Verizon insurance has no Pixels in stock to replace my defective unit - yikes!


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
Seems like even those of us who have been lucky to get the Pixel over the past few months are not immune from the (unacceptable) inventory/distribution issues plaguing the Pixel.

I have been experiencing the battery drain-death problem reported by some with my 128GB Pixel. Basically, at or around 30%, my battery drains to 0% and dies within seconds.

After failing to troubleshoot the problem with Google Support, I contacted Verizon which transferred me to the insurance provider Asurion. I have the $11.00/month insurance plan.

But Asurion does not have my phone in stock and, despite initially quoting me a 3-7 business day backorder, they actually do not have an estimate as to when it will arrive. The first-in-line representative told me that I couldn't even get a comparable replacement; ultimately, after complaining about how ridiculous that was, a supervisor said she could only offer me the 128GB iPhone 7. There's no "interim replacement"; it would be a permanent solution and leave me with an iPhone until the 24mo deal with Verizon is up. She blamed Google's distribution problems on her inability to provide a replacement Pixel.

Not only is the battery drain issue troubling (as well as Google's slowness to address the issue with some batches of Pixel phones), but the inventory issues are just troubling. I always, always, always give Google the benefit of the doubt, even when I've been angry with glitchy Nexus phones and/or customer service problems in the past. But this one seems especially unacceptable. I understand Asurion and am aware of their issues, but even Google support told me it would take upwards of 15-30 days for them to get me a new phone; and with Google support, I'd have to send back my phone without a replacement until they shipped me one. Yikes.

Anyone else experienced similar issues with some insight? I really don't want an iPhone.
Yes sir, I had a much similar issue. I dropped and cracked the top right corner of my 2 month old Pixel on Feb. 17... I started a claim with Asurion that day and was informed that they (nor anyone else) had ANY Pixels in stock. They were also out of stock of the Pixel XL. She said it would likely be from 5 to 10 days before any would come in, but they'd ship it to me as soon as it did. What can you say? I half hearted said that would have to do, I reckon. The Asurion Rep. then asked me to hold for a second and she promptly returned saying that she was unsatisfied with having nothing to offer me and being unable to fill their "ship your phone to you by the next day" policy, told me she would like to upgrade me to the Pixel XL 128GB for the trouble I was experiencing, and would that be okay? Ummmmm ... Why yes, yes ma'am, it Surely WOULD be just fine with Me - I told her...! I did have to wait for 3 weeks for the replacement device, but that was just fine as well, because my damaged Pixel still worked normally. So, yes, similar circumstances, but Wildly different ending result!? I'm telling you, I'd be damn fighting Mad if I were you. I have, in the past, had somewhat similar circumstances to yours now and I just Never would accept it. Kept calling them back suggesting different things, til they finally knew they weren't getting rid of me that easily, and I ended up with 2 Moto X's..(1st Gen).
This is what I would do if I were you- #1 - Go ahead and put it in your head that you are NOT going to be accepting this as Their Final Answer. Then give them a call back and tell them you have been very concerned about their treatment of you and you had visited Several websites and forums, to search for similar circumstances and different outcomes of other people's experiences. And Now, you're Really not happy. Say that you saw all over that the Pixel and the Pixel XL had been mostly out of stock everywhere, but that other customers were told that as soon as one would come in, they would be shipped out in the order of claims/ requests. You Tell them that if you had Wanted a dadgum iPhone, u woulda freakin bought one! And that is not acceptable. There are several suggestions you could make to them, depending on your preference. Such as- a swap for another phone you are very interested in (if there is one), you could always get the LGG6 or some other flagship. But tell them that them offering you last year's model iPhone is plain belittling... And IF they are going to offer you a whole other device, it WILL be comparable, in specs, and newness and price. As in LGG6, S8, Moto Z, whatever You decide you could live with. And IF that happens to be an iOS device- it WILL be the iPhone8. Remind them just HOW MUCH the Pixel was, not to mention How Long your contract is, and that you Aren't going to pay for a device you are not satisfied with... End of discussion. If you are not satisfied with the Representative's attitude, or you Aren't getting anywhere with that particular one, ask to be transferred to a Supervisor. Which actually I think I would do 1st thing when you call back.
I sure hope this helps, and I certainly hope that they change their their tune and come to their senses! Just don't accept anything under what you think is right and tell them ever how long you've been with Asurion and you don't pay the highest amount of insurance Every Month to be taken advantage of. Special circumstance calls for special action. Good Luck to you!
Take the iPhone and sell it on swappa. They go for a small fortune over there especially if it's mint condition
I had an issue with my wife's Pixel (32GB, silver) that was purchased for Verizon from Best Buy with no added insurance from Verizon or Google or Best Buy. Best Buy wouldn't help but Google came through and replaced it with a new unit.
Seems like even those of us who have been lucky to get the Pixel over the past few months are not immune from the (unacceptable) inventory/distribution issues plaguing the Pixel.

I have been experiencing the battery drain-death problem reported by some with my 128GB Pixel. Basically, at or around 30%, my battery drains to 0% and dies within seconds.

After failing to troubleshoot the problem with Google Support, I contacted Verizon which transferred me to the insurance provider Asurion. I have the $11.00/month insurance plan.

But Asurion does not have my phone in stock and, despite initially quoting me a 3-7 business day backorder, they actually do not have an estimate as to when it will arrive. The first-in-line representative told me that I couldn't even get a comparable replacement; ultimately, after complaining about how ridiculous that was, a supervisor said she could only offer me the 128GB iPhone 7. There's no "interim replacement"; it would be a permanent solution and leave me with an iPhone until the 24mo deal with Verizon is up. She blamed Google's distribution problems on her inability to provide a replacement Pixel.

Not only is the battery drain issue troubling (as well as Google's slowness to address the issue with some batches of Pixel phones), but the inventory issues are just troubling. I always, always, always give Google the benefit of the doubt, even when I've been angry with glitchy Nexus phones and/or customer service problems in the past. But this one seems especially unacceptable. I understand Asurion and am aware of their issues, but even Google support told me it would take upwards of 15-30 days for them to get me a new phone; and with Google support, I'd have to send back my phone without a replacement until they shipped me one. Yikes.

Anyone else experienced similar issues with some insight? I really don't want an iPhone.

Wow that sucks I'm sorry. I'd cancel the insurance.
Thanks so much everyone for your responses. @iseeangelsMickey, thanks so much for your passionate post; it inspired me to call back and demand a replacement. They attempted to transfer me to Asurion and I aggressively noted that this was outrageous and demanded a new phone. They ended up overnighting a new Pixel through the Warranty Department. So glad that this nightmare is finally over.
I am sincerely glad that u decided not to take No for an answer...! Always remember, these cats work for US! We pay good money and deserve to be satisfied. I'm so happy everything worked out for you!
Question for all of you dropping and cracking or breaking screens why not go get it replaced very easy and about the same price if not cheaper at a local repair shop and save your claims for actual loss or theft etc.... seems a lot easier and less trou blesome
Thanks so much everyone for your responses. @iseeangelsMickey, thanks so much for your passionate post; it inspired me to call back and demand a replacement. They attempted to transfer me to Asurion and I aggressively noted that this was outrageous and demanded a new phone. They ended up overnighting a new Pixel through the Warranty Department. So glad that this nightmare is finally over.

Actually, if there wasn't any physical damage or liquid damage, you should never have been transferred to Asurion in the first place; that would be a warranty replacement issue.

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