What happened to my Nexus???


May 4, 2011
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So, a week or more ago I was browsing the web on my couch on the Nexus and apparently drained the battery to 0. The phone shut off and I put it on the charger. I waited 30-45 minutes and was going to send a text or something.

I don't remember if I actually powered it back on, or if it had already done so itself, but when I looked at the screen it was like the very first time I booted it up when I bought it at bestbuy. The little android dude was there saying "touch to start" and then it was trying to prompt me to set up my gmail account on the phone. Again, like when you very first start up the phone.

Of course I couldnt' remember my gmail address or password since I dont' use it for anything. I tried like 20 times and finally found an option to "set up later" or something to that effect. When I picked that option, it proceeded to finally boot up the regular OS, but eveything was all effed up and has been ever since.

I was running Go Launcher, and have pandora and several other widgets set up. Before the OS was even completely loaded, I was bombarded with all sorts of errors and force close prompts. The phone was basically unusable for a minute. After force closing tons of stuff, I was finally able to get to the stock launcher and things settled down for a minute. However, everything was wacky.

The launcher was still set up how I had it, but 90% of my downloaded apps now will not work. They give an error and prompt force close immediately after selecting. There were a random few that still worked, but all my default settings were changed and they were doing weird things. I can get into the market and am apparently logged in as my Gmail account. I can access the gmail email app and I am logged in. I finally realized that if I go in and uninstall an app and then reinstall immediately it will then work fine. Otherwise, immediate force close.

And maybe it is just placebo, but overall the phone has been running kinda, well just werid...I have fancy widgets weather app, and sometimes all the weather and location data is just gone and only the clock is there. Some apps that I can actually run keep opening up like it is the first time I have run them. If I reboot, certain apps revert back to default settings that I have changed. Weatherbug for example keeps putting weather from KC in the notification bar. I go select minneapolis and turn off the notification, but if I reboot sure enough Kansas citys weather is up in my notification bar. It just seems kinda buggy.

So, I know that was a long rambling post, but I am really starting to get annoyed with this phone. I do not want to go and uninstall and reinstall over 50 apps and still have a buggy phone. Does anyone have any idea what may have happened or how I would be able to get back to how it was before? Please let me now. Thanks,


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Jun 21, 2010
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So, a week or more ago I was browsing the web on my couch on the Nexus and apparently drained the battery to 0. The phone shut off and I put it on the charger. I waited 30-45 minutes and was going to send a text or something.

I don't remember if I actually powered it back on, or if it had already done so itself, but when I looked at the screen it was like the very first time I booted it up when I bought it at bestbuy. The little android dude was there saying "touch to start" and then it was trying to prompt me to set up my gmail account on the phone. Again, like when you very first start up the phone.

Of course I couldnt' remember my gmail address or password since I dont' use it for anything. I tried like 20 times and finally found an option to "set up later" or something to that effect. When I picked that option, it proceeded to finally boot up the regular OS, but eveything was all effed up and has been ever since.

I was running Go Launcher, and have pandora and several other widgets set up. Before the OS was even completely loaded, I was bombarded with all sorts of errors and force close prompts. The phone was basically unusable for a minute. After force closing tons of stuff, I was finally able to get to the stock launcher and things settled down for a minute. However, everything was wacky.

The launcher was still set up how I had it, but 90% of my downloaded apps now will not work. They give an error and prompt force close immediately after selecting. There were a random few that still worked, but all my default settings were changed and they were doing weird things. I can get into the market and am apparently logged in as my Gmail account. I can access the gmail email app and I am logged in. I finally realized that if I go in and uninstall an app and then reinstall immediately it will then work fine. Otherwise, immediate force close.

And maybe it is just placebo, but overall the phone has been running kinda, well just werid...I have fancy widgets weather app, and sometimes all the weather and location data is just gone and only the clock is there. Some apps that I can actually run keep opening up like it is the first time I have run them. If I reboot, certain apps revert back to default settings that I have changed. Weatherbug for example keeps putting weather from KC in the notification bar. I go select minneapolis and turn off the notification, but if I reboot sure enough Kansas citys weather is up in my notification bar. It just seems kinda buggy.

So, I know that was a long rambling post, but I am really starting to get annoyed with this phone. I do not want to go and uninstall and reinstall over 50 apps and still have a buggy phone. Does anyone have any idea what may have happened or how I would be able to get back to how it was before? Please let me now. Thanks,
It really sounds like something that was downloaded triggered something in the phone. My honest opinion would be to simply do a hard reset and start over again, because even though you already did this, its still in there obviously.

It sucks that you have to reisntall everything again, but if you go to settings, accounts there is an option to allow Google to back up all your apps, so once you hard reset, log in again the phone will ask you if you will aloow google to restore any apps, simply leave that checked and you should be good to go! Now going forward i would HIGHLY recommend to root and get Titanium Backup Pro. I have mine set to it will auto back up once a week by itself incase i have a new app that i foget to backup or if there's an update.

Hope this helps and dont get fustrated, your Nexus is a good phone its just acting up due to something that was installed or it didnt like something.:p

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