After GB, I'm permanently Low on Space


Dec 5, 2010
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Re: Similar Problem...

After update, I'm running out of space on phone too. I would always keep it around 42mb or so free, but now I cant get over 25mb. I have moved everything to SD that can be moved and erased apps that I want trying to clear up space.

Nothing works.Then I read this thread and started looking at how big some apps are. My contacts is at 7mb which is ok, but my Stock Mail app (which I dont even use) is at 27mb and Dialer storage is at 26mb. I never paid attention to this before, can anyone tell me if these are too big and thats causing my problem?

Thanks a million,

Only 27mb? e-mail app is 70+mb. WAY too big. I wish I knew why it was that way. Makes NO sense at all. I only sync 3days worth of e-mail too.
I can understand why me FB app is so big @ 53mp, but not my stock e-mail app. WTF?
My 3 biggest apps with the most storage are:
Mail @ 73
FB @ 56
Contact storage @ 25


Jul 29, 2011
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Running CM7 and I've had no problems with memory n stuff. even before I upgraded to cm7 I've never had memory problems. My evo was bought earlier this year.


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Jul 9, 2011
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I'm not rooted & I haven't had any memory issues with my Evo. I have a bunch of apps & games loaded & I have about 200MB of free space.


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May 17, 2010
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Despite switching from Google Reader (unmovable to SD) to gReader (moveable and somewhat better app), Seemic (which I loved) for Tweetcaster (meh, but moveable), and changing from The Weather Channel to Weather Bug (both unmovable; latter smaller), and ditching a few programs, the problem is back with a vengeance and driving me crazier!

Here are the Top 20 space eaters (compared to the list I posted in July):

1. Adobe Flash Player - 17.36MB (Up from 11.96MB! WTF?!?)
2. Contacts Storage - 12.45MB (up from 11.82MB)
3. Gmail - 11.77MB (up from 9.29MB)
4. Google Maps - 10.40MB (down .15)
5. Kindle - 8.12MB (up from 7.18MB - got some more books)
6. Facebook - 8.08MB (up from 6.94MB)
7. Handcent - 7.82MB (wasn't even Top 10 last time, so I didn't note space)
8. Android Market - 7.78MB (up from 7.03MB)
9. Groupon - 6.55MB (wasn't Top 20 before - weird)
10. Dolphin HD - 5.95MB (on SD card, but clearing cache and history frees space; wasn't Top 10 before)
11. Adobe Reader - 5.68MB (not listed before)
12. SwiftKey X - 5.62MB
13. Weather Bug - 5.59MB
14. Shazam - 5.15MB
15. K-9 Mail - 5.12MB
16. Google Voice - 5.08MB
17. Voice Search - 4.57MB
(I'd delete, but SwiftKey's voice input requires its presence)
18. My Tracks - 4.54MB (on SD card)
19. Quick Office - 4.53MB
20. Spotify - 4.51MB (can delete when my free month of Premium is up)
21-25. Lookout, Pocket Casts, HTC Sense, Bing (on SD), and Craig's List Notifications - 20.95MB total

The total of these 25 apps, all but three on the phone - about half of which couldn't be uninstalled if I wanted to - is 167.62MB. Total installed apps, according to DiskUsage is 238MB which raises the question: If I'm supposed to have 428MB total space to work with and have 238MB of apps and ~40MB free, where the [hecking heck] is my free space at?!?!?

I did some digging and found that there is 144.6MB consumed by a block called System Data that DiskUsage can't read into. Googling around I found some posts discussing looking into it with Yaff's Explorer and deleting "tombstone" files or logs that seem to have piled up. However, when I look at my System directory, I don't readily spot what's eating the space.

Even though the Nexus Prime announcement is supposedly a week away (though when and what carrier will get it is still unknown), I am about thisfriggingclose to going to the store and throwing down five bills to get the Galaxy S 2. Even my girlfriend, who usually makes disapproving noises about frivolous expenditures - she didn't want me to spend $15 on a couple of books for her at a closing Borders store (I bought them anyway and will give them to her on her birthday next week; she'd like them) - was asking, "Why don't you just go buy the new phone since this one is making you crazy?" That she's seriously suggesting dropping that much coin shows what 3+ months listening to me b*tch about this must sound like.

Short of a total wipe - which I'm ready to do as the last step toward dropping $500 - what can be done to clear out this System Data black hole?


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May 17, 2010
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Throwing a Hail Mary, I used Android Terminal Emulator to enter the following commands:
#cd /data/dalvik-cache
#rm *
As soon as I did that I started getting a torrent of Force Close errors. I immediately hit Restart from the power button menu. After rebooting, it immediately came up with the Low Space warning. Grrr. I went in with Yaff's and manually selected and deleted a handful of larger files and deleted them and now I've got 57MB free, which is nowhere near enough, but proof that this is helping.

There are still 271 files weighing 111MB in this directory. What's the method of nuking them all?

UPDATE: I tried going up one level in Yaff's and selecting and deleting the whole folder and then restarting when the FC avalanche came, but after restarting it has 243 files taking up 116MB, so it's now heavier! And get this: THE LOW SPACE WARNING IS BACK AND I'VE ONLY GOT 40MB FREE!!!

UPDATE #2: Now I think the phone's got a vendetta against me. I just uninstalled the updates to Flash Player and now I'm back at 57MB free and it takes only 52KB(?!?!?!?!?!??!?) on the phone. Huh?!? It appears to be v.10 and updating to v.11 will be 6.17MB according to the Market Download.

UPDATE #3: No such luck. After updating, it's gobbled up the same 17+MB as listed about and I'm at 40MB free space and thus SOL again.

UPDATE #4: Deleting the data from Bing - which is supposedly on the SD card - freed up about 4MB of space and I'm semi-operational until I do anything that brings in data. I'm crippled. Looks like tonight is going to be spent doing nothing but wiping the phone and reloading everything. Pure suckage. :'(
Last edited:


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May 17, 2010
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Final update: I gave up and am now posting this from my new Galaxy S 2. I wasted hours and stressed out for over three months and the thought of spending an evening wiping and reloading everything in order to wring out a few measly megabytes of space depressed me. I'd rather spend the time starting on a new phone.

BTW, I currently have 1.8GB free space. $530 was a bargain. Thanks for reading.


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Dec 2, 2010
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Two friends of mine had the same issue and they did a factory reset and then removed all accounts from the HTC mail app and now no more paroblems. There was 200 megs of DATA on the HTC mail app that he couldn't clear without the help of the factory reset. Now, no problems. just sayin


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May 17, 2010
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As I exhaustively chronicled, that wasn't the issue with my situation. It's annoying when people who don't know the details of what they're commenting on chirp in with unrelated stuff. "Dude, my friends like, you know, deleted the thing from the thing and that fixed them. Just sayin', yo." That's nice, but had no bearing on the cramped confines of the apps partition and the fact that only 90% could be used before it refused to work.


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Aug 30, 2011
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If you're rooted you can adjust the partitions. I've done it, it takes some doing but it is possible. So, for example, instead of the 428mb app memory one gets stock, I have 511mb, minus my apps, etc I have 236mb free. (i could have more, but I'm running a stock sense rom so it needs a big system partition).

I found a walkthrough on xda.

Sent from my HTC EVO 4G using Tapatalk
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Jun 11, 2010
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As I exhaustively chronicled, that wasn't the issue with my situation. It's annoying when people who don't know the details of what they're commenting on chirp in with unrelated stuff. "Dude, my friends like, you know, deleted the thing from the thing and that fixed them. Just sayin', yo." That's nice, but had no bearing on the cramped confines of the apps partition and the fact that only 90% could be used before it refused to work.

Yeah, I have this problem and I have never used the HTC mail app. I use only Gmail on my Evo.


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Dec 2, 2010
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I did a factory reset on my phone and went from 67 MB of internal to 287 MB with all of my old apps installed. It runs like a brand new phone! Pretty simple to do, all I had to do was reload all of my apps which only took a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon.
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Nov 13, 2010
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I did a factory reset on my phone and went from 67 MB of internal to 287 MB with all of my old apps installed. It runs like a brand new phone! Pretty simple to do, all I had to do was reload all of my apps which only took a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon.

Hmmmm, I find your post fascinating! I am tempted to take a few hours and try this. What do you think happened to have this occur? You just did a factory reset and then re-downloaded all of the apps you originally had anyway??


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Nov 13, 2010
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Thanks to gpdaddy95! I tried your suggested and boy did it work! Entire process only two about 4 hours (with a few interruptions). Instead of 70mb I now have 310mb and the Evo works much, much faster! Like a new phone. Thanks again. :D


Jun 11, 2010
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I did a factory reset on my phone and went from 67 MB of internal to 287 MB with all of my old apps installed. It runs like a brand new phone! Pretty simple to do, all I had to do was reload all of my apps which only took a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon.

How's it going? Still running well? I might do this myself...


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Jun 4, 2010
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i am probably going to factory reset as a last resort. my memory at this point is close to nil - i've had a few warnings that it's below 512k.

what exactly do i lose when i do this?


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Nov 13, 2010
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I didn't lose anything. Just had to reinstall my programs and make a few tweaks (personal preferences such as ringtones, etc. I use gmail so my calendar, contacts and email were automatically updated for me. All my pictures, videos and such were on the SD card.


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Feb 12, 2011
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After rooting and installing movetosd enabler, quite amazing how much space is gobbled up by apps patched over time. Tango was 20 MB on system but only 3 after moved to SD. Nuts.

- Sent from my HTC eVo with Tapatalk

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