2 Quick Questions


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Feb 2, 2011
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I'm pulling the trigger and buying the EVO today....coming from the Pre.

1. Does the EVO need a screen protector or does it have gorilla glass?

2. Does the EVO have universal search like the Pre?

Thx for answers in advance!

Cyber Warrior

Robots Will Kill
Nov 28, 2010
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Its not necessary for a screen protector but if it makes you feel better, put one on. If you use a file manager like Astro you will have a search feature for all files on the phone and SD card.... that's about it.


Inspector Gadget
Apr 22, 2010
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You don't need a file manager for universal search on the EVO. Just press the search button (magnifying glass) while you're on a home screen. You can even modify what things get searched (apps, media, web, settings, files, contacts, email, text messages, calendar, etc.) The list grows as you install more apps.

You can also search by voice. Just press the on-screen microphone when the search dialog box comes up.

You also have full voice command capability (Call John Doe on his mobile; Search for biography of Martin Luther King Jr.; Send text to Jane Smith: Hi Jane. How have you been?)

Very powerful. You can also assign a long-press of the search button to activate the voice command.
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Jun 6, 2010
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The EVO doesn't have Gorilla Glass but what ever glass HTC uses is really tough. So no you don't need a screen protector but..... you can never be to safe... right.

And if you go to the search app... then settings (menu)... then "search settings"... you can choose what apps and parts of the phone the search app will search. But you will need a app like Cyber suggested to search for files on the SD card.