Any Issues With Android 12 on Note 20 Ultra?

Hi, as far as your second question, I still remove my SD card on major updates. I'm not sure if it's recommended as it once was, but I like to live by "Better Safe Than Sorry". If you store the ringtones & notification sounds on your SD card you may have to set them up again. I finally had enough of that nonsense & I moved all my ringtones & notification media to the internal designated folders.
Thanks for confirming that I'm not alone in my old school approach.

Any thoughts on stopping the countdown to installing Android 12?
Does it stop it while it's in mid countdown? And will I need to go into software settings, because I can't go into my software update setting because it just forces the move along .
Does it stop it while it's in mid countdown? And will I need to go into software settings, because I can't go into my software update setting because it just forces the move along .
It stops all OTA software updates until you enable again
Only issue I have found is the change from Link Sharing to Quick Share. It seems like it doesn't actually create a link which is strange. It says to scan a qr code for the link. I used link sharing to share videos through text messages. So how ???
I read some scathing critiques about it feeling like it was made to feel "less professional ", and that many things were reorganized into different categories and settings than where they have been, making it a hassle to find if you've been used to A11
Also, I never have understood why they remove some really cool functions, like many old camera functions they had way back on the Note 3 and such like the golf swing shot
Only issue I have found is the change from Link Sharing to Quick Share. It seems like it doesn't actually create a link which is strange. It says to scan a qr code for the link. I used link sharing to share videos through text messages. So how ???
Click where I circled and it will create a link. Then you choose which app you want to use to share it. Basically they created extra steps to do the same thing.. Progress in the works
I just noticed my first issue with Android 12. Android Auto on my 2018 Silverado will not correctly connect phone calls. My truck requires the USB cable to use Android Auto. I can make a phone call and the other person can hear me but I cannot hear them. Anyone else experiencing this issue? Any suggestions on how to fix the issue?
I have the tmobile note 20 ultra and I did the update sometime last week.
I am having alot of issues.
I will be working on my phone and the screen will stop responding and the only thing to do is force a restart.
If I spend too long typing a response or post on Facebook everything flickers and the app shuts down.
I am having to restart my phone 6+ times a day since the update. Not happy.
I'm having this same exact issue on my Note 20 Ultra on Verizon. I have to restart at least once a day because except for pulling down the screen is non-responsive. Restarting fixing it for another day or two.
So even though I was nervous about going through with the upgrade to Android 12 and One UI 4 on my Verizon Note 20 Ultra, I have NOT (knock on wood), any problems to date with it. In fact, after I did a partition cache wipe my battery life has been very good, lasting all day.
I did take precautions in advance by removing my SD card during the upgrade, and I used that as an opportunity to upgrade to a 512gb SD card, giving me even more space to offload files from my 132 sized internal storage phone.

I honestly don't see what all the hub-bub is about either way, however. Some reviewers made it sound like everything was moved around needlessly, as if dogs and cats were playing together and the sky is falling.

I'd certainly be unhappy if my phone was acting weird, but I think the upgrade actually chased some crap out of my phone, and I'm satisfied so far.
We have 4 - Note 20 5g Ultra's in our family on Verizon. All of them have had terrible battery life since the Android 12 update. Battery life was never really stellar on the Note but it has taken a very noticeable hit since the update. I did do a cache wipe and have done the normal checks to make sure things are running correctly.

We also have noticed issues with the WIFI being very unreliable. First I thought it was our Mesh system in the house but then we all noticed our laptops were connecting with no issues but we've had frequent drops and unreliable connection when using WIFI on the phones.

Typical update, breaks something ! LOL...
We have 4 - Note 20 5g Ultra's in our family on Verizon. All of them have had terrible battery life since the Android 12 update. Battery life was never really stellar on the Note but it has taken a very noticeable hit since the update. I did do a cache wipe and have done the normal checks to make sure things are running correctly.

We also have noticed issues with the WIFI being very unreliable. First I thought it was our Mesh system in the house but then we all noticed our laptops were connecting with no issues but we've had frequent drops and unreliable connection when using WIFI on the phones.

Typical update, breaks something ! LOL...

My battery life took a big nose dive on my s20U unlocked running on T-Mobile. I lost an entire day worth of use. It's been over a week since the update, so things should have settled in by now.

I can't remember if I wiped the cache partition after updating so I'm going to do that next.
Just like the title says. Mine came with Android 11... but I have a particularly bad history with updating phones more than once with the next version of android. My S4, Turbo 2, Z Force, Note 9, all completely ruined by updates. The last time it happened with my note 9 and it started suffering from serious overheating problems, software problems, performance issues, all kinds of problems. It killed the Wi-Fi on my Z-Force and the same thing happened when they replaced it with a new Z-Force, my Turbo and my S4 both suffered serious performance issues, I'm having a really bad time with these updates.

I've talked to a number of phone technicians about this, and they've told me Google and phone manufacturers don't care how it affects older phones or it's even intentional because they want customers to replace their old phones and keep spending money.

So I feel like I would be doing something really stupid if I just went ahead and updated to 12 without learning as much as I possibly could and listening to other people's experiences. What do you guys use your phones for? How many and what types of apps do you use on them? How long have you had your phones? Did you start with 11 like I did or did you start with 10? What have your experiences been with Android 12? Performance issues? Battery problems? Charging problems? Overheating? Glitches? What about problems with things like wi-fi, bluetooth, wireless charging, compatibility issues, apps not working with Android 12, etc?

Since my t-mobile update my Bluetooth randomly cuts off and it will not let me turn it back on, same goes for my wifi connection. When I go into settings and try to manually turn it on it freezes and occasionally restarts the phone. More often then not it just refuses to turn on. I have noticed that throughout the day my galaxy watch 3 disconnects constantly and so do my bose quiet comfort ear buds. If anyone has any fixes please let me know.
I just noticed my first issue with Android 12. Android Auto on my 2018 Silverado will not correctly connect phone calls. My truck requires the USB cable to use Android Auto. I can make a phone call and the other person can hear me but I cannot hear them. Anyone else experiencing this issue? Any suggestions on how to fix the issue?

My truck was doing the same ( also have a 2018 silverado). Come to find out it was sending the call to my galaxy 3 watch for some reason. Once I turned bt off on the watch it seemed to work a little betrer.

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