Verizon Galaxy Nexus or S4--new to Android, have dilemma, please share thoughts/opinions


May 16, 2013
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New to the forums and Android, but long time follower of the mobile device scene.

Here is my dilemma: I am Verizon user (can't switch) but am fortunately "grandfather in" to a $30 unlimited data plan. I want a Nexus/stock Android experience. Should I...

1) Buy a Galaxy Nexus off eBay for about $150. This would allow me have a Nexus device (though I'm aware of Verizon's limitations on software updates) and allow me to keep my unlimited data. I do relaize this phone is getting a little outdated, but maybe it would carry me over until the fall or winter when perhaps Verizon would get the Nexus 5 or "X phone."

2) Use my upgrade to the S4 when it's available, and plan to root it and run stock Android. I would loose my unlimited data, and I'm also not sure how likely it will be that I can easily root. The announcement of the S4 Google Edition might make the root process and getting stock Android on the device easier, although that phone is for AT&T and T-Mobile, so it might be too different anyway.

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2011
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wow, you would consider getting rid of a $30 unlimited data plan....
I think the cheapest reasonable data plan you can get is about $70... at $40 more a month, thats almost $500 a year, a little more then that buys the google edition S4 out right...

just my thought


May 16, 2013
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Much appreciated. The loss of data plan has me leaning toward the Galaxy Nexus. I would love a Google Edition S4, but Verizon apparently wants no part of it (or Google no part of Verizon, perhaps).


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
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Much appreciated. The loss of data plan has me leaning toward the Galaxy Nexus. I would love a Google Edition S4, but Verizon apparently wants no part of it (or Google no part of Verizon, perhaps).

Google bought Motorola which was strictly Verizon so I think they do want some part haha. Not that this helps your situation at all but I'd suggest being leery of the problems w/ the Nexus since upgrading to 4.2.2. I seems people have been having a ton of issues and I have seen them first hand. It is going to become my phone in a week and some change so I'll see it even more when that happens. Hopefully there's some fixes.


May 16, 2013
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Google bought Motorola which was strictly Verizon so I think they do want some part haha. Not that this helps your situation at all but I'd suggest being leery of the problems w/ the Nexus since upgrading to 4.2.2. I seems people have been having a ton of issues and I have seen them first hand. It is going to become my phone in a week and some change so I'll see it even more when that happens. Hopefully there's some fixes.

I realize there is a whole forum dedicated to this, but any major/persistent problems that come to mind? Since I'm only now considering the Nexus for the first time, I haven't been following along, so to speak. Thanks.

Edit: Just meant to copy that part about the problems with 4.2.2.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
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I realize there is a whole forum dedicated to this, but any major/persistent problems that come to mind? Since I'm only now considering the Nexus for the first time, I haven't been following along, so to speak. Thanks.

Edit: Just meant to copy that part about the problems with 4.2.2.

Battery drains and radio issues also that are apparently hardware problems. Apparently there's some good phones out there but you might just have to return it a couple of times to get it.


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Dec 11, 2011
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Yeah, don't dump your unlimited data. My wife is an iJunky, and just HAD to have the iPhone 5. We pay $20 more a month and she gets data limit messages every month.

Sent from my wireless telephonic device.


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Mar 7, 2011
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dhhoffm, you didn't mention what phone you currently have, but I think you should also consider a 3rd option of holding on to what you have and waiting to see what Nexus 5 or X Phone may be like.

Of your 2 choices, I would lean toward the Galaxy Nexus. However, as someone has already mentioned, it's not that good in terms of radios and battery. I can live with it, as I live in a pretty strong signal area so I'm usually (but not always) fine and I charge whenever I can, but you'll have to decide for yourself. Depending on what your current device is and your location (signal-wise), the Galaxy Nexus's shortcomings may be unacceptable or ok or even better than what you currently have. If your current device isn't too bad and you can live with it for a few more months, I would at least consider waiting.

I suppose you can get a Galaxy Nexus and if you don't like it you can switch back to what you're currently using. You may be able to recoup a good part of the $150 back by reselling it.


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Jul 7, 2010
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I'm on a nexus now and its not bad but not the best neither but no way in hell would I dump my unltd data for anything

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


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Sep 3, 2011
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Do not leave that unlimited plan ever. Verizon is moving to VoLTE, so all voice calls will use data as well.

If you MUST have Nexus, I'd buy a Verizon S4 full price and put the GE S4 ROM on it.

The Galaxy Nexus has terrible signal strength. Absolutely terrible.


May 16, 2013
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Everyone: thank you for the input. I just ordered a Galaxy Nexus off of eBay for $160, which comes with a 14 day full return period, so if the radios and battery are really that bad, I'll return and be no worse off. I live in NYC, so I'm thinking the radios shouldn't be a huge issue.

For background, my daily phone right now is a BlackBerry Bold 9650 (I know, insane). I was a die-hard BlackBerry guy holding out for BB10, but now that it's here, I'm just not that impressed. Just can't deal with the lack of apps any longer, and Google seems to be innovating in so many ways.

I will hold on to by unlimited data plan as long as possible, and I look forward to my Galaxay Nexus arriving on Monday. Thanks for all the help.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2010
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Glad you made s decision but you may have been able to find one on swappa a little cheaper but let us know what you think of it

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


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Dec 19, 2011
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Honestly, I hear people afraid about not wanting to lose their unlimited data.. and find out they only use like 1.5 - 2 gigs a month anyways. I got the Verizon 4 Gig plan when they had it at the 2 GB price.. I still have to watch myself to make sure I don't go over the limit, but for most people.. they don't get close to 4 GB.

I know you already bought the phone.. I wouldn't have recommended this phone.. if anything.. I would have got a used GS3 or Razr HD.


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Sep 18, 2011
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GNex, unlimited...I have both.
After the 4.2 update, it was running poorly. On advice from some folks here, I backed up my media and did a factory reset. It's now running as good as ever. I drive all over the country, and I don't have much problem with signals.

As to the data, I'm on the road three weeks a month, and I use my phone for everything. I average around 25 gb a month, and my wife at home does about 5. What good is a modern, capable smartphone, if your data is limited? It's like having the fastest, coolest car ever, and only having a one gallon gas tank. Verizon is screwing you on tiered data.

You made a wise choice. I just picked up an extra, used GNex as backup, to make sure we can make it until a Nexus or Google experience phone makes it back to Verizon. I don't want to root, and I don't want manufacturer software. I love vanilla!

Sent from the (4.2 updated) redheaded stepchild of the Nexii


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Oct 27, 2011
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The average amount of data used by people is, and will continue to go up... everything is becoming higher def and using the cloud more and more...
although I could get by with maybe 2Gb now (if I was really careful and used wifi) that will not be the case in the near future... hence why I would not recommend most people to give up their unlimited data...
just an example... try streaming netflix for your kids while on a road trip and see how much data you burn through in a day...
Verizon is smart enough to know this, thats why they are pushing it so hard... not to just make the money now, but in the next few years as data usage continues to increase..


May 16, 2013
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Thanks for the continued thoughts...Just wanted to post back to say that I've been using the Galaxy Nexus for about 5 days now. Absolutely love it. If I wasn't able to be near a charger most of the day, battery life (with the stock battery) might be a deal breaker, but I can charge often. It's obviously far ahead of my BB Bold (my previous phone), but I also am liking Android more than iOS on my iPad. I will say that I miss the detailed notification preferences (and beside mode) from my BB (which I know can be replicated to some extent through apps), but otherwise very happy with the move. Won't be returning it. For me, the integration with Google products (including Google Now) is the strongest feature.

As for data, I agree with dcastillo that at the moment I'm probably not taking full advantage of my unlimited data plan and could get by with less, but even a 2gb data plan costs more than my unlimited data plan now ($30 a month, and with my corporate discount it is down to $23), and I will only be using more data in the future. So for me, it makes sense to hang on to that plan for as long as possible, even if it means not upgrading right away or having to buy phones at full price.
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Keyboard Warrior
Mar 21, 2010
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Never get rid of your unlimited data plan if you don't have to.

Buy a RAZR M instead. It's only a little more than the Galaxy Nexus (about $200) on eBay. Faster processor and much better battery life. That's what I plan on doing soon. I've had an upgrade since March and I'd love to snag a GS4 on contract but it's not worth losing unlimited data.


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Sep 18, 2011
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Or you could hit up Shop Android, like I did, and grab a Seidio 3800 extended battery and a Surface case. It really made this an all day phone. And if you don't need NFC, they have one without that's slightly less, around $58 I believe.

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