URGENT: Please help. Phone stuck in bootloop and need to save important data.[Solved]

Mar 8, 2011
Hello, I have a somewhat odd issue, so please bear with me and I apologize in advance for the long post.

I have a Google Pixel 2XL that began flashing at the lock screen. After about 30 flashes it restarts and says it can not load the android system.

Here is a clip of the issue: https://imgur.com/a/R95SnM0

I'm honestly not worried about the phone itself, but am looking for a way to save my photos and other possible data before wiping and/or sending in for replacement. My father recently passed away and my last pictures of us are on there as well as pictures from my engagement overseas etc. Pictures NOT backed up on google photos.

Though I do have USB debugging turned on, the bootloader is locked on this phone, so I can not get into ADB recovery mode to pull my data off the phone. I can only get into ADB sideload and ADB fastboot which of course don't allow me to push/pull. I did sideload the newest version of tainmen to no avail.

My thought was to see if it was possible to remove the 64GB UFS memory chip which is soldered on the logic board and to solder it to an identical logic board I will purchase which already has the bootloader unlocked, then with the phone back together I can use ADB recovery mode to pull my data off the phone.

I have a local mobile repair tech who does micro soldering but I'm not sure this is even feasible, I have 2 major worries: A: The bootloader is stored in the memory chip and not the RAM hence will just transplant my problem from one logic board to another and B: Does the memory chip have anything that ties it specifically to my logic board

I know I'm grasping at straws but I appreciate any info or help that I can get. If someone actually solves this I WILL pay for their help. Thank you if you made it this far reading! Stay safe everyone!
Re: URGENT: Please help. Phone stuck in bootloop and need to save important data.

Do you have backup set to Google drive? Your pictures should all be there assuming you have a Google account.
Re: URGENT: Please help. Phone stuck in bootloop and need to save important data.

Do you have backup set to Google drive? Your pictures should all be there assuming you have a Google account.

He said he didn't have Google Photos backup enabled.

Pictures NOT backed up on google photos.

(is there a way to automatically backup photos on an Android phone with the Google Drive app, not the Google Photos app?)
Re: URGENT: Please help. Phone stuck in bootloop and need to save important data.

He said he didn't have Google Photos backup enabled.

Whoops, I missed that and assumed that everybody backed up using something. I guess he's screwed.
Re: URGENT: Please help. Phone stuck in bootloop and need to save important data.

At this point, you may just have to look into data recovery specialists, which can be pretty expensive (in the hundreds of dollars), but it might be worth it. Sorry!
Re: URGENT: Please help. Phone stuck in bootloop and need to save important data.


Apparently, Google finally addressed the situation and in their August OTA they fixed the issue. What's funny is I sideloaded each months OTA in hopes of it working and I stopped at August for no good reason. I just loaded it after hours of trying other things and it worked like normal. Almost teared up lol. Thank God I didn't wipe my data. This originally happened in April and I have been holding off in hopes of a fix. Thank you all!
Re: URGENT: Please help. Phone stuck in bootloop and need to save important data.

I'm glad it works now -- but how did you install the August update if the phone was stuck in a loop? Did you do it in the Recovery Menu?
Re: URGENT: Please help. Phone stuck in bootloop and need to save important data.


Apparently, Google finally addressed the situation and in their August OTA they fixed the issue. What's funny is I sideloaded each months OTA in hopes of it working and I stopped at August for no good reason. I just loaded it after hours of trying other things and it worked like normal. Almost teared up lol. Thank God I didn't wipe my data. This originally happened in April and I have been holding off in hopes of a fix. Thank you all!
[Marked the thread solved]

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