Just returned my iPhone 6s Plus... honest review comparison w/ Note 5


May 10, 2011
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Long time android user here. Last phone was the note edge and was the worst since the charge hated it...knowing android inside and out...I just picked up the 6s plus and I must say Iam enjoying it..the battery is better than my note 2 which was the best for battery life I have used...the integration of apps seems to be far superior to androids...the open os is what I will miss most but I can deal with it..give me a few weeks I'll be flirting with jailbreaking..as far as the 3D Touch goes it seems to work well especially with the keyboard and moving the curser around...just my quick 2 cents


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Sep 18, 2015
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First of all, I'm not here to bash either Apple or Samsung. I enjoy both products and have owned numerous devices from both companies. I just wanted to give an honest review to someone who can't decide on which new phone to get. I wanted to give some real world pros and cons of every day examples that might not be too obvious to some. These are my personal opinions only and others may disagree or agree :)

Only things I disagree with on your review is: Apple keyboard BLOWS, worst typing experience ever. Also the S-Pen in my opinion is extremely useful. I use it probably 90% of the time I use the Note 5.

Look and feel: They are both similar in size, I recommend having a case for both devices as they both feel too slippery without one. Aesthetically, the Note 5 is much nicer to look at with the curved side edges and glass back panels. The 6s Plus looks great but I'm not a fan of the outlined antennas on the back. The Note 5 is much easier to navigate and quicker to do everyday tasks (I will explain this later). I think the iPhone 6s is a better size between the two - you need to really use two hands for the Plus since it's so big and doesn't have a convenient back button. The fingerprint censor is a lot better on the iPhone (by a mile) - much quicker and naturally placed.

Camera/Photos: Honestly, they both take great photos. If someone was to send me photos taken from the exact same location I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I do prefer the speed and convenience of Note 5's camera - you simply double click on the home button whereas in apple you need to either unlock, click on camera or click on home button and scroll up (camera shortcut). I also like how the Note 5 uses the full screen as the viewfinder whereas the iPhone you lose about a quarter of the screen. The new Live Photos feature is pretty cool and the slow motion shot is much better on the iPhone.

Battery Life: I would say the battery life itself is a little bit better on the iPhone. The lighting cable is more convenient than the usb since there is no right or wrong way. However, the quick charge on the Note 5 makes a huge difference. Forgot to charge your phone at night? Just plug it in before you hop in the shower and you are back at 50% easy.

Customization: Again, this is where Androids shine. Yes, you can jail break the iPhone but then you risk warranty etc... I still hate Touch Wiz (even though it has gotten a lot better) so I use Nova. It takes a bit to customize to your liking but in the end you can't beat the amount of customizations you can make on the android to speed up your efficiency/productivity.

Apps: Apple by a mile. Apple has better quality apps (especially games) and a better designed app store. The play store is a mess and too many steps required to see what's new and updated.

Text Messaging: iMessages > Standard SMS.

Multitasking: Note 5 > *. True multitasking.

Keyboard: I find Apple's keyboard a bit more precise and efficient.

Bloatware: Samsung is known for bloatware but I find Apple to be equally bad. "Watch" app comes preinstalled which cannot be deleted. Same with Keynote, Stocks, Pages, Numbers, iMovie, Find Friends and News which I never use.

S Pen: I don't find the S Pen that useful but a neat feature to have for note takers.

3D Touch: Honestly, I think this feature is a bit overrated. For example, if you "hard press" on the phone or messages icon, you get a list of recent or favorite contacts. You can achieve the same action by creating a shortcut of your favorites on your home screen, which is technically faster. It is a nice feature to have inside Mail which allows you to preview your messages before opening them but I don't really find myself using this feature as I generally know which emails I want to read.

I could keep rambling on but I just wanted to share my thoughts. :)


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Sep 9, 2014
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I had the iPhone 6S and I really liked it. It lasted 13 days. Traded it in for a Note 5 and haven't looked back. There is just too much functionality to the Note 5. And it is buttery smooth. Battery life has been good for me. I can easily get through a work day. But I keep it on a wireless charger regardless. And I can't say enough about the S-pen. I use it constantly throughout my day. When you become accustomed to using it, it becomes irreplaceable. Love my Note 5.

Note in my house!


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Dec 11, 2009
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I owned a 6 Plus for several months. BTW I think it's a good idea for any Android veteran to get an iPhone at some point just to see what all the fuss is about. If you have an iPad some of the mystery is gone. Anyway my take aways.....

First, the 6 Plus had crazy good battery life. Very rarely did I use the lightning cable at any point during the day. Now I have two wireless chargers (home and office) to 'top off' my Note 5 now and again. Still very good battery life. Pop up notifications....great and convenient on the iPhone. And you can choose various kinds.

Now the bad side.I think the Apple app store is overrated and Android is very competitive. In terms of price (apps seem cheaper) and you can 'return' purchases if you don't like them right away. No returns in iOS. I used many Android apps on the iPhone including Drive, Google Maps, Google voice search (sorry Siri, you're awful) and Google Play. Some of the Apple app genres are frustrating. Took me a long time to find a good weather app. These designers often sacrifice style over substance. Creating 'cute' and colorful over good information.

Hated Safari. I disliked it bumping me to the Amazon app whenever I clicked on an Amazon link (especially to buy something.) And you can't buy an ebook very easily. Not through the Kindle app, Amazon app or Safari. I think you need a third party browser and up until the last update they pretty much all crashed. Speed-wise, the stock browser is faster IMO.

Keyboard swiping is very poor. They have nothing that comes close to the accuracy of the google keyboard. And I do not like conventional keyboards.

Memory problems....my keyboard often vanished which I guess was a problem connected with 1 gb of memory. Fixed now with the S I suppose with 2 gb. Why did it not have 2 gb to start with? $$$$$, I suppose. Save that piece of cheese for the next generation of hardware.

Look and feel. Very much a personal preference. For me I got tired of opening the phone and seeing only icons. You can't even get a temperature notification on the notification bar....it doesn't have a dynamic notification bar, not like Android. Sometimes you really DO need a 'back' key. There were times I got frustrated using iOS apps because, afterall, you have just the one button and it wasn't clear how to navigate in and out and through the app.

Music syncing. Just hate iTunes. It's clunky and it's software is an inscrutable mess IMO. Since I have Google Play it doesn't matter much ATM.

In the end two good alternative ecosystems but I know now I prefer Android.


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Jan 6, 2014
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3d touch is bit overrated i would say. Many apps don't even support this feature yet. but still it is an innovative feature in the mobile history.I really appreciate apple doing such a great thing.this kind of innovation is really needed cos sure many will adapt it soon and even make it work better than apple did.
Blackberry torch had 3d touch years ago. There's nothing new about it. Iphone doesn't introduce new technology or innovation, they only expand on others innovative and technology.


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Sep 9, 2014
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Not having a back button on the iPhone is so clunky sometimes.

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A lot of people say that. I will admit that when I initially switch to iOS from Android, it does seem awkward without a back button. However, I adjust within a couple of days.


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Feb 17, 2016
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Totally disagree on battery life. I did a 1 week test between the two devices as I also gave up my 6+

I think both devices are fantastic and was frustrated at first with perceived worse battery on N5 but it's just that... Perceived. After breaking in battery and tweaking some settings I am getting far better battery life with SOT then the iPhone.

I use location a lot in power saving mode on N5 but had to turn it off completely on the 6+ as it just wiped out battery so much faster.

Idle time is better on the 6+ by almost 30% but for power users that doesn't matter at all. For those that use the phone like an actual phone the 6+ isn't nearly as good.

I'm easomy getting 15-18 hours of moderate to heavy use on my N5 whereas I'd get about 12 on my iPhone 6+. .

Agree on pictures and I use S Pen a lot so that's a bigger difference for me.

I also disagree on apps. That might have been the case 2-3 years ago but I downloaded every app needed that most use for my N5 and they are just as good on this device.

Storage is far better on the 6+ as I had the 128g model but didn't even come close to using even half that amount.

I've got a lot of photos music and videos on my N5 and used only 29g so totally satisfied with the 64g model.

I also think both phones are beautifully built. The N5 is actually not as tall or wide and is slightly thinner which was unexpected but the actual screen itself is slightly larger because the bezels are smaller.

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You can throw that all out the window if, as stated, you were using a 6+ as opposed to a 6S Plus. Whilst looking the same they are completely different phones!

the 6S+ has TWICE the memory, TWICE the processor, a 10x better camera (Apple bought the worlds best micro camera company just after the 6+ was developed and the 6S camera is the first product from this now Apple division), better screen... basically better EVERYTHING over the 6+.

After using Apple for years I went S4 then Note 3 then Note 4 (for the big screen) now 6S+ 128Gb but thinking of going back just because Google Voice craps all over Siri. You just can't beat years of development with Google Glass and Google maps and integration but then it's sad that the fingerprint scanner with still be dicky like the Note 4 ... basically makes you want to throw the phone. I am not suprised because guess who bought the world's leading fingerprint scanner company? Apple. Will you ever see this technology on a Sammy phone? Nope. Just a facsimile.

Android I would always use a custom rom which basically trashed all Sammy software except the swipe control panel which Apple eventually copied.

Sammy hardware nav buttons... I miss those. Apple needs to copy those and not have it's head in the sand like it did over right click mice for mega years.

No one mentioned UHD? The reason is it makes no difference except for maxing out your graphics processor. UHD screen is a joke on a device this size. It was only used to out spec Apple on paper. Even with reading glasses and 20/20 vision I couldn't see the difference between the Note 3 HD screen and the Note 4 UHD screen in practical reality. Only holding the screen ridiculously close can you see the extra res. In the screen shootout it's close but I think Apple wins because of more accurate colours which they have been doing in the pre press graphics industry for decades. Sammy will likely never catch up there.
The close to the edge screen on the Sammy might look and feel sexy but in practical reality to me it's retarded because I have seen too many smashed phones and will only use a phone in a case with proper drop protection and that means a rubber lip on all edges. The best I have found that still looks and feels decent is a Jewel (Clear) Ballistic case which give a 6ft drop guarantee, available for both 6S+ & N5.

Camera Apple wins partly again because of colour accuracy but it's just a gorgeous camera in a phone. Sammy might be close and have the nod for speed wip out factor.

I talk to my phone a lot and with the Apple I just end up swearing at it a lot... this is a BiG factor... but maybe I will swear too much at the Sammy fingerprint scanner... I heard the Huwaei Google Nexus latest scanner is good though? Probably just at Sammy level though?

low availability of even the 64Gb on Sammy is a killer though ... I don't miss microSD cards. I had so many Sandisks die on me and they are as slow a F. copying stuff on them. Huge Internal memory with USB 3 is a big win on the iPhone 6S+

Text with Android you have Mighty Text which is awesome I miss that. I use a Mac as opposed to Winblows and therein Messages is awesome iPhone to iPhone with auto encryption that Apple never uncracks, even for US Gov, but to other phones it's DEAD ... cannot talk to them from the computer! Unfrigging believable!

Headphones. The Note 5 headphones are the same as the Note 4's I presume ... the only way to get a proper seal for bass is to turn them upside down with the ends pointing up. Simply retarded.
The Apple headphones are fantastic quick in and out and mic quality superior to Sammy. If I go back to Sammy I will miss these. If I need sealed headphones I use Shure Se535Ltd with a phone mic lead.

I couldn't go back to Apple till Swiftkey came to iOS I became addicted. Still Android Swiftkey is far superior to it's iOS equivalent.

Writing all this is helping me make a decision though to be honest there is still too many up and downsides.

Basically there is no perfect phone.
If Apple made Messages work on the Mac to ALL phones like Mighty Text does, trashed Siri bowing down to Google Voice/Maps and installed hardware nav buttons it would be a iPhone win hands down. This will never happen however. They are too stubborn and living in fear of Steve Job's legend & hatred of Android/Google so they think their God was always right. Was he right about big phones never taking off? Nope. He was a stubborn tyrant sometimes but a visionary and good task master and project manager in other areas.
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tre flip

Jul 31, 2011
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You can throw that all out the window if, as stated, you were using a 6+ as opposed to a 6S Plus. Whilst looking the same they are completely different phones!

the 6S+ has TWICE the memory, TWICE the processor, a 10x better camera (Apple bought the worlds best micro camera company just after the 6+ was developed and the 6S camera is the first product from this now Apple division), better screen... basically better EVERYTHING over the 6+.

After using Apple for years I went S4 then Note 3 then Note 4 (for the big screen) now 6S+ 128Gb but thinking of going back just because Google Voice craps all over Siri. You just can't beat years of development with Google Glass and Google maps and integration but then it's sad that the fingerprint scanner with still be dicky like the Note 4 ... basically makes you want to throw the phone. I am not suprised because guess who bought the world's leading fingerprint scanner company? Apple. Will you ever see this technology on a Sammy phone? Nope. Just a facsimile.

Android I would always use a custom rom which basically trashed all Sammy software except the swipe control panel which Apple eventually copied.

Sammy hardware nav buttons... I miss those. Apple needs to copy those and not have it's head in the sand like it did over right click mice for mega years.

No one mentioned UHD? The reason is it makes no difference except for maxing out your graphics processor. UHD screen is a joke on a device this size. It was only used to out spec Apple on paper. Even with reading glasses and 20/20 vision I couldn't see the difference between the Note 3 HD screen and the Note 4 UHD screen in practical reality. Only holding the screen ridiculously close can you see the extra res. In the screen shootout it's close but I think Apple wins because of more accurate colours which they have been doing in the pre press graphics industry for decades. Sammy will likely never catch up there.
The close to the edge screen on the Sammy might look and feel sexy but in practical reality to me it's retarded because I have seen too many smashed phones and will only use a phone in a case with proper drop protection and that means a rubber lip on all edges. The best I have found that still looks and feels decent is a Jewel (Clear) Ballistic case which give a 6ft drop guarantee, available for both 6S+ & N5.

Camera Apple wins partly again because of colour accuracy but it's just a gorgeous camera in a phone. Sammy might be close and have the nod for speed wip out factor.

I talk to my phone a lot and with the Apple I just end up swearing at it a lot... this is a BiG factor... but maybe I will swear too much at the Sammy fingerprint scanner... I heard the Huwaei Google Nexus latest scanner is good though? Probably just at Sammy level though?

low availability of even the 64Gb on Sammy is a killer though ... I don't miss microSD cards. I had so many Sandisks die on me and they are as slow a F. copying stuff on them. Huge Internal memory with USB 3 is a big win on the iPhone 6S+

Text with Android you have Mighty Text which is awesome I miss that. I use a Mac as opposed to Winblows and therein Messages is awesome iPhone to iPhone with auto encryption that Apple never uncracks, even for US Gov, but to other phones it's DEAD ... cannot talk to them from the computer! Unfrigging believable!

Headphones. The Note 5 headphones are the same as the Note 4's I presume ... the only way to get a proper seal for bass is to turn them upside down with the ends pointing up. Simply retarded.
The Apple headphones are fantastic quick in and out and mic quality superior to Sammy. If I go back to Sammy I will miss these. If I need sealed headphones I use Shure Se535Ltd with a phone mic lead.

I couldn't go back to Apple till Swiftkey came to iOS I became addicted. Still Android Swiftkey is far superior to it's iOS equivalent.

Writing all this is helping me make a decision though to be honest there is still too many up and downsides.

Basically there is no perfect phone.
If Apple made Messages work on the Mac to ALL phones like Mighty Text does, trashed Siri bowing down to Google Voice/Maps and installed hardware nav buttons it would be a iPhone win hands down. This will never happen however. They are too stubborn and living in fear of Steve Job's legend & hatred of Android/Google so they think their God was always right. Was he right about big phones never taking off? Nope. He was a stubborn tyrant sometimes but a visionary and good task master and project manager in other areas.

Not UHD. QUAD HD. 1440p


May 17, 2014
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My only issue is with resale... Samsung phones have no resale value compared to iphones, I have no idea why.

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Dec 27, 2015
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I'll keep it simple. I'm devoted to the back button. It's convenient: proximate to my right thumb. I don't have to reach to the upper left corner of the device to trigger a damn arrow. I use it incessantly.

And, of course, I'm never sacrificing the S pen. Though I see Apple is increasingly incorporating the stylus into their devices.

Lastly, I like the slim, light, narrow profile of the Note 5. The 6S plus feelings ungainly in my hand.

There's no lag with Apple phones and I feel like Samsung did not reach this smoothness until the Note 5.

PS What's with the ginormous Apple bezels?


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Aug 5, 2014
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I'll keep it simple. I'm devoted to the back button. It's convenient: proximate to my right thumb. I don't have to reach to the upper left corner of the device to trigger a damn arrow. I use it incessantly.

And, of course, I'm never sacrificing the S pen. Though I see Apple is increasingly incorporating the stylus into their devices.

Lastly, I like the slim, light, narrow profile of the Note 5. The 6S plus feelings ungainly in my hand.

There's no lag with Apple phones and I feel like Samsung did not reach this smoothness until the Note 5.

PS What's with the ginormous Apple bezels?

Apple sucks at making large screened phones so far. I agree, imo the 6s Plus has poorly designed ergonomics. That phone is a gigantic, unwieldy device, and it's heavy as **** too. Also, 3d touch is nothing short of a stupid gimmick, I tried and tried to make use of it, but always just forgot about it. I think the entire Apple product line is highly overrated, and definitely overpriced. The only strength I see it having is better apps and that's all.

Former 6s Plus user here.

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Nov 22, 2015
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Apple sucks at making large screened phones so far. I agree, imo the 6s Plus has poorly designed ergonomics. That phone is a gigantic, unwieldy device, and it's heavy as **** too. Also, 3d touch is nothing short of a stupid gimmick, I tried and tried to make use of it, but always just forgot about it. I think the entire Apple product line is highly overrated, and definitely overpriced. The only strength I see it having is better apps and that's all.

Former 6s Plus user here.

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Hmmmm I agree and I don't agree Apple definitely needs to hurry with the damm bezels large *** phone but not much screen. How is the note 5 smaller but has more screen? Definitely interested to see what the note 6 has as the note 5 is great and the s7 and edge seem good. Not sure if I would agree with Apple being overpriced there expensive but look at the quality and resale value second to none and after trying the note 5 for a month wouldn't say that Apple apps are better some are but the play store has definitely stepped up and has better apps now compared to before


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Oct 25, 2015
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Apple sucks at making large screened phones so far. I agree, imo the 6s Plus has poorly designed ergonomics. That phone is a gigantic, unwieldy device, and it's heavy as **** too. Also, 3d touch is nothing short of a stupid gimmick, I tried and tried to make use of it, but always just forgot about it. I think the entire Apple product line is highly overrated, and definitely overpriced. The only strength I see it having is better apps and that's all.

Former 6s Plus user here.

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+1000....100% agree with u !

Posted via my Note5 Silver titanium

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