Why is the battery for my S5 overheating and not charging?

Nov 24, 2014
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My battery for my s5 is overheating and not charging

Hey I need help. After the water damage incident, the s5 worked for a month perfectly. And one night I had it charging and I fell asleep for about an hour. I awoke to a flashing red led light on the phone . It said charging paused battery temp too high. I unplugged it and went back to Sleep. While in an ac room. It kept saying temperature too low can't use flash. And ever since then the phone is either too hot or too cold can anyone help?


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Feb 12, 2012
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Re: My battery for my s5 is overheating and not charging

The water damage caused slow erosion, electrolysis and shorts. Eventually, one of them caused enough damage that it showed up as the phone not working. After a month, there's little hope of saving anything but the frame - the insides, including the screen and the battery, are probably shot. Read Oh, no! My Phone got Wet! before you get your next phone wet. A wet phone can be completely saved - if done properly and quickly enough.
Nov 24, 2014
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Re: My battery for my s5 is overheating and not charging

Thanks, I understand, but it's only when I'm charging It, other than that it works normal. Is there anything I can do at home?