[Video Tutorial] How To Properly Root Your Inspire 4G


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2011
The HTC Inspire 4G is the first Android phone I've ever owned, and this is my first phone I've ever rooted and have installed a custom ROM on it.

I followed this video: YouTube - Unleashing the HTC Inspire 4G [Root, Unlock, S-OFF] to root my phone with absolutely no problem.

When rooting, make sure you type MMC0 when using the adb shell /sys/.... command on the CMD window! Don't do the same mistake I did by using MMC2!

You can also follow this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUUo9EMlT5Y to install a custom ROM on your phone!

Happy Rooting!

PS - I would also like to add that after rooting and installing a custom ROM, I'm getting the follow upload and download speeds:
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awesome because I am so lost. can it be done on OSX?

That I don't know. I would head over to Android & Windows Phone: Tablets, Apps, & ROMs @ xda-developers and dig through the development secion for the Inspire. The answer will be there. I'm on Windows so I don't want to say one way of the other and be wrong.

From what I've seen so far, rooting is a lot to absorb and I won't lie, I was really nervous doing it to my new phone but the upside is that you can remove all the crappy bloatware off of it and install custom ROM's. The community over there (and here for that matter) is really helpful so if you get stuck or have an issue they can sort it out rather quickly. I know this from experience. :p I tried rooting friday night and I couldn't get it to work but they got me back up and running. Good luck.
cool i am really iphone savy but i'm new to android. i guess ill wait for the one click method any eta on the date it will come out?
so whenever I type the first line in on the command window it says error device not found. and my computer says that it cant find the driver software
I somehow made my goldcard on a mac with these instructions, but the rest has just lost me. I need somebody to do an OSX video!
dang mine just keeps saying "device not found" after i do the first step in the command window. any suggestions??
okay so i got past that and now im stuck at the cmd window where you navigate to the place where your files are, I have mine on the computer hard drive and I got C:/ Inspire root but when i type in the hackerize-ace setup-downgrade comand it says device not found...again...
Is usb debugging on? Settings/applications/development.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
yes it is and i downloaded htc sync to my computer so the drivers are all there too, its just in the command window that it says "device not found"

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