Why can't my custom ROM access the internet through TOR?


AC Question

I did this:
<search "mission impossible, hardening android securoty" and you'll find the thing im on about. But my post count isb't high enough to post links yet. :( >
Or at least I thought i did. I used a Nexus 7 (2012), and a laptop running TAILS. Everything worked fine until I booted my table with its finished custom ROM and tried to access the internet. Orbot says that it has connected to the TOR network, and I know for a fact my ISP doesn't block TOR, so why when I launch (via the 'check browser' button in orbot or otherwise) either
Browser or Orweb (which I uninstalled to check if it was interfereing in tor scripts or something, but that made no difference) do I get this message:


There is even a little icon in the top left corner of the screen to indicate that orbot is running correctly, and the orbot UI will tell me that everything is running fine and will even give me the specifics of the circuit it is using. That's it. I have tried various configurations of permissions in droidwall and nothing seems to work?! help please... thanks

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