trick to get battery to last longer than 4 hours


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Feb 5, 2012
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so I have juice defender on aggressive and my battery still runs dry from full charge within 4 hours with little use. Why does android insist on having apps that I don't even use constantly running?

more and more I miss webOS.


AC Moderator All-Star
Nov 25, 2010
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Juice defender and other 3rd party battery savers/task killers have been proven not to help as advertised and actually cause more conflict than they are worth.

4hrs battery life? Sounds like you need to adjust your smartphone usage habits.. Don't take that the wrong way but you should be seeing at least 6-8 hrs on a charge even with heavy usage.

Only reason I say this is I have a few friends with the device and are either light users and heavy to moderate users and they have all bragged about how great battery life is on this device with the newer dual core battery management.
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Aug 18, 2011
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I used juice defender and then read it doesn't really help. I uninstalled it. However I then noticed my batter dropping more rapidly. With Juice Defender going, and with my own custom settings, I can go almost 2 days without charge with average usage. I don't know, I like juice defender because with the way I have it set up, it makes it so almost no battery gets used while the phone is idle, without it my phone still drained even while idle. I can leave my phone off the charger, and come back and not have to worry about the battery being 30% to 50% drained when I wake up or when I get out of work, instead it is like 5% to 15% TOPS.


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Aug 11, 2010
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I make probably 50 calls a day at work, a dozen texts and constant email work and checking in on CNBC and Zerohedge a couple times an hour and I only drop about 30% between 6:00 AM and 5:00 PM when it goes back on the charger in the car on the way home.

I must be doing something wrong or watching a whole lot less Youtube than the rest of the world.


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Oct 12, 2010
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Juice defender is one of my favorite apps. If you take a few minutes to set it up, it will really save you power...when you don't have the screen on. If you keep the screen on, well it keeps the connection going.

4 hours is really low even for a really heavy user ( I can get around 6-8 if I am really using the Epic). Can you see if you've downloaded any programs that may be causing things to operate when it shouldn't be? That said, my battery experience with the Pre wasn't any better. And I can go up to 18-24 hours on a charge if I stop playing with the phone so much. My Pre couldn't do that. No matter how much i loved it.

Another webOS fan


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Aug 21, 2011
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What the heck are you doing to kill the battery in 4 hours!?!?!

Turn off 4G if you don't need it. Turn on wifi when available. etc etc


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May 17, 2010
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I don't see how you're getting 4 hours on a charge without a defective battery unless you've got all radios on, screen brightness at 110%, and are playing games the whole time. Even my old OG EVO 4G could get 6 hours of non-stop use before needing juice.

When on wifi in an area with good cell coverage, I can get 12-16 hours before needing to charge it up. However, at my office, which must be built like a Kryptonite Faraday cage, I'll get 5-6 hours at best of standby because it gets 0-1 bars and checking the awake times I see that any apps that poll run forever because there's no data hookup.


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Jun 21, 2011
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I think Dirk hit the nail on the head here. You either have a bad battery or you have one or more rouge Apps. The rogue App issue may be getting compounded by a low data and/or cell signal.

You may want to factory reset and run your phone without Apps for a day. If the problem continues them you likely have a bad battery. If not, start reinstalling your Apps slowly to help identify the culprit. Apps like Better Battery Stats and CPU Spy are also quite helpful in identifying wakelocks and deep sleep issues.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk


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Aug 9, 2011
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As always thanks for the solid feedback. I've had some really weird issues creep up over the last few days (seemed to coincide with the Google Play Store update). However i went from some really solid battery life, to appalling along with a bunch of restarting. A battery pull seems to have leveled things out over the past couple of days. I do notice that when looking at the normal "Battery Use" in Android that there are more instances of "Awake" without "Screen on" that I am using to seeing. I'm assuming this is my battery culprit as my biggest drops seems to be when this happens. Is there an app you would recommend to track what might be causing this? The Better Battery Stats seems good, but is it worth the 3 bucks? Obviously not much money to make sure my phone is working optimally. Any other apps you would say can do the same and would be free since this seems a little overkill.

Thanks again!!


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Jun 1, 2010
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FYI, i had an app called OfficeSuitePro 5 and i noticed faster battery drain shortly after using that app. I left it for a few days and have since uninstalled it.

I also have SystemPannel running in the backround to monitor sleep mode. My device CPU runs around 3% while in sleep mode. Might be a good app to check out and help you see if your CPU is running a lot when its asleep.

I use it to help me find rouge apps.
Basically i update and install apps with about 2 hour gaps.. This allows me to see if an app causes my device to run over time when its updated or installed.


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2011
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What the heck are you doing to kill the battery in 4 hours!?!?!

Turn off 4G if you don't need it. Turn on wifi when available. etc etc

I'm convinced that 4G doesn't use more battery than 3G on this phone. I haven't turned it off in months and have no problem getting a day of use.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2011
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As always thanks for the solid feedback. I've had some really weird issues creep up over the last few days (seemed to coincide with the Google Play Store update). However i went from some really solid battery life, to appalling along with a bunch of restarting. A battery pull seems to have leveled things out over the past couple of days. I do notice that when looking at the normal "Battery Use" in Android that there are more instances of "Awake" without "Screen on" that I am using to seeing. I'm assuming this is my battery culprit as my biggest drops seems to be when this happens. Is there an app you would recommend to track what might be causing this? The Better Battery Stats seems good, but is it worth the 3 bucks? Obviously not much money to make sure my phone is working optimally. Any other apps you would say can do the same and would be free since this seems a little overkill.

Thanks again!!

If you're a member of the XDA forums, there's a free XDA version of Better Battery Stats that you can download and try. Otherwise, you can try the free version of Watchdog to see if you can identify a problem. BBS is the best for wakelocks though, which it sounds like you're experiencing. I bought the paid version of BBS quite awhile back, and while I don't use it that often, I'd say I got my money's worth.
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