4G. So what?


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Feb 23, 2011
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I'm not sure i want to be a beta tester for this phone anymore, and 4g network.
Can someone explain benefits of actually paying for 4g and using it on daily basis.

Is it something we will actually NEVER use because of battery issues, is it like buying a car that can go 240mph while speed limit everywhere you go is 65?


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Feb 8, 2011
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Its a personal preference issue. I use my phone a lot on the go, and having the power and speed of the 4g network at times, will be a huge plus. I will probably use 3g most of the time when I am just casually looking at things, but when I need to DL something, or go to a flash site, I'll unleash the POWA!


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Feb 23, 2011
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Ok so 4g is something we'll be able to switch off and on? Because i hate to charge this phone every hour or so.

Electric Mayhem

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Feb 10, 2011
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I really don't think your going to have a choice as to whether you want to use it or not. As far as I know the 3G-4G handoff will be automatic just like the EVDO handoff works now. Once you enter a 4G area the phone will automatically switch to that service. According to user WorldofJohnny over of droidforums.net who is testing the phone there is no option to turn 4G off as far as he can tell but he is also almost 2 hours away from a 4G area so it may be possible that it would come up when he enters said area otherwise I think it will probably only be possible through rooting. If someone has information contrary to this please post it as I've yet to come across anything mentioning an On/Off switch.



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Feb 8, 2011
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If you don't need it, don't use it. For me, I run websites and constantly will need to VPN and RDP into servers to administer stuff, as well as transferring files via FTP and listening to high quality audio streams without hiccups. 3G does 'just ok' on these things whereas 4G is very capable. My 2cents.


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Jan 12, 2011
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Ok so 4g is something we'll be able to switch off and on? Because i hate to charge this phone every hour or so.

Just posted this elsewhere, but there's alot of misinformation or cluelessness (the other forum guy with the phone) so it applies here too:

Panda confirmed to me that there is an on/off widget for LTE. No worries. :)

paulmike3: @black_man_x Does the TBolt have a dedicated LTE on/off widget? I assume it does, but can't seem to find that answer... Thanks in advance!

4 Mar in reply to @paulmike3
@black_man_x: @paulmike3 yep.. can turn it off at will


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Aug 16, 2010
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Verizon would be fools not to have them to build a 4G toggle onto the phone. After the tons of battery complaints the first couple of days they'd most definitely regret it. Especially for people that will be getting the phone and dont live in a 4G area. The LTE radio would be constantly searching for a signal and you'd be lucky if you got 3 hours out of it without having to recharge. It's not as bad when its actually connected to 4G.. but you'd still probably only get 5-6 hours out of it if you actually left it on without charging.


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Aug 10, 2010
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By all means, stay on 3G or EDGE... it will make our 4G that much faster. And really it's only in a few markets right now, growing fast, but still limited... luckily it's in my area and any area I plan to travel to in the near future... plus it should be a great phone for those areas that does not have 4G... so please stay on 3G.


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Nov 9, 2010
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I still have yet to hear a convincing reason why 90% of users would benefit from 4G, but it's the newest and greatest. Gotta have it. Sure, it's great from some users, no doubt. But unless you're doing a lot of streaming, video calling, file transfers, I don't get it.


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Mar 2, 2011
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yes, both on LTE and 3G
And on Verizon's network.l? My wife and I are currently with ATT and when we called to see when our contract is up the Rep tried to keep us with them. She said that you will not be able to talk and surf at the same time on Verizons network. I know Verizon is a CDMA network and ATT is GSM. I'm confused. Sorry just waking up.


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Oct 5, 2009
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With LTE (data) + 3G (voice), as well as just 3G (data and voice).

Also, LTE (data + voice) once the T-Bolt gets VoLTE later this year.

And on Verizon's network.l? My wife and I are currently with ATT and when we called to see when our contract is up the Rep tried to keep us with them. She said that you will not be able to talk and surf at the same time on Verizons network. I know Verizon is a CDMA network and ATT is GSM. I'm confused. Sorry just waking up.
The network itself did not support it for the longest time but there is a technology that lets you go around it. So far, only the Thunderbolt is able to bypass CDMA's inherent lack of 3G voice+data via something called SVDO, but since Verizon isn't very confident in the technology as they are focused more on building out their 4G networks they may not advertise this feature of the T-Bolt.

Basically, if it works, great, but don't be upset if it doesn't. Just wait a year or so when LTE is a little bit more widespread and you won't have to worry about 3G ever again.
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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2011
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And on Verizon's network.l? My wife and I are currently with ATT and when we called to see when our contract is up the Rep tried to keep us with them. She said that you will not be able to talk and surf at the same time on Verizons network. I know Verizon is a CDMA network and ATT is GSM. I'm confused. Sorry just waking up.

Yes, with SVDO. This is the frist VZW device that implements it.

Also, LTE (data + voice) once the T-Bolt gets VoLTE later this year.

Assuming the TB gets it. I'm not as optimistic about that with this device. They need to have alot more LTE coverage before that gets rolled out (my opinion, no proof).


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Jan 18, 2011
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All I know is this, 4G = (EQUAL) SPEED. I want that, no matter where I am with my phone, to not have to solely rely on WI-FI connection for a quick browsing experience. I've used VZW 3G network and found myself wanting a faster experience. 4G will undoubtedly provide that.

IMHO, if this is not your primary concern, then there's no need for the Thunderbolt.


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Feb 23, 2011
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I still have yet to hear a convincing reason why 90% of users would benefit from 4G, but it's the newest and greatest. Gotta have it. Sure, it's great from some users, no doubt. But unless you're doing a lot of streaming, video calling, file transfers, I don't get it.

That's exactly what i want to find out, should i just simply get incredible with tested and working 3g for a 1 year contract and wait til they get this new technology all figured out.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
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I'm not sure i want to be a beta tester for this phone anymore, and 4g network.
Can someone explain benefits of actually paying for 4g and using it on daily basis.

Is it something we will actually NEVER use because of battery issues, is it like buying a car that can go 240mph while speed limit everywhere you go is 65?

We won't know what it does to the battery until we get our hands on it.

The benefit is network speed. You can use that how you wish. faster web page loading. More stuff up and down the network at once. Faster tethered connections or wifi hotspot.

For me these are good reasons. You have to decide for yourself. Even if you end up turning it on and off to conserve battery, having it when you need it could work out to be worth it.

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