Wrench in the machine, Now questioning original choice for new phone.


Active member
Jul 3, 2011
It is time to finally say goodbye to my Moto X 1st gen DE as it is now starting its slow decent to the grave. I really like the Moto X so I was thinking of just going with the Moto Z Force, bit the LG V20 seemed really good So I figured I would check it out.My dad has teh V10 ands teh piuctures are great form it. I went to the Verizon store to check out the Z Force. I get there and the associate lets me play with it along with all the mods. She asks to just take a quick look at the Pixel XL. I really liked it and the performance was on par with the Z Force, but it has no expandable storage and the 128 GB model is almost $200 more than the Moto Z Force so I wasn't considering it. This is where the wrench was thrown into the machine. I was informed that if I trade in my Moto X on it, they would give me $200 trade in value. This now puts the Pixel XL 128 GB model in the price range of the Moto Z Force. I also stopped by the AT&T store as they had a LG V20 to play with on display. It seemed nice and Verizons pricing puts it pretty even with the other 2.

Now I have a dilemma.
Moto Z Force - $720 -Expandable Storage and the Mods are awesome as I really dig the projector mod
Pixel XL 128GB - $669 (w/$200 trade) -The camera is incredible. I even recorded some fast moving video and it stayed super focused and there was no motion blur.
LG V20 - $672 - I honestly really wanted to love this phone, but It just did not excite me like the other 2 did. It is nice, but just didn't have the "Wow" factor like the Moto Z Force and the Pixel XL had.

Price wise it seems like the Pixel XL is the clear winner, but I tend to keep my phones for a long time, 3-4 years, and would the Pixel XL have better longevity than the Moto Z Force.

I welcome all suggestions and apologize for the long winded post. Thanks.
Hello! No apologies necessary! Especially when it comes to this kind of a post! :) The more info you tell us, the more we know to give you input!

I'd say you have a good line-up of phones to choose from, there. However, if you were set on the Z Force and then the Pixel device excited you, perhaps that is the phone you should get.

I would recommend watching unboxing and review videos on these devices; or do a little more research if you're still a bit undecided on what to get. You stated that you keep your phones for a long time (two years?): which of these phones could you picture yourself sticking with for that long?

Good luck with your decision, and please keep us updated and let us know what you choose!
The Pixel XL will be supported longer than the Moto Z Force DROID.
Hmmm...Pixel XL does seem like an enticing option at that price...pretty sure it would have better longevity than the Z Force too...
Thank you all so much. I appreciate the feedback. I think I will end up going the Pixel XL route. I figure my current phone doesn't have any SD card storage and I have been fine so far without one so the fact the Pixel does not have one will not bother me. I have also been reading up on the daydream VR, which seems like it will be very nice.

Thanks once again for the help.
Thank you all so much. I appreciate the feedback. I think I will end up going the Pixel XL route. I figure my current phone doesn't have any SD card storage and I have been fine so far without one so the fact the Pixel does not have one will not bother me. I have also been reading up on the daydream VR, which seems like it will be very nice.

Thanks once again for the help.

Please give us an update on your experience with the Pixel XL when it arrives. What color did you choose?

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