Does anyone's Incredible still reboot randomly?

A Lex and Er

May 16, 2010
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I was lucky enough to get an DI in the first week or so after release. I never really had any problems. Then more than a month ago in started rebooting, sometimes it'll go days with out rebooting, sometimes it'll reboot five times in a day. There doesn't seem to be much of a reason, I haven't changed use patterns or anything like that. I did recently put in a 16GB class6 micro sd, it rebooted quite a few times after that but has since chilled out. I am prepping for rooting and stuff and though I should look into the reboot issue. I didn't know if it was a known issue, of course I do now. I live in Wisconsin far from the known troubled areas. Any suggestions on what I should do, anyone? :confused:
Thanks to anyone and all who contribute.:D


Well-known member
May 29, 2010
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I've had mine since mid-June and I have only had one random reboot that I can think of. I have shut it down every so often when I bump charge (thought I don't do it as often) but only had one random reboot. I felt the vibrate and thought I got a text and looked and saw the HTC Incredible splash screen.


Well-known member
May 10, 2010
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I had several reboots after installing multicon. I uninstalled the app and have had no more reboots. The developer says there is no reason for multicon to cause a reboot so I don't know!


Well-known member
May 2, 2010
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My past 4 devices did....turns out it was the battery.
I have a new battery and so far same apps and no reboots yet.

Don't listen to Tony... He bought a Baseball App and was under the assumption that you need to actually hit a baseball with the phone in addition to swinging it like a bat... ;)

::Waits patiently for the World Premiere of the thread titled... "DINC #38 On It's Way: With a broken mic... No one can hear you scream!"::

A Lex and Er

May 16, 2010
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Good mornin' or evenin' depending,
Thanks to the Androiders here I gave my rebooting a bit of thought on my drive to/from night school. I think Greenboy16 has something, part of the known issue has been blamed on weak signal or tower switching, reboot has happened to me while driving and listening to internet radio. When I realized that, I tried to figure out what else might be the cause of my reboots. Feeling a bit sheepish, I will admit it dose happen in my pocket. That part answered, I am only left with a small number of random reboots, the ones that most concern me. while my DI is sitting on my desk next to my pc it will for no reason reboot. It happened when I arrived home last night, I set it on the kitchen stove for about a min., which had not been used in hours, when I looked at it I caught the end of a reboot, then I went for a bike ride with DI in hand, no reboots even though it was quite jostled. I wonder dose anyone think to much RFI (radio frequency interference) maybe from my WiFi or pc could cause weak signal or some interference powerful enough to cause reboots? I am usually not connected to WiFi with DI, I do live in a populous area, and I know this sound a bit weird but its the only idea I have left. My Incredible is incredible, I would rather not have to warranty it just to find out that didn't solve the rebooting issue, In that case I would just live with it. Anyone have any/more ideas on this?
Thanks again for listening, and thanks for any and all posts, they are appreciated.:D

A Lex and Er

May 16, 2010
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Thats an interesting idea Tony, thanks. I do have a new battery but have not used it, I was going to wait until after rooting and what not, before i put it in. I really just want to go ahead and make the changes to my device, put the new battery in, and see what happens. I have been reluctant to do so because I don't want a reboot to turn into a crash, especially after making warranty voiding changes I can't undo if DI wont turn on. I would be happy if that solved the problem, I may just try it, thanks again.


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2009
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Mine ever once and a while it will reboot out of the blue. when it turns back on i have to replace some of the widgets because they don't start back up properly.
May 25, 2010
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I've had my DInc since launch and I just recently caught it randomly rebooting (4 times in 3 weeks) not long ago. but its never done it while I was doing anything important, most of the time it was just sitting there


Well-known member
May 20, 2010
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My Dinc randomly rebooted once a few days ago, then again yesterday. I wasn't using it at the time. (Maybe that's why I'm not very annoyed - YET!)


May 26, 2010
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Seeing how many posts relate the reboot problem on multiple replacement phones the (known) possible correlation with local network conditions is the first thing to come to mind. What I was wondering about was the possibility that it follows the user's SD card. If there's an SD card issue and you get a replacement phone might you continue to use your old SD card if it's larger than 2GB?

How many people are running into reboot issues with
1. Verizon supplied SD card
2. Larger SD card that's Class 2
3. Larger SD card that's Class 4

I just copied my data from my (Class 2) 8GB card to the Verizon 2GB card. I want to see if there's a difference. Maybe cards slower than Class 2 cause issues (reboot, losing ringtones...).

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