Rant: Absolutely unacceptable that the 3.1 update doesn't fix lag

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May 26, 2010
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My friend received the 3.1 update.....great, you can resize widgets, etc....but it is still extremely laggy!! In fact, it gets even more lagged the more you stretch out the widgets

This is absolutely unacceptable. The screen rotates like crap....anything other than landscape view makes it suck and lag more

I dont know if I have the patience anymore. Google and Mot are so busy developing other crap that they forget to perfect their older devices.

I hate apple, but I have to say...by having only 1 product, they can refine it to perfection. The Ipad 2 is an awesome device. very responsive...but I can't stand having an oversized iphone

Rant over!


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Aug 30, 2010
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Please lock, obvious troll... I have played with it for 20 minutes WHILE syncing music which used to make it lag like... CRAZY. I haven't tried the orientation thing, but when I used to make it portrait, never lagged for me.

Browser is finally good and the system never lags like you two claim. Enjoying this update very much, the first update that Google did NOT screw up.

Sent from my HTC Dream


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May 26, 2010
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Please lock, obvious troll... I have played with it for 20 minutes WHILE syncing music which used to make it lag like... CRAZY. I haven't tried the orientation thing, but when I used to make it portrait, never lagged for me.

Browser is finally good and the system never lags like you two claim. Enjoying this update very much, the first update that Google did NOT screw up.

Sent from my HTC Dream

Troll? please....:-\

everyone knows the xoom lags...especially after awakening it from a long sleep or doing task switching

My whole rant was that Google should fix stability issues rather than adding new features

The reason why I am comparing my friends is because I haven't received the 3.1 update....so I only have my buddies unit to rely on at the moment. I was happy with the new stuff, but less than pleased with no fix tot he lag.....yes the browser is slightly better


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May 26, 2010
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If you dont want lag, stop installing non-optimized apps. My xoom runs perfectly, without any lag while only having optimized apps.

optimized apps is all my friend and I run...i mostly bought this for a portable PDF reader and use quick office to do so and a browser
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Jan 15, 2011
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Troll? please....:-\

everyone knows the xoom lags...especially after awakening it from a long sleep or doing task switching

My whole rant was that Google should fix stability issues rather than adding new features

The reason why I am comparing my friends is because I haven't received the 3.1 update....so I only have my buddies unit to rely on at the moment. I was happy with the new stuff, but less than pleased with no fix tot he lag.....yes the browser is slightly better

I've asked plenty of times to see this so-called lag. The two examples I've been shown to date are a home screen with multiple active widgets. Those active widgets took a perceptible time to re-render . Well, duh! And the "lag" when turning the device and the screen reorientates.

People! The iPad2 doesn't scroll an entire screen with active widgets either. It doesn't even scroll an entire screen... EVER... just the icons. It's moving less than a tenth the amount of pixels. So you're complaining about a slight perceptible delay while doing something no other device on the planet does. Ridiculous.

As for the reorientation "lag", that's how it was intentionally programmed. Play a game on your XOOM that uses the sensors. Plays great, right? And the whole screen spins and moves in real time, right? That game is running in the OS. Those same sensors are what the OS uses to decide to reorientate the screen. Clearly the OS can keep recognize the changes in those sensors immediately, so the "lag" you see when you turn your XOOM is not lag. It's programmed that way.


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May 26, 2010
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haha...so you can say there is lag...but you are just giving reasons for it.....although they are good reasons...

but the fact remains, it causes, what the end user perceives as lag.
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Feb 19, 2010
No need for troll calling here. I don't have major lag issues. Didn't apply the 3.1 yet but as long as it doesn't get really bad I'm OK.

Sent by Xoom


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Nov 6, 2010
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I've asked plenty of times to see this so-called lag. The two examples I've been shown to date are a home screen with multiple active widgets. Those active widgets took a perceptible time to re-render . Well, duh! And the "lag" when turning the device and the screen reorientates.

People! The iPad2 doesn't scroll an entire screen with active widgets either. It doesn't even scroll an entire screen... EVER... just the icons. It's moving less than a tenth the amount of pixels. So you're complaining about a slight perceptible delay while doing something no other device on the planet does. Ridiculous.

As for the reorientation "lag", that's how it was intentionally programmed. Play a game on your XOOM that uses the sensors. Plays great, right? And the whole screen spins and moves in real time, right? That game is running in the OS. Those same sensors are what the OS uses to decide to reorientate the screen. Clearly the OS can keep recognize the changes in those sensors immediately, so the "lag" you see when you turn your XOOM is not lag. It's programmed that way.

It's programmed that way.

More like you're programmed the way, under the assertion that you are undermining the great evil Apple and doing a greater good to the world, to accept that an $800 tablet has a POS TFT LCD and well, LAGS! Google and Motorola clearly own you.

Surprise, your Tegra2 isn't all it was beefed up to be. The Tegra2 has a pathetic GPU that's not even capable of one upping the Hummingbird. HOWEVER, the two cortex A9 cores make up for this.

You know what that causes? Lag. Or should I say: Perceived lag.

But to compare it to Apple's A5... It just needs to sit down and go back to 2010.

But it's not that bad. The Tegra2 is definitely not terrible and can usually give you a stable 60 frames per second... Except.....

As for the reorientation lag... Well, first off, Honeycomb in general, as a whole, lags like hell whenever you switch orientations. It takes way too long to adjust to the new orientation.

Second. If you use your Honeycomb tablet in any orientation OTHER than the standard landscape, it cuts your frame rates in half. In every app, including the launcher, the Browser, email, and games as well. Even in reverse landscape.

And let me guess: You want proof.

Surprise, I have proof.

YouTube - Honeycomb Lag Explained
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Mar 29, 2011
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There's no need for personal attacks.

The limitations of Tegra 2 were already well known. Does it suck that it's power inefficient with a single voltage plane between both cores? Yes. Was Nvidia wrong to leave out the fast ARM MPE and NEON extensions? I think so. Is Tegra 2's ULP GeForce based off an inferior architecture? Sure. Right or wrong, Nvidia made these decisions to get Tegra 2 in the hands of device builders way before anyone else had competing SoCs ready. (As an aside, the SGX540 in Hummingbird has a lot of potential but is seriously bottlenecked by clock speed and memory bus. The TI OMAP4 implementation of SGX540 is a better representation of that potential).

The new and buggy graphics subsystem in Honeycomb is still IMO a step in the right direction, given the lack of any hardware UI acceleration in < Android 2.3 was a serious pain point. I think the most egregious part of this problem is that talented hackers can't try to fix it due to the source code being closed, but that's a different issue. In the end, if you're an early adopter, you ought to know what you're getting in to. I'm happy with my Xoom, but that's just me.
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May 26, 2010
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It's programmed that way.

More like you're programmed the way, under the assertion that you are undermining the great evil Apple and doing a greater good to the world, to accept that an $800 tablet has a POS TFT LCD and well, LAGS! Google and Motorola clearly own you.

Surprise, your Tegra2 isn't all it was beefed up to be. The Tegra2 has a pathetic GPU that's not even capable of one upping the Hummingbird. HOWEVER, the two cortex A9 cores make up for this.

You know what that causes? Lag. Or should I say: Perceived lag.

But to compare it to Apple's A5... It just needs to sit down and go back to 2010.

But it's not that bad. The Tegra2 is definitely not terrible and can usually give you a stable 60 frames per second... Except.....

As for the reorientation lag... Well, first off, Honeycomb in general, as a whole, lags like hell whenever you switch orientations. It takes way too long to adjust to the new orientation.

Second. If you use your Honeycomb tablet in any orientation OTHER than the standard landscape, it cuts your frame rates in half. In every app, including the launcher, the Browser, email, and games as well. Even in reverse landscape.

And let me guess: You want proof.

Surprise, I have proof.

YouTube - Honeycomb Lag Explained

BOOM!! you hit the nail on the head! It isn't perceived laginess...it is real....the frame rate is cut in half in 3 out of the 4 planes of view....that is ridiculous and Google should address it! Glad to know its not a Xoom only problem (hardware), but rather an OS issue


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Jan 15, 2011
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It's programmed that way.

More like you're programmed the way, under the assertion that you are undermining the great evil Apple and doing a greater good to the world, to accept that an $800 tablet has a POS TFT LCD and well, LAGS! Google and Motorola clearly own you.

Surprise, your Tegra2 isn't all it was beefed up to be. The Tegra2 has a pathetic GPU that's not even capable of one upping the Hummingbird. HOWEVER, the two cortex A9 cores make up for this.

You know what that causes? Lag. Or should I say: Perceived lag.

But to compare it to Apple's A5... It just needs to sit down and go back to 2010.

But it's not that bad. The Tegra2 is definitely not terrible and can usually give you a stable 60 frames per second... Except.....

As for the reorientation lag... Well, first off, Honeycomb in general, as a whole, lags like hell whenever you switch orientations. It takes way too long to adjust to the new orientation.

Second. If you use your Honeycomb tablet in any orientation OTHER than the standard landscape, it cuts your frame rates in half. In every app, including the launcher, the Browser, email, and games as well. Even in reverse landscape.

And let me guess: You want proof.

Surprise, I have proof.

YouTube - Honeycomb Lag Explained
First, price... I don't care. I didn't find it to be excessive for all the features and benefits it offers. I bought three of them! Got one for my wife and child. My wife loves it and my kid does all his homework on it. Pulls down his worksheets from the Infinite Campus portal for his school, modifies the docs, e-mails them back or brings in hard copies the next day (if it's something that needed printing). It's money well spent, IMHO.

Well, congratulations on showing the first actual example of "lag" I've seen. I never use the device on it's side or upside down, so this never is an issue for me, but if they offer those aspects, one would hope they would provide the same scroll in all aspects. I still find it inconsequential for my usage, obviously since I never noticed it.

I think "stutter" is a better descriptor, because the screen doesn't actually "lag", it's just not as smooth as in the standard orientation.

I tried ALL MY GAMES. None of them change orientation when started. Some I can play upside down, but the game doesn't re-orientate. So I'd like you to provide an example of a game that slows to 30 fps. One single game will do to make your point.

Surprisingly, I can't find any difference at all using e-mail or a reading application. I did notice it while scrolling in the browser, but again, I don't browse that way. Sites are much better seen in portrait mode. (Let's not even get into the lack of Flash on iPad... talk about arrogance and refusal to fix something!)

So what does all this add up to? Nothing. We're talking about mice nuts here. I never even noticed this stuff before. And how does this impact the superior performance Android provides to me for my enterprise usage?

When competing devices (read iPad) can accept an attached document, modify that document, then e-mail out the modfied document...

When competing devices can read and write documents, spreadsheets and presentations to a USB key....

When competing devices can show me a familiar file system, in which I can drill down into a user defined tiered folder system (like my desktop) to organize and launch files....

And I could go on, but I'd start listing things that are less important. Let's just start with what I've listed. Although I must say several of the Google apps have had a hugely positive impact on my efficiency.

So, while I applaud you for finding a stutter that is essentially a meaningless issue to the vast majority of us, why don't you address the glaring inadequacies that "the other device" has?

I was an Apple guy since the very first iPhone. I owned the first three. They were the only game in town. But now Android is simply better. Even with this grievous stutter when using the device upside down. ;-) The iPad remains a great multimedia toy. But if you need/want something to replace a notebook... something you can go into a meeting with and know you have a useful tool to share files, present on an overhead, do unrestricted e-mailing (modifying attachements and all), share documents with a USB key for security's sake... something that is truly a useful tool in the enterprise world, one has to buy a grown up's device. For that application, the enterprise application, iPad falls woefully short.

And getting back to the reorientation thing. It's programmed that way. It's not hardware lag. It's intentional software lag. I actually prefer it to the screen flipping around. I'm often on a plane and put the unit down or lean it over while getting something. I like that I can recover my position and have my eyes immediately focus on where I was, rather than watch the screen flip around and then look. That being said, I think it's an inconsequential difference as well.

In summary, we can find example after example after example of what an Android platform can do that you can't find on an Apple device. The best the Apple fans can do is complain about some inconsequential artifact that you only see while it's upside down. Puh-leeze.
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First, price... I don't care. I didn't find it to be excessive for all the features and benefits it offers. I bought three of them! Got one for my wife and child. My wife loves it and my kid does all his homework on it. Pulls down his worksheets from the Infinite Campus portal for his school, modifies the docs, e-mails them back or brings in hard copies the next day (if it's something that needed printing). It's money well spent, IMHO.

Well, congratulations on showing the first actual example of "lag" I've seen. I never use the device on it's side or upside down, so this never is an issue for me, but if they offer those aspects, one would hope they would provide the same scroll in all aspects. I still find it inconsequential for my usage, obviously since I never noticed it.

I think "stutter" is a better descriptor, because the screen doesn't actually "lag", it's just not as smooth as in the standard orientation.

I tried ALL MY GAMES. None of them change orientation when started. Some I can play upside down, but the game doesn't re-orientate. So I'd like you to provide an example of a game that slows to 30 fps. One single game will do to make your point.

Surprisingly, I can't find any difference at all using e-mail or a reading application. I did notice it while scrolling in the browser, but again, I don't browse that way. Sites are much better seen in portrait mode. (Let's not even get into the lack of Flash on iPad... talk about arrogance and refusal to fix something!)

So what does all this add up to? Nothing. We're talking about mice nuts here. I never even noticed this stuff before. And how does this impact the superior performance Android provides to me for my enterprise usage?

When competing devices (read iPad) can accept an attached document, modify that document, then e-mail out the modfied document...

When competing devices can read and write documents, spreadsheets and presentations to a USB key....

When competing devices can show me a familiar file system, in which I can drill down into a user defined tiered folder system (like my desktop) to organize and launch files....

And I could go on, but I'd start listing things that are less important. Let's just start with what I've listed. Although I must say several of the Google apps have had a hugely positive impact on my efficiency.

So, while I applaud you for finding a stutter that is essentially a meaningless issue to the vast majority of us, why don't you address the glaring inadequacies that "the other device" has?

I was an Apple guy since the very first iPhone. I owned the first three. They were the only game in town. But now Android is simply better. Even with this grievous stutter when using the device upside down. ;-) The iPad remains a great multimedia toy. But if you need/want something to replace a notebook... something you can go into a meeting with and know you have a useful tool to share files, present on an overhead, do unrestricted e-mailing (modifying attachements and all), share documents with a USB key for security's sake... something that is truly a useful tool in the enterprise world, one has to buy a grown up's device. For that application, the enterprise application, iPad falls woefully short.

And getting back to the reorientation thing. It's programmed that way. It's not hardware lag. It's intentional software lag. I actually prefer it to the screen flipping around. I'm often on a plane and put the unit down or lean it over while getting something. I like that I can recover my position and have my eyes immediately focus on where I was, rather than watch the screen flip around and then look. That being said, I think it's an inconsequential difference as well.

In summary, we can find example after example after example of what an Android platform can do that you can't find on an Apple device. The best the Apple fans can do is complain about some inconsequential artifact that you only see while it's upside down. Puh-leeze.

Bravo sir, reading that made my day just now. I owned the iPad 2 for a day and can honestly say it was the most boring gadget I've ever picked up. I took it back, got a Xoom and was extremely happy with it (I dont have it right now because I'm hoping for an HTC 10 incher). I agree that before the update there was some issues with honeycomb but you can get passed that, it's not like they hinder the device from ever working, they were some minor quirks that needed to be ironed out.

You guys need to realize, Honeycomb was just created. It's a whole new system google has brought to life, of course it'll have some quirks. In due time it'll get better just chill.

Oh and for all you guys that say apple's "perfect" iOS doesn't lag, I've seen iPads freeze worse than any honeycomb tab in existence. When apple's iOS freezes, it freezes or lags very very badly.

Another thing I've noticed, honeycomb scales the phone apps very nicely where iOS makes things pixelated.
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Feb 22, 2011
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Oh and for all you guys that say apple's "perfect" iOS doesn't lag, I've seen iPads freeze worse than any honeycomb tab in existence. When apple's iOS freezes, it freezes or lags very very badly.

iOS is the definition of lag. And people really need to stop complaining. HC is brand new. It is less than a year old, it will mature. iOS been here for years. And of course ipad will have less lag. Its a grid of icons, for crying out loud.


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May 26, 2010
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1. Surprisingly, I can't find any difference at all using e-mail or a reading application.

2. And getting back to the reorientation thing. It's programmed that way. It's not hardware lag. It's intentional software lag. I actually prefer it to the screen flipping around. I'm often on a plane and put the unit down or lean it over while getting something. I like that I can recover my position and have my eyes immediately focus on where I was, rather than watch the screen flip around and then look. That being said, I think it's an inconsequential difference as well.

1. Try loading a 50+mb pdf file ....it lags like crap....stutters..whatever you call it...then try loading the same file on Ipad 2 and you'll see the difference...once again...the only apple product I own is a 5 year old ipod.....im not a fan of apple computers, phones, or anything else.

2. you just said you only use your tablet in 1 orientation mostly......just goes to show you you aren't using this tablet to its potential since its MEANT to be used in 4 planes of view......it may be inconsequential to you..but not for me.

I usually use the tablet while in bed....as a result, it makes me hold the screen at a diagonal instead of perfectly horizontal. This causes the screen orientation to flip accidentally with 1 move. Then I have to wait like 10 seconds for it to go back in the proper position I want it to.....that is perceived downtown that I'm not reading and waiting on the device.


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May 26, 2010
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iOS is the definition of lag. And people really need to stop complaining. HC is brand new. It is less than a year old, it will mature. iOS been here for years. And of course ipad will have less lag. Its a grid of icons, for crying out loud.

yea..how often does an iOS device freeze up? once a week at most?

My xoom lags if it hasn't restarted over 24 hours.

Try going into the app drawer in the Xoom and be in portrait view...it still lags...and that is equivalent to the "GRID VIEW" on iOS
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