Asurion Out Of Stock on AT&T Note 5 64gb

Jasmine Miamor

New member
Jan 22, 2014
So I recently filed a claim with Asurion for my Note 5 Gold 64gb and received a replacement the next day. Well come to find out the replacement they sent me had physical damage! Received another one, and again physical damage on the SIM Card Door; so I notified them of this issue and just swapped the SIM Doors with the previously damaged one they sent me. I figured no big deal its just the SIM Door! YEAH RIGHT, 2 weeks after having this replacement the screen completely went out and will not show anything. FURIOUS is not the word. So I call in to let them know that I need another replacement due to the fact that they kept sending me defective phones, and LOW AND BEHOLD they are out of stock on the Note 5's period. Is this normal and has it happened anyone else, as I am frustrated because I do not have a phone at the moment? If so how long did you have to wait for the stock to replenish?:mad:


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2014
So I recently filed a claim with Asurion for my Note 5 Gold 64gb and received a replacement the next day. Well come to find out the replacement they sent me had physical damage! Received another one, and again physical damage on the SIM Card Door; so I notified them of this issue and just swapped the SIM Doors with the previously damaged one they sent me. I figured no big deal its just the SIM Door! YEAH RIGHT, 2 weeks after having this replacement the screen completely went out and will not show anything. FURIOUS is not the word. So I call in to let them know that I need another replacement due to the fact that they kept sending me defective phones, and LOW AND BEHOLD they are out of stock on the Note 5's period. Is this normal and has it happened anyone else, as I am frustrated because I do not have a phone at the moment? If so how long did you have to wait for the stock to replenish?:mad:

I have only had to deal with Asurion 1 time and that was a very long ago when I owned a Blackberry Bold 9900. But the replacement they sent me look brand new and I never had a single issue with it.

But I would be absolutely furious about your situation as they are supposed to send you a refurbished phone that looks brand new. Refurbished phones are supposed to be phones that were returned because of a defect and that defect should be fixed along with any other issues with the device.

You pay a monthly fee for insurance on your phone plus a deductible to have it replaced so there is no reason why they shouldn't send you a working device with no physical damage.

I would ask to speak to a supervisor and demand they send you a comparable device until they have the Note 5 back in stock. Otherwise report them to the Better Business Bureau.

Good luck and I hope this gets resolved for you in a quick manner.

m zabla

New member
Mar 14, 2017
So I recently filed a claim with Asurion for my Note 5 Gold 64gb and received a replacement the next day. Well come to find out the replacement they sent me had physical damage! Received another one, and again physical damage on the SIM Card Door; so I notified them of this issue and just swapped the SIM Doors with the previously damaged one they sent me. I figured no big deal its just the SIM Door! YEAH RIGHT, 2 weeks after having this replacement the screen completely went out and will not show anything. FURIOUS is not the word. So I call in to let them know that I need another replacement due to the fact that they kept sending me defective phones, and LOW AND BEHOLD they are out of stock on the Note 5's period. Is this normal and has it happened anyone else, as I am frustrated because I do not have a phone at the moment? If so how long did you have to wait for the stock to replenish?:mad:

Going thru the same. Want 2 send me. Another phone. And pay anothr 150 dollars. Not liking it at all. Going 2 cancel them.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2015
Same problem with them but with Verizon. First one they sent had a screen repair and obviously not even put back on correctly. Now they can't find another. Samsung hasn't made the Note 5 in a while. They offered (after plenty of complaining) to send a S7, S7E or a Pixel. Tried the Pixel for the heck of it, died in mid sentence the day after I got it and won't reboot. Going through phone hell after the Note 7 fiasco and rebuying the Note 5...


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2014
I JUST received last Monday, overnighted from Friday, a refurbished Asurion Verizon Note 5 64GB. Are there that FEW of them available for extended warranty replacement? And... the battery was never replaced, came 25% depleted.

Thanks for nothing Samsung! They're so cheap, they couldn't put in a fresh new battery!

Now you know why many of us hate SEALED batteries. Prior, I'd pop in a new one myself.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
Samsung is not Apple. When Apple repaires/refurbished iPhones, they put in brand new batteries and more, making the thing look just as good as new iPhones.


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2014
Samsung is not Apple. When Apple repaires/refurbished iPhones, they put in brand new batteries and more, making the thing look just as good as new iPhones.

Apple might be in the future. I run a MacBook Pro 13. Great laptop! They want my phone business. Three miles away. Might be a no Brainer. 😉😎🙄


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
Apple might be in the future. I run a MacBook Pro 13. Great laptop! They want my phone business. Three miles away. Might be a no Brainer.

I own many Android and iPhones. Don't really prefer one over the other. Both have pros and cons.

However, I do have respect for how Apple refurbishes their iPhones and make them as good, if not better, than new iPhones. (unlike Samsung and other manufacturers)