Anyway to calibrate the SPen ?


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2009
My SPen has been off since day one, and yes after a factory wipe. When i hover above the screen the dot is noticeably to the right of the tip of the pen and it seems to translate when touching the screen with the pen as well. Anyone else see this or have a way of solving it?

The weird thing is my phone picks up the entire end of the pen (whats holding the tip) rather than the tip itself.... not sure what the deal is.
Surprised you didn't figure it out when you got this phone a year before everyone else. I'd check the manual 1st.
My SPen has been off since day one, and yes after a factory wipe. When i hover above the screen the dot is noticeably to the right of the tip of the pen and it seems to translate when touching the screen with the pen as well. Anyone else see this or have a way of solving it?

I think it sounds like something is wrong with the S-pen. How well does it work with a finger tip?
I think it sounds like something is wrong with the S-pen. How well does it work with a finger tip?

Finger works just fine no issues and my note 2 pin works awesome as well, so it does sound like a problem with the pen. Would hate to replace the phone just for the pen but might have to.
Finger works just fine no issues and my note 2 pin works awesome as well, so it does sound like a problem with the pen. Would hate to replace the phone just for the pen but might have to.
OH surely they'd just give you a pen for crying out loud. I know, why expect logic. I'd hate to have to start over with a new phone to set up again. I'd be tempted to buy a new S-pen for right now, you should always have a spare anyway. Maybe contacting Samsung's customer service might be worthwhile, maybe they'd authorize an exchange of an S-pen....
My SPen has been off since day one, and yes after a factory wipe. When i hover above the screen the dot is noticeably to the right of the tip of the pen and it seems to translate when touching the screen with the pen as well. Anyone else see this or have a way of solving it?

I'm assuming you've tried Masked Mamba's idea of changing tips? That would be first choice. But before having to give up a set up phone, I just found this on a search, thought it might be helpful if all else fails. :: Android Fever ::: How to calibrate Galaxy note S Pen I'm not sure if the example used is the original Note or Note 2, but something there might work, there were some comments that looked helpful too.
There are ways to both adjust the sensitivity of the spen as well as calibrate it to your screen. I posted the YouTube video to adjust sensitivity in another thread. Regarding calibration, I saw the method somewhere but can't recall where; you'll have to do a search.
On the note 1 the calibration method was essentially to open a note and run the penn off the screen in all directions and through the corners. Not sure if it works on the note 3 but worth a shot.

Posted via Android Central App
Tried all the tricks and nothing worked, took it in and asked for a new pen they said they would have to replace the entire phone. So I did that and am having much better results!
Yeah, it would have to be in the digitizer that senses the pen location. The feed back from the s pen comes from a wire coil near the tip of the s pen. Not much to go wrong there.
If you are using your device with a flip cover case, magnets which are in the back side of the case affects the pen with its magnetic field. Try replacing the case or magnets in it.
Thank you so much! It's exactly that. The magnetic sensor ofmy case perturbates recognition the exact place of the S pen tip when I'm rightjust above the magnetic sensor of my case. It's not a default of the s-pen. I try to complete tests to be sure.
Go to your dialer press *#0*# and do the WACOM test see how much off your pen is there is a SPEN hovering test included too..
Thank you so much for that trick. By using that calibration tool in there I realized its like putting 2 opposite ends of magnets together. the circle jumps slightly to left when I'm over the spot where the case magnet is.
Emre Cetiner

If you are using your device with a flip cover case, magnets which are in the back side of the case affects the pen with its magnetic field. Try replacing the case or magnets in it.

THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!! This totally worked for me, such a simple and easy fix.
Thanks for this advice. I wouldn't have thought it was such a simple solution of removing my case. I just thought my s pen started acting up.
Go to your dialer press *#0*# and do the WACOM test see how much off your pen is there is a SPEN hovering test included too..

I have the same issue with my s-pen being a half inch out of place, specially in drawing apps. But in the test you've mentioned, then it was all just fine :S