG for warranty support ATM. Debating whether I should return it back to the original owner or let LG repair the issue I'm having with the DAC.

I would have it fixed...

The size of it will seem natural after a little while and a bit of use and what you have in it is very little for everything you have.



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Aug 3, 2012
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I came to the V20 from a 2015 Moto XPE. I would still be on the Moto XPE if it had (easily) replaceable batteries -- the battery was running hot and fading fast. That said, the V20 is very nice. After a month I'm pretty much always doing the double tap to turn it on instead of the wave-and-drag-down of the Moto X. Still miss the twist-on camera.