Why won't my apps move over to my SD card? (I know this has to be asked a lot...)


New member
Dec 20, 2016
Hi there, I’m hoping you can help me, ‘cause I’m a little lost.

I have a Sony Xperia M4 Aqua, and when my space started running out, I went and bought a SD card. I’ve been having space problems, and my phone keeps telling me I have either used 85% or 95% of my internal storage, and that I should transfer my stuff over to my SD card. I have a permanent warning on my screen that says my space is running out and that some systems may not work.

Of course, I’ve tried to transfer the stuff, but then when I do that, it only takes my photos, videos and music over, and the apps won’t move. I have only four apps left, I had to delete all the others because of the space problem. They are only 150MB, and there is 22GB left to use on the SD card….

What am I not getting?

150meg is not much...
Not all apps can be moved to SD card, the Dev has to write the code to allow it. Even if you do, only a small part of the app gets moved, the guts stays in the device. So now you have some of the program (app) in device, some in card... Cards get corrupted... You're not saving that much space anyway... .
A cache partition wipe should clean the thing out a bit, maybe a clean master type app to tidy up a bit more...
Thanks for the help. Nothing is working - even the cache clearing only added a small amount of KB. Maybe I should just take it in to be fixed or something...
@Waiting-1: Why go through this hassle as Tim1954
said in another post Down below..Nowadays phones
are bought with pennies-Heh! :cool:
Just goto your Phone carrier and exchanged for one
with higher Storage U'll save$ and headaches

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