App For Lost Or Stolen Nexus


Jan 14, 2013
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I read about Where's My Droid on a blog and wanted to know if anyone has had any experiences with that app (or any other app) in recovering their lost, stolen or misplaced Nexus.
Thanks in advance:)


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Nov 29, 2011
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I've never had a device stolen but I've messed around with the app. When people use my Nexus 7 I've snapped pictures of them and send them messages just for kicks.

This is one of the apps I put on all my devices just in case one gets stolen or lost.


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Mar 15, 2011
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Thanks, RodLS, do you (or does anyone else) have any experience using it to see if it works?

I don't have experience with Cerberus, but I have seen the name mentioned a few times. It has a large number of installs and the ratings are very high (83% of reviewers gave five stars).

Lookout Security & Antivirus includes lost-device/find-my-phone functionality, but of course includes the "antivirus" part as well. I believe there are settings to turn off most (if not all) of the antivirus functions. Plan B by Lookout was a great application, allowing you to push it to your device after you lose it. Unfortunately, Google modified the permissions that applications have when pushed to your phone from the Play store, and so Plan B only works on Android versions between 2.0 and 2.3.3.


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Jul 12, 2010
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I was using Lookout Mobile Security on my Nexus 7. I lost that device last Wed (left it on a plane in Dallas) and the power was off. End result is that Lookout cannot locate it because the power was off and presumably hasn't been turned back on. I generally think Lookout is great, but just realize there are limitations to these services. I picked up a Nexus 10 over the weekend to replace my much loved and missed Nexus 7.

Sent from my Nexus 10 using Android Central Forums


Jan 14, 2013
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Thanks everyone for your responses' I am learning a lot. So it sounds like someone actually has to turn my Nexus 10 on before it is located. Too bad it cannot be located if it is not on, which can be a limitation I will have to live with.
Another question - does my GPS location service have to be enabled in my Nexus settings for any of these apps to work? I have it disabled to conserve my battery.


Retired Moderator
Mar 15, 2011
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Thanks everyone for your responses' I am learning a lot. So it sounds like someone actually has to turn my Nexus 10 on before it is located. Too bad it cannot be located if it is not on, which can be a limitation I will have to live with.
Another question - does my GPS location service have to be enabled in my Nexus settings for any of these apps to work? I have it disabled to conserve my battery.

That depends on the application. Android's Location Services APIs allow developers to specify what location providers they want to use. If the app is coded to use only GPS, then yes, it will need to be turned on. If the app is coded to use all network providers (or the most accurate provider currently available), then no, GPS won't need to be on. The location will then be determined by the other Location Services methods, which include WiFi access point geo-association and cell tower lookup/triangulation.

It's a good question, and it's the type of question you could fairly easily test after installing the application. Some might state in their Play Store description whether or not GPS needs to be enabled.


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Dec 7, 2012
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The problem for me with all of these apps is you cannot use them AND password protect your N10. To work the N10 must make a WiFi connection. How many of those can the "finder" connect to if they cannot sign on to the N10?

I'd like to know if I am wrong, but I don't see how it can work.


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Nov 11, 2010
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I believe you can Lock the N10 with the Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep setting activated and data still works. At least when I wake up in the morning my Emails and NHL scores are updated.

I will try to check this through lookout and see if it can find my N10 while the lock screen is on.


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Nov 11, 2010
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Good point. Lock screen ON means they can't access the wifi settings to accept a connection to another network.

Hmmmmmm leaves one eager for a securuity measure that could resolve this.


Feb 5, 2013
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I read about Where's My Droid on a blog and wanted to know if anyone has had any experiences with that app (or any other app) in recovering their lost, stolen or misplaced Nexus.
Thanks in advance:)
I am new Nexus 10 WiFi only user. LOVE IT, I am also an Apple OSX Hackintosh user [OSX running on an Intel PC] and of course Windows 7.
I looked at Cerberus app. Looks like its best security requires rooting device.

I know that Cerberus will only work for me in WiFi when the Nexus can connect to the internet. Thief or buyer eventually connects to the INET.

As new user I would like that my device- most of the time- to be UNROOTED. That way I will not be likely to BRICK my device or get apps failure because of rooting etc.

I think that I need an automated procedure that:
Sets up Cerberus in the rooted configuration. Can that be the permanent config for Cerberus? And continue to be the Cerberus config. even during times when device is unrooted?
When screen saver is activated.
When I turn device off.
When there are other conditions where I have left my device unattended.
The Nexus is rooted automatically
Cerberus operates automatically in the rooted configuration.
Nexus sleeps or is off.

When I want to use my Nexus 10 again:
I would like to login or equal.
I would like to use a password or preferably my Yubikey[Among other features it can send a very long fixed passport from the Yubikey device connected on the Nexus' USB OTG port]. I recognize I may need to do other things for my Nexus to READ the Yubikey's output[ I will look like it is being sent from a keyboard].

During or after login I would like my device to UNROOT itself so I can use it "normally".
What tools and apps do I need to automate these procedures? I can usually create simple scripts but I cannot program in C or even "easier" languages.

Any suggestions for another way I can always have my unattended Nexus operate so the Cerberus ROOTED configuration is operative?

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