Question When should we charge and discharge our phones?


Active member
Sep 13, 2024
I am confused about the correct way to charge phone. Google says we should charge at 20% and discharge at 80%. We should not charge at 100%.

My dad charges his phone at 60s% and discharges at 100%. His 4.5 year old phone is running smooth.

I cannot check my phone everytime and wait when it reaches a particular percentage and then discharge.

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
There's been a lot written about this, and it's a common discussion here. Battery experts will tell you that if you want to prolong the battery's lifespan as much as possible, it should ideally be kept in the 40-80% range. But the difference between doing this and keeping it in the 20-100% range probably doesn't. matter to the average user, since most people will upgrade their phones within 3-4 years. I typically charge my phone up to 100% overnight, and will make sure it doesn't drop much under 30%, and I've never had any noticeable drop in battery capacity over about 3 years. If you do the 40-80% pattern, that might add a few years to the battery's useful life (like maybe 7-8 years instead of 4-5 years), but from a real world standpoint, it's not very feasible.

I recommend just making sure it doesn't drop too low (i.e., charge it when it gets <30%), and don't worry about charging up to 100%.


Active member
Sep 13, 2024
There's been a lot written about this, and it's a common discussion here. Battery experts will tell you that if you want to prolong the battery's lifespan as much as possible, it should ideally be kept in the 40-80% range. But the difference between doing this and keeping it in the 20-100% range probably doesn't. matter to the average user, since most people will upgrade their phones within 3-4 years. I typically charge my phone up to 100% overnight, and will make sure it doesn't drop much under 30%, and I've never had any noticeable drop in battery capacity over about 3 years. If you do the 40-80% pattern, that might add a few years to the battery's useful life (like maybe 7-8 years instead of 4-5 years), but from a real world standpoint, it's not very feasible.

I recommend just making sure it doesn't drop too low (i.e., charge it when it gets <30%), and don't worry about charging up to 100%.
Okay. How frequently should we charge our phoje in a day?


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2011
I agree as well. I charge my phone every night. Unplug it or take it off the wireless charger every morning at 100% and use it throughout the day.

Only if I used it heavily - lots of Teams meetings or taking a lot of construction photos (around 200 to 500 photos within an hour) -could it run low early and I might charge up in the car on the way back to the office or home.

No issues. I've kept phones regularly 3 to 4 years. One was less than 2 years, but only because of a drop that took out the screen.

My advice - like B. Diddy - charge it all the way, use it as you would throughout the day, and back on the charger at night. Just don't let it get too low - about 30 to 20. The battery can handle the occasional full discharge, I mean, they are manufactured to expect that once in a while.

Life is too short to obsess about holding within a certain percentage range. I've got enough obsessions to worry about already.
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