[Official] July 25th Update - Links first post, and/or page 72


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Jun 30, 2011
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Re: [Rumor] July 11th Update

Whether it is all or not all, it seems that a significant number of phones do have issues. So, I am not sure why there is disagreement. In regards to the phones seemingly without the issue, who can say whether these phones do not have any actual issues, or whether they live in a good reception area - but again, does it really matter when clearly a significant number of phones have reported issues?

In regards to my phone, I would argue that my previous phone received better reception than my Nexus - this is upsetting.
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Jun 30, 2011
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Re: [Rumor] July 11th Update

I can reproduce the horrible reception on every device. All it takes is a power down, and then they have absolutely DREADFUL reception.

Anyway, I have a Nexus, I don't have the aforementioned reception problems, I am tech-savvy. Yes, it is a problem for some people. Yes, it needs to be addressed, but it doesn't make it a terrible phone by any stretch.

Lol, so you admit that you do not have the problem, but then state that the problem, that you do not have, does not make this a bad phone. While I like my phone, the reception issue does affect my evaluation of the phone. If you have not noticed the problem, it is almost impossible for you to evaluate the phone with the problem. Regardless, it seems that we both agree that such a reception problem needs to corrected.


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Jun 18, 2011
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Re: [Rumor] July 11th Update

Lol, so you admit that you do not have the problem, but then state that the problem, that you do not have, does not make this a bad phone. While I like my phone, the reception issue does affect my evaluation of the phone. If you have not noticed the problem, it is almost impossible for you to evaluate the phone with the problem. Regardless, it seems that we both agree that such a reception problem needs to corrected.

I'm saying that the reception problem is just that, a problem, and should be corrected. But hardware-wise, speed-wise, etc. mean it's not a bad phone. What most people seem to say is that the fact that it has the reception issue in some phones makes the whole phone crap, and that's simply not the case. It's the fastest phone I've ever used, it feels great, the samoled display is phenomenal, and just because some phones (a minority of people*) have reception issues doesn't automatically make it the worst phone ever.

(*However vocal the people with issues are, you must admit the number of nexus users on forums is a minority, and even then, not all forum posters are saying they have the problem, so it's really a fraction of the minority with the problem)


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Jun 30, 2011
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Re: [Rumor] July 11th Update

I'm saying that the reception problem is just that, a problem, and should be corrected. But hardware-wise, speed-wise, etc. mean it's not a bad phone. What most people seem to say is that the fact that it has the reception issue in some phones makes the whole phone crap, and that's simply not the case. It's the fastest phone I've ever used, it feels great, the samoled display is phenomenal, and just because some phones (a minority of people*) have reception issues doesn't automatically make it the worst phone ever.

(*However vocal the people with issues are, you must admit the number of nexus users on forums is a minority, and even then, not all forum posters are saying they have the problem, so it's really a fraction of the minority with the problem)

Reception is what makes a phone a phone - without reception, what do you have? Nothing, but a glorified pocket calculator. So reception in a phone is hugely important.

In regards to how many people have issues, I can only state that there must be a significant number of users. Whether or not they are in forums, or come here, I cannot state, but that does not diminish their numbers in the slightest.


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May 7, 2011
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Re: [Rumor] July 11th Update

Wrong, its can be proven and reproduced on ALL devices... meaning it is a MAJOR issue. I have not heard of one person that exchanged their phone and the problem went away. It just so happens not every nexus 4g owner is a forum reader or tech savy enough to know there is something wrong with the phone.

Actually, you're wrong. This is not reproducible on all devices. I've had two Nexus S 4Gs (one had an LCD issue) and neither of them had the issue. Nor does the one on display at the Sprint stores here.

If this WAS as widespread as you so blindly claim, we'd have more than people online complaining, we would have people offline, it would be in the news just like the iPhone 4 was. Do you really think that Google's own flagship phone having so-called "horrible" internet issues wouldn't be big news?

So if you are can't get up to 40 mph its ok and the manufacturer just has to "work on it a little bit" ?

4G was the FIRST MAJOR 4G device from Sprint, by now the tweaking should be ironed out... not reinventing the wheel.

Um, no. No the Nexus S 4G is not and was never the first major 4G device. Have you ever heard of the HTC EVO 4G? In fact, the EVO series is Sprint's own personal flagship phone. The Nexus, however "amazing" or "awesome" it is (and it is pretty awesome), will always be 2nd to the EVO on Sprint.

Again, you're wrong. XD

Also, yes. I am okay with it. Why? Because I knew that the Nexus line is pretty much a "you're all gonna be our public testers!" line of phones. I knew what I was getting into when I bought the phone. Clearly, you did not.

Also, since the Nexus is the first device to ship with Gingerbread, there was really no way of telling how Sprint's WI-MAX would work on it without putting it out there and trying.

In regards to how many people have issues, I can only state that there must be a significant number of users. Whether or not they are in forums, or come here, I cannot state, but that does not diminish their numbers in the slightest.

This is still a minor issue and not a huge enough problem that Google seems to want to rush this update, which is why it's not here. Why rush it when it's only affecting a small amount of people and possibly break everyone's phones in the process?
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Jun 16, 2011
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Re: [Rumor] July 11th Update

Except femtocells in the store make it seem like there's no problem. It probably has the issue all the same.
I guess I should tell the girls at my Sprint store in the mall that they just have to flip the switch instead of always walking out of the store to do activations.


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Sep 6, 2010
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Re: [Rumor] July 11th Update

I guess I should tell the girls at my Sprint store in the mall that they just have to flip the switch instead of always walking out of the store to do activations.


Not sure if being a pr*ck or just vague in responses.


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Jun 16, 2011
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Re: [Rumor] July 11th Update

Wrong, its can be proven and reproduced on ALL devices... meaning it is a MAJOR issue. I have not heard of one person that exchanged their phone and the problem went away. It just so happens not every nexus 4g owner is a forum reader or tech savy enough to know there is something wrong with the phone.
I just marked this as a News Tip for the site.


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Jun 16, 2011
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Re: [Rumor] July 11th Update

Not sure if being a pr*ck or just vague in responses.
Couldn't be any more clear. There is no reception in the Sprint store in my mall and the employees walk out of the store into the center of the mall while doing activations.

Not sure if you're just being obtuse or if you really believe there is a mini tower in every Sprint store.


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Sep 6, 2010
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Re: [Rumor] July 11th Update

Couldn't be any more clear. There is no reception in the Sprint store in my mall and the employees walk out of the store into the center of the mall while doing activations.

Not sure if you're just being obtuse or if you really believe there is a mini tower in every Sprint store.

I don't recall saying "Every" Sprint store.


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May 7, 2011
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Re: [Rumor] July 11th Update

Except femtocells in the store make it seem like there's no problem. It probably has the issue all the same.

You know, if Sprint took the trouble to make sure that their phones on display are absolutely flawless, the Sprint store here would've had a working Echo when I was last there as it would be perfect in every way.

Please don't do the conspiracy thing...


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Sep 6, 2010
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Re: [Rumor] July 11th Update

You know, if Sprint took the trouble to make sure that their phones on display are absolutely flawless, the Sprint store here would've had a working Echo when I was last there as it would be perfect in every way.

Please don't do the conspiracy thing...

Why does the fact some stores have femtocells = conspiracy?

It's a simple fact.


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Jun 16, 2011
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Re: [Rumor] July 11th Update

Except femtocells in the store make it seem like there's no problem. It probably has the issue all the same.
No quantification.

I don't recall saying "Every" Sprint store.

Why does the fact some stores have femtocells = conspiracy?

It's a simple fact.
And above all else, it's a fact. Zero, one or a hundred, it doesn't matter because what we are contesting is that EVERY NS4G is riddled with problems which was the comment that started this latest round of back and forth.

I'd take you more seriously if A)anything you said was based on documented fact, B)you didn't have Troll Face in your avatar.


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May 7, 2011
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Re: [Rumor] July 11th Update

Why does the fact some stores have femtocells = conspiracy?

It's a simple fact.

Because you're assuming that just because you're having the problem and the Sprint stores don't that they must have phones that don't have the issue. The logical reason as to WHY they would have such phones would be to make sure people don't know about the phone when Sprint knows it exists.

This is a conspiracy theory.

Even if they do have femtocells, there is no guarantee the problem exists on their phones.


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Sep 6, 2010
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Re: [Rumor] July 11th Update

No quantification.


And above all else, it's a fact. Zero, one or a hundred, it doesn't matter because what we are contesting is that EVERY NS4G is riddled with problems which was the comment that started this latest round of back and forth.

I'd take you more seriously if A)anything you said was based on documented fact, B)you didn't have Troll Face in your avatar.

No quantification is needed. If someone doesn't say "every" they don't mean "every."

Backpedaling, to ensure you could see the fact I didn't say "every."

And I'd take you far more seriously if you weren't arguing with me, who said nothing to you in the first place. Yet, you seem to feel you are king of the thread, so you have to refute or comment on every minuscule thing you disagree with. I blame a Napoleon complex. It's sad really.

It's also completely impossible to document something that was told to me by a Sprint employee at a store. And don't start, cause I know where "Sprint employee said this" talk goes, and I frankly don't care. Keep your pants on, kid.

Apparently, you also can't read avatars.


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Sep 6, 2010
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Re: [Rumor] July 11th Update

Because you're assuming that just because you're having the problem and the Sprint stores don't that they must have phones that don't have the issue. The logical reason as to WHY they would have such phones would be to make sure people don't know about the phone when Sprint knows it exists.

This is a conspiracy theory.

Even if they do have femtocells, there is no guarantee the problem exists on their phones.

I'm not saying it definitely does have the problem. But it would seem, since they have a femtocell in their building, that the chance of noticing the issue on a display handset would be low, especially to people passing by the phone.


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Mar 18, 2011
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Re: [Rumor] July 11th Update

what path can i find the i/o scheduler stuff in.,,,,,,just thought i'd break the bickerimg for a min....hee hee

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