Wow. Pixel XL reviews are up. Looks good!! Anyone thinking of getting this


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Jun 30, 2011
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We can agree to disagree because I am using the V20, and I have it set to 60% brightness and it's pretty bright at that setting. It's not worth discussing the Note 7 anymore because it doesn't exist anymore.
Lol you can't say the note 7 isn't worth discussing anymore in a note 7 thread. That's redundant. The purpose of this thread is to help note 7 users decide on the phone they would like to replace their note.


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Jul 28, 2011
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Lol you can't say the note 7 isn't worth discussing anymore in a note 7 thread. That's redundant. The purpose of this thread is to help note 7 users decide on the phone they would like to replace their note.
Lol exactly this. And it does still exist, I'm still using mine.
We can agree to disagree because I am using the V20, and I have it set to 60% brightness and it's pretty bright at that setting. It's not worth discussing the Note 7 anymore because it doesn't exist anymore.
Most every other report disagrees with you, so while I guess I can't really say you're wrong, because it's your opinion and that brightness works for you, objectively, the Note 7 puts out more nits of brightness. The V20 screen is almost inferior in every aspect.

I can't do LG phones, they seem nice at first and then have too many random issues such as bootlooping and such. Those don't come until further down the road though. Maybe they fixed it this time around, but I'm not willing to find out.


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Oct 17, 2010
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Really struggling between the Pixel XL and the LG V20. You go into the phone stores and so many clerks have no idea about the product.

Me too. Ordered the Pixel XL 128 GB from Verizon 10/17 and then cancelled it last night. 2 problems;

1.) Verizon's Device payment plan changed where you now have to pay 100% of any new item purchased on a device payment plan before you can upgrade again. They didn't tell me. It made me mad. It took away any benefit from buying from them... If I'm going to pay full price anyway, I might as well get one with an unlocked bootloader that will probably hold it's resale value better.

2.) Reports of weak antenna; not just people, but lab tests... If you're a city dweller, you'll never notice it. If you live out in the boondocks where I do, it's an issue. A deal-breaker, actually. If that could be an issue for you, you may be interested in this AC thread...

I'm going the LG v20 route from Best Buy, and will take it to Big Red to activate.


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Sep 29, 2014
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Those reviews seem to be puff pieces if you ask me. Only showing the camera and display. No other use.
Still even if they showed more I would not buy at the current price. Unproven Gen1 phone for almost a grand...nope.

Reviews these days just seem to be a new form of advertisements.


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Nov 11, 2013
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But what is the reason for the large chin? There doesn't seem to be a technical explanation why it's there. Most have stated that they just took an old HTC design and moved the FP scanner to the back and removed the front firing speakers. Smart money would wait for the Pixel XLs that adds them both back to where they should be. :)
It's the Jay Leno phone


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May 6, 2013
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The biggest problem is it is not provided by Tmobile. Yes I can finance it through Google directly, but the problem is I can't jump. It means I'm committed to the full payment of the phone for 2 years. With the S8 coming in a couple months (keeping in mind that they might make it very good to make up for the Note 7) or even the Note 8 in another year. They may even offer great compensation for staying loyal. I think I'm sticking with the S7 Edge, it is very likely that I would want to change phones either in Feb-March for S8 or September For Note 8.


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Apr 1, 2014
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The biggest problem is it is not provided by Tmobile. Yes I can finance it through Google directly, but the problem is I can't jump. It means I'm committed to the full payment of the phone for 2 years. With the S8 coming in a couple months (keeping in mind that they might make it very good to make up for the Note 7) or even the Note 8 in another year. They may even offer great compensation for staying loyal. I think I'm sticking with the S7 Edge, it is very likely that I would want to change phones either in Feb-March for S8 or September For Note 8.

Yeah all these people getting locked into a 2 year commitment to a V20 or Pixel, I hope they truly LOVE those phones. lol


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Dec 4, 2015
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I ended up getting a Pixel XL 128 gb from Verizon. It's ok. The screen is nice, not quite as bright as the Note but good, but also smaller. Boo. The camera is a shade worse in low light but quite goodotherwise. Not waterproof so I have to be extra careful around my endlessly-spilling-water-and-milk little grandkids. It is very fast, the battery is pretty good except it doesn't have AOD and the app I found in the playstore to replace that eats the battery a little more than I'd like and a lot more than the same function did on the Note. I have basically found apps to replace a lot of the Note's software functions but not all and obviously no spen. I don't love it like I did the Note but I didn't expect to, and it will do for me fine. No Verizon markings or boot animation to be seen and only three apps of theirs--my verizon, the messages + one that I am using cause I hate Allo and Hangouts, and that video thing of theirs, I forget what it's called but it let me uninstall it, not just disable it. Nothing else out there I wanted, the Note 5 was tempting but 64 gb wasn't enough, and I don't trust LG enough to get the V20 and anyway it isn't available yet. The one thing that really bothers me has nothing to do with the Pixel-- I had this really nice yinyang wallpaper as my home screen and while I was busy backing everything up, I forgot to back that up and I have no idea where I got it, so I lost the Note and my favorite wallpaper.( I really can't think of a more first world problem). The Pixel is a decent phone though.


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Dec 11, 2014
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Basically, like above, I don't hate it but I don't love it. Swype doesn't work nearly as well so I will be learning how to actually text again because I am getting sick of correcting words. I am spending far less time on this phone than my Note because it isn't fun. I guess that is a good thing 😢😂


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Jun 25, 2010
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I have the N7 and the Pixel XL as well.

- The Pixel is definitely faster, definitely smoother. It's noticeable.
- I miss the home button. I dislike on screen buttons.
- The Pixel camera seems pretty darn great. I don't think low light photos are that different, except for EXTREMELY low light ones. And for those, the N7 lights it up more, but is more grainy for me. And for those really rare instances, I would probably just flip the flash on anyway. The Front Camera seems better to me on the Pixel, the rear cameras are very, very close. I haven't taken enough pics to really tell yet. The fact that the cameras are so close in quality to me is, in itself, a testament to just how good a job Google did with the Pixel camera - because the N7 camera was the best I have ever seen.
- The rear fingerprint sensor on the back works well, is quick and it's consistent. but, being that is is on the back, for me it is sometimes a pain (laying on the desk, etc). But again, it is fast, and it turns the screen on and unlocks with one touch, quickly. Having the ability to pull down the notification shade using a fingerprint sensor swipe is nice too.
- Somehow, amazingly, the Quick Toggles at the top of the Pixel are missing a "Sound" toggle. They finally added the Samsung-like quick toggles (and there are 6 showing at once), and they are customizable. But somehow there is no toggle for "Sound" (Sound, Vibrate, "Silent). Silly little thing, but something I used ALL THE TIME on the N7, and just an astonishing , silly omission. Google is great, but sometimes they leave out the easiest things. You have to actually lower the volume all the way down with the volume button to get it to Vibrate. Welcome to 2010 I guess? :-/
- Nouget 7.1 is great. The whole UI is smooth and buttery on the Pixel XL, and the app shortcuts (3d touch stuff) in 7.1 are super handy. It is IMO excellent software that now seems less boring than it used to be years ago. I still prefer much about Touchwiz, but "stock" has come a long way. The nice bright colors everywhere spruce up the feeling as well. It's really a joy to use. Fast, fast, fast. Opening apps, scrolling, multi-tasking - all of it is just about instant. Kudos to Google for this.
- I love using the Assistant. It has some ways to go yet, but it's pretty great. I use it WAY more than I ever used Google Now.
- I miss the Wireless Charging big time from the N7
- The battery is definitely not worse than the N7, and almost assuredly better for my use. Very happy in this regard so far.
- I like the look and feel of the Pixel. I prefer the N7 looks overall, but the Pixel look and feel is nice IMO. I definitely don't feel like I am gonna drop the Pixel, like I did with the N7.
- No issues with radios. GPS, Bluetooth, Wifi, and LTE all seem great so far, but it is early days.
- The screen on the Pixel is very nice. It's my first non-Galaxy screen in about 3 or 4 years, so I was tentative. I agree with the OP that it is just a notch below the N7. It's still really nice though, but nothing - and I mean nothing - beats the Galaxy screens IMO. It's preference of course, but for me Samsung is the king of display technology.
- Split screen works great. It doesn't support all apps yet, but many. And so many more will come soon - unlike on Samsung where there seems to be limited , static amount that support split screen.

Everyone's experience will differ. For me, I see pros and cons. Overall I am happy after 7 days. Just the sheer speed and snappiness might just make me forget some of the great things I will miss from my N7..


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Feb 14, 2011
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T-Mobile about to announce availability of the Google pixel... that's awesome news for those holding off in returning the Note 7


Moderator Team Leader
Apr 17, 2012
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T-Mobile about to announce availability of the Google pixel... that's awesome news for those holding off in returning the Note 7
No it isn't that... They're just giving credit. You also have to sign up for the horrid new plan.



Moderator Team Leader
Apr 17, 2012
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Why is Pixel only on Verizon doesn't seem like a good way to market a phone?
It's only sold by Verizon. It's available on the Google store for everyone else. The phone (either the one sold by Verizon or by Google) will work on any carrier.


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Sep 3, 2016
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It's only sold by Verizon. It's available on the Google store for everyone else. The phone (either the one sold by Verizon or by Google) will work on any carrier.

Ok tks that makes since ,there is a tv commercial out that says Verizon only

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