Hey quick question are u still happy with the s23 ultra I have it to and I'm currently trying to decide if I would wait and trade it in for s24 ultra, sell for money to by a iphone 15 plus, or return it for a pixel 8 pro. And if I went pixel would I get good trade in for the s24 ultra when pre orders start?
I'm absolutely happy with it. I don't use the cameras as much as I used to on smartphones. Even on my recent vacation to Punta Cana with my Pixel 7 pro, I didn't use it as much as I thought I would. It still took some amazing pictures, but I'm confident that the S23 ultra would have been just as good.
It is hard to say how much the trade in for it will be toward an S24 ultra. The trade in amounts have seemed to vary. My gut tells me that the there will be promotions for pre-orders on the S24. And there will be some good carrier deals. I'm pretty much out of the smartphone buying game. I have no reason to trade in my S23 ultra any time soon.
I'm an android guy so there's no reason I'd consider an iPhone unless it was the Pro Max. But like I said it would take a lot of work for me to switch ecosystems. And pretty costly even if it was something I wanted or needed to do.
Hope you're able to make a good decision. I would encourage you to try and find something you really like and learn to be content with it. Most of us will likely never be 100% satisfied with our tech because there's not a perfect device out there. And because our wants and needs do change over time.
I wish sometimes I could be happy or satisfied with an iPhone and keep it for 3+ years. Instead I find myself looking at the new shiny Android phones and think of ways that would make me happy instead of learning to love the phone I have. At least with Samsung, there are a ton of features to mess around with. I get bored very quickly using an iPhone.