Very narrow video Camera angle since Jelly Bean upgrade on Galaxy S2


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Aug 26, 2013
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After updating to Jelly Bean my Samsung Galaxy S2 has a very narrow video angle. The still camera is ok but Video frame is like quarter size of the still photo frame.
So everything is like zoomed in (enlarged) so you actually need to be quite far from your object in order to record any video.
I checked all the options, there is no special effect or zoom set up, reset all the settings.

I am really surprised I could't find the issue online as my wife has the same phone and the same thing happened to her.

Not sure how to fix it as this is native Galaxy app. I know I can download alternative apps (btw. they work correct so it is software, not hardware issue) but the original app is quite intuitive and ad free and besides, there is surely something wrong with it so it needs fixing somehow.
Thanks for any tips or help.


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Aug 31, 2013
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I've been looking for issues similar online and haven't had much success but I have also noticed that since my official JB update the camera on my SGS2 has been pretty rubbish compared to previously. I have the same issue with video mode, it looks zoomed in and the picture quality appears lower even while set to max and all settings tweaked. As for stills, there is also a noticeable difference, before I was able to take photos that looked good without fiddling too much at all and onscreen they looked HD bu now it feels like most could hav been taken with my old sony eric c510. There's just something not right about it now. In fact I rarely post photos from my phone now because the changes have been so noticeable.

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