Would you buy a T-bolt today?

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May 26, 2011
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Heres my 2 cents: Wait 4 days until September 8th. Go to Verizon and play with both phones. If you like the Bionic better then get it. If you like the bolt better then wait for the Vigor. It won't dissapoint. it's essentially a Bionic on steroids.


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Feb 27, 2011
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Heres my 2 cents: Wait 4 days until September 8th. Go to Verizon and play with both phones. If you like the Bionic better then get it. If you like the bolt better then wait for the Vigor. It won't dissapoint. it's essentially a Bionic on steroids.
Prior to release of the ThunderBolt, people were giving almost the exact same advice. That is, wait for the ThunderBolt. And this is different, how?



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May 8, 2011
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When my T-Bolt is working correctly, which is roughly 50% of the time, it is great to be able to talk and use the Internet simultaneously. Using the hotspot is also great ... when I can get and keep a signal.

Unfortunately, I have had, and am still having, problems with this phone, which HTC and Verizon have been unable to resolve; therefore, no, No, NO, I would absolutely not buy the T-bolt again. For the purchase price and monthly cost, it is an overpriced, unreliable piece of crap!


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Jul 20, 2011
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The only real con if the thunderbolt is the battery, however you can easily squeeze out days of battery with certain roms. The 4G speeds are amazing, and HTC sense is the bestmobile use interface I've seen. Buy the thunderbolt. It's worth it.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2011
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Prior to release of the ThunderBolt, people were giving almost the exact same advice. That is, wait for the ThunderBolt. And this is different, how?


The tbolt WAS better than 3g phones out b4 it just as bionic is better than tbolt. It was good advice then and it is good advice now.

I also don't think there was any way anybody could predict all the problems with restarts and data signal loss the tbolt would have. Restart issue is now essentially cured but I still have data loss issues sometimes.

The bionic will undoubtedly have its own issues however at least you're getting better specs. I can honestly say I've never read a thread about people forced to return a droid 5 or 6 times as I have read about the tbolt.


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Apr 26, 2010
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There will always be people waiting for the next big thing, it's just the way it is. After the bionic is out there will be threads just like this one in that forum.


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May 8, 2011
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I have the T-Bolt. My only complaint is the battery life. I use the extended battery I bought from the Verizon store. I Bought two extended batteries, just to get me thru the day. If your in a 4g area, battery life really blows. Turn off Bluetooth, WiFi, & lower your screen brightness. Someone needs to come out with an extended battery only charger for the car. This way you can always be charging a battery. Aside from that, the phone is great!


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Apr 2, 2011
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I have the T-Bolt. My only complaint is the battery life. I use the extended battery I bought from the Verizon store. I Bought two extended batteries, just to get me thru the day. If your in a 4g area, battery life really blows. Turn off Bluetooth, WiFi, & lower your screen brightness. Someone needs to come out with an extended battery only charger for the car. This way you can always be charging a battery. Aside from that, the phone is great!

Sorry, but if you can burn through two extended batteries in one day, there is no device that could keep up with your usage. Either that or you have some serious issues with your phone.


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Jul 29, 2011
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Heres my 2 cents: Wait 4 days until September 8th. Go to Verizon and play with both phones. If you like the Bionic better then get it. If you like the bolt better then wait for the Vigor. It won't dissapoint. it's essentially a Bionic on steroids.

I agree with you completely. If i was in the market right now, I would just hold on patiently and wait. There are a lot of 1.5 gen 4G products hitting the market in the next 2 months. I personally would wait for VIGOR.

Waiting for 2n gen 4G products is pointless in my opinion.....


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Jun 21, 2011
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I wouldn't use a T-Bolt if it was given to me for free.

If it comes down to a price issue, go with the Revolution. Despite what people think they know about it, it is a very good phone and it is the least expensive of the 4G lot. I'm selling them to people like crazy now. It's my go-to Android phone and all my customers love it. The screen looks nicer and nicer every time I activate one and it's pretty darn smooth out-of-the-box.

The Droid Charge is my favorite. The most beautiful screen VZW carries. Great battery life. Easily rootable with a strong dev community behind it pumping out lots of cool ROMs.

It's up to you. If price isn't an issue, get the Bionic or the Charge, otherwise the Revolution is the way to go.


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Jul 29, 2010
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So because you know one person who had issues with the phone, you can make a blanket statement that its a bad phone? Even when the phone was having issues after the MR1 update, it still wasn't that widespread as people thought. For the number of phone's sold, the percentage that were having major rebooting issues was not that high.

one person?

lol read this thread, its FULL of people.

nothing about what i said is a "blanket" statement.

perhaps some issues have been resolved, but the phone was not ready for prime time and vzw really dropped the ball.

my cousin wont even consider a htc phone anymore after that fiasco, and probably not a android anymore.

he got rid of the phone not even a month ago for the iphone, and the only issue he has with the iphone is the limited customization, other then that he LOVES it. says it blows the thunderbolt out the water hands down in every regard.


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Apr 2, 2011
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one person?

lol read this thread, its FULL of people.

nothing about what i said is a "blanket" statement.

perhaps some issues have been resolved, but the phone was not ready for prime time and vzw really dropped the ball.

This thread and your cousin still represent way less than 1% of all the 'bolts sold, so like I said, the problems are not as widespread as a few people think.


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Jun 29, 2011
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Sometimes it depends on what the bugs are. Like if facebook or twitter don't work I couldn't care less but if my texts go to the wrong person that means a lot to me.

Lots of people care about whether games work. I don't.

For most people the tbolt speaker is loud enough but my hearing isn't great so I would prefer a louder speaker. (That's not a bug - just a preference) I miss multicolor led notifiers. I bet most people don't even miss them.

Most of all I need to depend on internet connectivity so losing data for even 10 or 20 minutes after leaving a dead zone is a big deal to me. Most people wouldnt even notice. Most of the time I think my tbolt screen is great but in the summer in the daytime I would love a charge just so I could see the screen better. I would also like hdmi connectivity but charge has no led's at all and I don't trust samsung to support their phones long term.

The OG Droid couldn't do bluetooth voice dialing. That drove some people nuts. The only time I voice dial is in the car and it has its own system so that bug meant nothing to me.

I love the fact the tbolt can do data and phone call simultaneously though I doubt 10% of people use it.

So the bottom line is if I switch to a bionic and its bugs (all smart phones have them) are things I don't care about (like games or skype or facebook or twitter or google voice) i'll love the bionic. If it drops data and messes up sms or email or bluetooth doesn't work I'll hate it. On the other hand many users LOVE social networks and games.so if those are the bugs they'll be unhappy.

One thing about htc/vzw is they do try to address issues as they arise. The force restarts were brutal but they're gone now.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2010
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one person?

lol read this thread, its FULL of people.

nothing about what i said is a "blanket" statement.

perhaps some issues have been resolved, but the phone was not ready for prime time and vzw really dropped the ball.

my cousin wont even consider a htc phone anymore after that fiasco, and probably not a android anymore.

he got rid of the phone not even a month ago for the iphone, and the only issue he has with the iphone is the limited customization, other then that he LOVES it. says it blows the thunderbolt out the water hands down in every regard.

Just so you know, I left an iPhone for the Thunderbolt and it's a way better experience for me than the iPhone was. For one I went from an Incredible to a iPhone and was pissed off I couldn't customize like I use to, Then I was pissed off I couldn't link my face book and twitter like I use to, Then there was certain third party apps I could no longer get that pissed me off and the notification system sucked. And as for signal strength my Droid incredibles browser and speed test were faster than my iPhone's was. I immediately went back to android and picked up a Thunderbolt.

With all that said I have to say The thunderbolt has incredible issues of its own. For one the battery life, and the random reboots I use to get, Granted I solved those issues with Rooting and my phone is perfect now but I still wouldn't buy a Thunderbolt now if I didn't already have it. Too many good stuff coming in a month or two, like the Vigor, Prime and hey if you're into apple the iPhone 5. Just wait a minute if I were you.


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May 23, 2011
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This thread and your cousin still represent way less than 1% of all the 'bolts sold, so like I said, the problems are not as widespread as a few people think.

I disagree, I had nothing but problems with my bolt - as did many of my friends. Worst phone I ever owned without too much exaggeration.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2011
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I disagree, I had nothing but problems with my bolt - as did many of my friends. Worst phone I ever owned without too much exaggeration.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk

Same here. I went from having ZERO problems with my OG Droid to having a huge list of problems (that is still growing, btw) with the Tbolt. Sure, the last update fixed my GPS problems, but now I have problems with a ton of other things. And, yeah, battery life is absolutely miserable. I hate carrying a spare battery around. I feel like I'm going to bump into something and get battery acid all over, ahem, myself.

While I'm not really interested in the Charge or Bionic, I think I might call Verizon and tell them how generally unhappy I am with this phone lately, and hope to god they'll let me switch to one of those or something...