Why do people think HTC has good build quality?


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Nov 7, 2009
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I came from the original Droid and have noticed that im having more problems with my Thunderbolt than my droid.

I have had the following problems:

I have multiple scratches on my screen. I never once had a single scratch on my original Droid after owning it for 2 years and not using a case.

The speaker grill on the top of the phone is "flaking", for lack of a better word. It looks like the chrome is like rubbing off or something.

The black area right beneath the menu keys on the bottom of the phone is chipping away.

The kickstand is also scratched up and barely pealing on the back.

Is it just me or does anyone else's phone look likes it been beat up more than it should? Im not a big case user, but im thinking about buying one, mainly to protect the screen. I just never thought about it because I never had problems with my old Droid.

Sounds like your name should be BAM BAM.. kidding but this isn't exactly a plastic phone. Use daily as I did my OG DROID, this looks like new.
I have a screen protector on it as I did with my OG DROID, Gorilla glass or not I just implement prevention where ever I can


Jan 24, 2011
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Thats funny i've never heard of a Glass screen getting scratched, hmm back pocket? Wonder why its scratched sitting on something Glass doesn't seem like a good idea. Thats just me I guess.

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Jan 30, 2011
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Mine has been great, just the light leak. But I did the silicon fix an is all good. I even drop it once I did have the shell holster combo from Verizon, which sucks by the way. Anyways i drop it the case went flying in one direction and the phone in the other. The case had a dent in it, but the phone had NOTHING. I was sure it would have something. So now i use a TPU case from ebay which look great.


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Jan 26, 2011
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I have some chips on the corners. Because I dropped the damn thing on cement. That Thunderbolt has one hard head lemme tell ya ;)

A case solved this problem.

Otherwise, no isuses here.


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Dec 24, 2009
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Why do folks blame build quality when "they" scratch their screens?

I'm confused.

As for a nostalgic look at the past with the OG Droid, I do recall dust under the screens being an issue....


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2011
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Why do folks blame build quality when "they" scratch their screens?

I'm confused.

As for a nostalgic look at the past with the OG Droid, I do recall dust under the screens being an issue....

That's a good question.

Although the kickstand peeling and creaking battery doors is a while different issue. My phone, which looks brand new outside of the kickstand, has both of these issues. It's unacceptable if you ask me.


Mar 16, 2011
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Because they apparently confuse a $600 smartphone for a tank.

I wonder if they'd complain about the valve adjustments a Ferrari needs if they bought one of those? I can see it. *Damn Ferrari...For $213,000.00 you figure they could have made one that didn't require the valve adjustments every 5000 miles...*

Balthazar B

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Nov 14, 2010
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The TB doesn't use Gorilla Glass, so it's possible you'll see scratching that you wouldn't see on a phone like the DX which is equipped with GG, regardless of whether HTC represents that their glass is "just as good".


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Mar 10, 2011
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No matter the manufacturor, no matter how new or old, I *always* recommend that if you have a touch screen phone to get a screen protector. Period. Over time, the oils on your fingertips can and will break down a touch screen. Yes, it will break down the screen protector over time as well, but by the time it does, you are ready for an upgrade anyway, so who cares? Can't put it on? Take the screen protectors and your phone to a VZW retail store... they will happily help.

Point is, if you are dropping $250=$570 on something that is breakable, then wouldn't protection, both physical and financial (insurance), just make sense? Debate all you want which manufacturer has better build quality, and I will still be shaking my head that you are not protecting an expensive investment, regardless of build quality.

Yes, I would even put a screen protector on a Casio G'zOne Commando.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2011
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Thats funny i've never heard of a Glass screen getting scratched, hmm back pocket? Wonder why its scratched sitting on something Glass doesn't seem like a good idea. Thats just me I guess.

This sarcastic comment was brought to you by the stop bashing companies for what you do to your device foundation. LLC

Did you read my post and did you read where I said I take good care of my phones and dont know how it scratched?

Im not bashing the company. The screen got scratched. Its never happened to me before.


Apr 28, 2011
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I too am coming to the Thunderbolt from the Moto Droid. My droid had a case and screen protectors from day one. The case was the case/holster combo from Verizon and I loved it. It was rather ugly, but held up well. My daily tasks take me from inside office work to construction sites to siting on the tractor in the evenings. The phone has a few scratches on the case and none on the screen. I don't baby my phone, but it is not abused. It cost too much and I'm too dependant on it. I've had my Thunderbolt for about 2 weeks and it has had the case/holder combo and screen protectors on it since day 1. I have no issues with the kickstand or any other component yet. The phone has a more "plasticy" feel than my Droid, but still a solid build. I am happy with it so far.


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Jan 29, 2011
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Sometimes I wonder if the paint chipping and fading has to do with the lotions or potions some use. I generally use nothing...no lotion or perfume...and have not had a phone fade or chip.

Maybe some are using harsh chemicals on themselves or for cleaning their phone?

Off topic note: Never lend your phone to a woman, when they give it back the screen is covered with makeup. I had rouge on my right cheek for an hour once before someone pointed it out to me. :D


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
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I have multiple scratches on my screen. I never once had a single scratch on my original Droid after owning it for 2 years and not using a case.
I'm sorry, but i have to say this. You have not had the OG droid for 2 years. It's only been out for a year and a half now, give or take a few weeks. So with that said, your exaggeration there leaves me less inclined to believe any of your other claims about how your phone is falling apart as you claim.

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