Galaxy Note 5 S Pen has suddenly stopped working


AC Question

Ok so just for clarification before I start - I don't have a magnetic case, neither my phone nor the S Pen have been near a magnet and I have never inserted my S Pen into the phone incorrectly!

So........everything was working fine, I was checking my emails and deleting the spammy ones and accidentally tapped the screen twice with my pen. This ended up drawing a box and ticked every email in that box.
I got out of my emails and now my S Pen isn't registering on the screen apart from bringing up a yellow memo page. The pen works when I pull it out of the phone and I can get rid of the little round dot that has the S Note, Memos etc., apps but other than that, it's either drawing boxes or bringing up the yellow memo page.
I've restarted my phone which hasn't fixed it. I went into my settings and nothing to do with the S Pen has been turned off. It just went stupid after I double tapped really quickly (shaky hands!) in my emails.
I've Googled every which way to try and fix it but most people seem to have a problem because their case has a magnet (mine doesn't) or they've inserted the pen incorrectly (I haven't). I haven't dropped the phone nor the Pen, it's just being a ****.
I have my fingers crossed that someone tech savvy has an answer for me because I'm stumped!
I look forward to hearing from someone who knows what the hell I've gone and done accidentally!!
Cheers, Turtlesmum