Why do you hate Sense?


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Jan 13, 2010
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It would be nice if you could compare Sense to anything else but you cant!!! Sense is the best UI and a very close 2nd would be MIUI, all the other UI's out there are irrelevant


Aug 19, 2010
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Have you noticed that a large percentage of the ROMs, widgets, and customization options blogged about, discussed, or generally promoted on this site and in the forums have one thing in common? That's right, they are all attempting to make your stock Android system look like Sense.

As an average, run-of-the-mill, heavy end-user, traveling professional, my Android phone with HTC Sense has made life easier in many ways. And mind you, I am still rockin' my (original) Droid Incredible (oh yes he did!).


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Mar 24, 2012
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it's unnecessary. android has progressed to a point that it doesn't need "enhancing," not to mention that skins usually delay android updates. also, HTC can largely stand on their design and build quality in terms of differentiation.


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Jan 3, 2010
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Hate is a strong word. There were only a few things that I didn't like about Sense:

- the inability to customize the static bottom of the launcher, I guess we'll call it a dock. My Sense phone had a physical phone button, so a software button for the dialer was a waste of space, and there was no way to put anything else there. I understand that this is now fixed...

- I never particularly liked Peep at all, but that was easily ignored

- the custom Sense email app on eclair was buggy. I am guessing that was fixed long ago.

- the launcher was a little laggy on things like screen transitions, etc.

- Sense on 2.1 anyway would put up a blown up photo of the contact record of the caller that was always terribly pixelated

- I didn't like that event reminders would put a "snooze" button on the lock screen that was located just where my thumb would go when I pulled the phone from my pocket. I also didn't like the fact that the calendar event would remind me every 5 minutes if I didn't clear a notification, which became old really fast when I was driving to a meeting 45 minutes away with the notification tone going off every 5 minutes

There were a lot of things that I really, really liked about Sense, though:

- the toggle widgets, particularly one for data

- the notification badges for messages, emails, missed phone calls, etc.

- it's hard not to like the weather widget

- I always preferred the Sense dialer to stock Android's

As you may be able to tell, my experience with Sense goes back to eclair and cupcake. I decided to avoid an HTC handset when I upgraded not because of Sense, but for other reasons. If HTC made a phone that held a weak signal as well as Moto phones do, and had better battery life, I might have a Sense phone right now.


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Oct 20, 2010
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It's funny how so many comments are about battery sucking widgets like FriendStream...um, if you don't use it - drag it to the trash and it won't be running. Also agree with the comment above about people buying phones with Sense and then ing about it. If you hate the UI - then buy something without it - there are plenty of other options.

My only issue with sense and I'm not honestly sure it's a sense issue, is when i'm browsing web and use the back button to go back a page, only to get kicked back to my home screen.

IMO Sense crushes TW - my wife & daughter have it on their Epic4Gs and I hate using their phones.


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Aug 13, 2010
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I bought my wife her first Android phone (HTC Hero, to date that was her favorite phone.) because of sense. When I did the research Sense was the best alternative. Since then I've upgraded to Galaxy S.

My biggest beef with skins is they offer an inconsistent behavior and use different terminology across Android devices, that lends itsself to a REAL BAD user experience(that is the true fragmentation of Android). Going from HTC, Samsung, Moto is not easy you have to stumble through the devices to navigate around.

Yesterday I was trying to help somebody with their Razar, coming from Samsung(*) I struggled to find the equivalent email client and set her device up.

(*) I actually really dislike the Samsung Touch UI. And from day one installed ADW Launcher and prefer this launcher over stock ICS.


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Jul 7, 2010
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I actually like Sense. I've had a Dinc and now Dinc2. I've found it useful on both devices and better than what I saw Motorola was producing. (Especially the date and time picker). The additional programs like Footprints and its car panel are little bonuses that I actually use on occasion and would miss if they were removed.

It's not without its flaws - on the Dinc2, the contact widgets makes people profile pictures look a little fuzzy. I've also heard (but don't know for sure) that it slows HTC's ability to roll out updates.

But overall, it doesn't seem to slow down my Dinc2 and I find it useful. Its actually a reason to buy an HTC phone.


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Nov 16, 2011
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Principle. While there may be some things that are actually improvements, in the grand scheme of things, it's change for the sake of change. I'm so sick of people crying about differentiation. They can't differentiate on hardware? The One X is a freaking glorious piece of hardware. And while the ICS rollout hasn't been the smoothest for the nexus line, it's still valid to be concerned about future updates. Really though, all HTC needs to do is provide a stock rom. Maybe I'm oversimplifying it (I 100% don't know what I'm talking about here) but just throw the necessary hardware drivers into aosp and call it a day, so someone can go to the aosp site and build a stock rom for the one x or any other phone in the same way you can the nexus, xoom, etc. But they don't need to make this rom the default, or even do some weird voodoo to make it an option on startup. Just bury it on their website and let the 10 people who want it flash it themselves and say it's warrantyless or whatever they need to do to sleep at night.
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= I C E D R E E = ?
Jul 1, 2010
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... I'd heard enough bad things about Blur that I didn't even want to bother....

Blur was bad in it earlier versions & it was the most hated UI & gained allot bad rep (some people just hate it because others does)

But that was on Android 1.6 , 2.0 & 2.1
It 2.2 it was better, but looked the same

On 2.3 Motorola redesigned it & dropped the name Motoblur™, now they call it MAP UI (Motorola Application Platform UI)
Motorola improved it ALLOT, its not the same as the old one & its getting better with every new version
Give it a shot one day in a store ... you might like it
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= I C E D R E E = ?
Jul 1, 2010
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I don't hate it at all, but I think its a bit too much

For the record : I don't have an HTC Sense phone, but I play with them in the stores when I get a chance

I've played with a Sense 2.1 on a Desire HD one & It was okay , no lags or what so ever

I've played with a Sense 2.1 on an Incredible S & it was awesome

I've played with a Sense 3.0 on a Sensation & it was the buggiest laggiest phone I've ever used !!! I'd a Motorola Milestone at the time & my phone was so much faster than the Sensation (Un-scientific test off course) , but later that day I found out that the Sensation have ALLOT of problems & Sense was the least of em

I've played with a Sensation XE & it was smooth as it can get unlike the Regular one

I've played with Sense 3.5 on a Sensation XL & I was surprised on how much better it was

There's few things I love about Sense 3 & up such as the Weather Animation (nothing can come close to that) & lockscreen (I think it's better than everything out there) , if I bought an HTC Android phone* it will be because of this two things

Don't know about Sense 4 , but I don't like the new dock , looks very generic to me

In the other hand I HATE touchwiz becaue it looks like an iPhone (that home button doesn't help either)

* I said HTC Android phone because I'm leaning toward getting a Windows Phone next time ... probably HTC


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2011
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From what I've seen Sense 4.0 doesn't look too bad. However there are still basic issues like -

- bundled apps can't be uninstalled. e.g. the ad supported versions of TuneIn, Sondhound, the million clock widgets, Amazon mp3 etc etc. You can disable these but it will still take up space on your phone

- Contacts and Dialer look like they're from Froyo

- too many rounded corners, gradients, highlights. ICS is all about a flat monochromatic look

In the end, the real question is - are the added features worth the reduced battery life and size? For many people the answer will be yes, but there will always be those who want stock ICS.


Jun 23, 2011
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I'm not anti sense either but the stock rom on the inspire had a horrible battery life so i switched to cyanomod, which was night and day and have just not gone back. And now Ive got ics installed (xda; redemption) shrug.
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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2011
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i guess the main gripe i have with it is the space it takes up. with "all in one" memory becoming more and more popular, i want the most amount of space i can get. disabling apps may help the "lag" and battery drain, but the apps are still taking up space.

sense 2.1 was intrusive IMO, but Sense 4 looks like it has done a pretty good job of adding to AOSP instead of taking away from it. i still LOVE AOSP ICS, and wouldn't trade it for anything...but i find myself really wanting this ICS/Sense4.0 port for the nexus to come through just to try it out for a little bit :)


Mr Fix-It
Mar 1, 2010
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Sense and most of the UI "experiences" have a fundamental flaw. In order to provide you with the best "experience" you have to allow them to manage your data...their way. If for one prefer to keep my apps separate. I don't login to youtube with my facebook account etc... So perhaps that's enough of an argument.

I will say that if Sense, Blur, Touchwiz, etc were in the market as add-on launchers a la Nova, ADW, Launcher Pro, etc. They would probably do a lot better and it would put phones on even playing fields as far as upgrades go. Then we could finally put "fragmentation" to rest. As well as get the most customizable experience any phone/MID has to offer.


Mar 16, 2012
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- Worse performance than stock Android. My Sensation would at times feel slower than the G2 I had before that, and that really shouldn't be happening.

- HTC Launcher reloading. One of the most infuriating things. I would be in an app that isn't even that intensive (maybe browser, or twitter), hit home only to see a huge HTC logo while the launcher reloaded. A G2 with a single core 800 Mhz processor never reloaded its launcher, why can't a Sensation with a dual core 1.2 Ghz processor?

- Worse battery life. I didn't even use any of the HTC widgets or services other than the main clock/weather widget... where as I've always had weather widgets on stock and the Sense phones have had noticeably worse battery life.

- I actually like the look of Stock Android more than any of the UI's, especially with ICS. And while I used to like Sense's design, it feel outdated to me now. Its like iOS to me where the UI design is stale now. They need to refresh it up.

- Android updates taking longer. Now that Google screwed up with the Nexus S, this isn't as big a strike against HTC, but its still a reason to not like Sense.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2010
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I like Sense. I've been rocking an Incredible for most of the last 2 years, with a stop by LG in the interim. Let me tell you, if you have to have an OEM overlay, Sense is hands down the best possible choice! LG Home was a horrible, laggy and ugly mess. TouchWiz is seriously childish looking and MotoBlur is laggy as well on the Droid 2.

Give me Sense everytime, with cool widgets out of the box and smooth scrolling, at least on my Dinc! Haven't tried a Nexus phone so can't comment on straight Android.


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Nov 8, 2010
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1- Because I want control of my phone. If it ships with Sense, give me an option to disable it and use vanilla ICS.

2- Because ICS is good enough and quite nice. Why burden your phone's limited resources with a skin on top of it that will inevitably slow down your phone down the road.

3- Because skins will slow down release of OS updates. I want my OS updates ASAP, and having a skin will in no way speed that up.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2011
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I've never owned a sense phone so I won't comment on performance/ battery life, but from playing with display models and seeing videos, I dislike sense because it is too gaudy, over-designed (although it has been toned down a bit, but not enough for me), it adds tones of crap that I don't want, it changes so many things from stock just for the sake of being different.
If HTC is going to go through all the effort to make changes from stock that not only takes resources but adds time to the upgrade process when a new version of android is released, they need to make sure that the changes are improvements, not just side-grades at best and bloat at worst.