Can't agree with Pixel being the top based on their current "Best Android Phone" article


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2012
Can't agree with Pixel being the top based on their current "Best Android Phone" article.

For a "best" you have to include all aspects.

Battery life

For the price Samsung s7/edge must surely win? And I don't own one btw.

The price of the Pixel, is absurd considering the features missing, or waterproofing, no SD support, untested battery life, copycat design.

The only major feature(s) are the UI, and maybe the camera.

Then you have the oneplus 3. Which is effectively the Pixel without nougat. But more than half the price.

I really feel ACs reviews and recommendations for the Pixel are somewhat forced by their business model and advertising needs.

If this was an independent site (not android specific) then the Pixel would not be top.
Re: AC recommends....

Its all subjective and AC is not the first to claim the Pixel is the best. When the reviews came out, several tech blogs stated that the Pixel was the best android phone, but also pointed out its short comings.

Personally, I've owned the S7 Edge and now a Pixel and I prefer the Pixel mainly because the user experience and the "whole package" to me is so much better. I feel that is does include "all" aspects. It may not have "this", but it has a better "that"... The two main gripes I hear are the waterproofing and the speaker and both are really a non-issue for me. At the end of the day, does it make whatever phone you have "worse" because it wasn't declared the "best"?
Re: AC recommends....

I think you have to factor in the importance one puts on avoiding Samsung's cruft (or LG's or anyone else's) to understand their rating.

For me, this may be the best Android phone out there that "I would buy". I hate Samsung, LG, and even the 2 different Moto X's I had included a couple of quirks that were never fixed and frustrated the hell out of me. I'd love a V20 if it was a Google phone, but alas, it's not.

With that said, I am not thrilled with this phone. I have actually contemplated going back to Apple next year, and that hasn't happened in a long time. Hopefully Pixel 2 will be more refined.
Re: AC recommends....

I agree. They didn't even say why it is better than the s7 or anything either.

The s7 has a better battery life, features including expandable storage and waterproofing, and better design and proportions.

And what does the pixel actually have that makes it better than the s7? Stock android? Generic copied design?
Re: AC recommends....

Oh goodness here come the SamsungGangers....This is going to be like the current Sprint commercial where the spokesman says the Goliath (Verizon;Samsung) is worried... and here are the three items that will continuously come up as argument. Expandable storage, water proofing and wireless charging. Everything else will be glanced over or brushed under the carpet.

How dare anybody consider other qualities that the sheeple dont approve of?
Re: AC recommends....

No doubt that Andrew loves his Pixel XL. I do not have a S7 Edge but I do have a S7 Active that really is a complete phone. There is really nothing about it I do not like. It is not my daily driver but I swap my SIM frequently and it is in my rotation. I have ordered a Pixel XL 128GB since I have always had a Nexus since the 4 and sold my 6P last week.

Once thing to mention is that when I got nougat on my 6P, there was nothing it could do with that upgrade (split screen, reply to messages on screen etc) that my S7 Active could not already do. Samsung has pushed google to adopt a lot of these improvements and google has actually been slow to adopt improvements IMO, I mean they finally have a clear all button and it only took till android 7? And now with 7.1 the 3D touch like feature, we know who they got that from.

I use android and iOS so I like the advances to each platform. Looking forward to trying out the Pixel XL. I also noticed Andrew did not open up the comments on that article.
Re: AC recommends....

Lets be real. The best android phone is without question the n7. But now I need to go cry into my wheaties. I am send it off today to the land of not mine anymore. I do enjoy the pixel xl and I would say its better then the s7e or at least on par.
I also don't get why when comparing the cameras, the free cloud storage is not a bigger detail. Not in comparing the phones, but specifically in the camera. Being able to record everything on the max setting is huge. I had the n7 with a large memory card and still did not record in full on the video. also on a vacation, I would limit resolution or video. With 128 xp pixel I am recording full 4k. Taking slow motion, letting my kids record photo spheres, take videos and pictures. Also not that I wasn't using google photos before, but now I can leave everything and just keep recording. let the app manage storage. And again having it be unlimited (at least for now) I don't have to worry about buying storage or managing it.

So in this case having the best camera isn't as simple as specs. because if it limits your ability to use it then its just not as good. Even if all else was equal the pixel may win in the long run.

This is my opinion and not the only factor. I am currently on the phone with verizon because my signal strength is abysmal. If this is systemic on the pixel or pixel xl. It may be the biggest factor for me. It may just be my phone or some setting not corrected. fingers crossed. I may just be lucky enough to get my 6th phone in the last 2 months. (g4, n7, s7e, n7, iphone 5s, pixel xl, pixel xl) I am feeling a bit done with entering all my stuff.
Re: AC recommends....

Can't agree with Pixel being the top based on their current "Best Android Phone" article.

For a "best" you have to include all aspects.

Battery life

For the price Samsung s7/edge must surely win? And I don't own one btw.

The price of the Pixel, is absurd considering the features missing, or waterproofing, no SD support, untested battery life, copycat design.

The only major feature(s) are the UI, and maybe the camera.

It is a consistency in people arguing against the Pixels being compared favorably or even in the same realm of other established leaders like iPhone and S7/edge that they focus on specific features that Pixels lack while choosing to not acknowledge value-adding innovations that Google has implemented that are available either nowhere else, or nowhere else among Android devices.

No SD? Unlimited free lifetime cloud storage in full resolution for photos/video. 128GB? 500GB? 10TB? All you want...
No waterproofing? Well, no phone is waterproof. If an OEM claims it is, ask them why they don't warrant vs water damage. It's varying degrees of water resistance. Pixel isn't rated as highly, true, but it's not like the argument that it recoups that difference elsewhere is invalid. Rounding the facts to the nearest whole that would better support your position undermines that position.

Dull design? I'm ok with that. A lot of people want their phone to be a status symbol or flashy. A lot don't care, and would rather the R&D costs and time invested to be put towards improving the actual experience. Take your choice.

For any phone that someone says is better and points out features it has that Pixel doesn't and says "THAT is why Pixel isn't as good/worth the money!" one can make up a counter list to the say the same about the other phone. Thing is, neither person is right in their argument for anyone other than his/herself.

Example vs S7/Edge, since that's the position you took with them over the Pixels:

The price of the S7/Edge is absurd considering the features missing... Limited bands for international use; inability to work with all major wireless network technologies; no unlimited storage; poor history of delivering timely updates to OS, rarely delivering more than 1 major release; recent history of related products with MAJOR flaw; overpriced because 'they can' due to brand recognition; slower to replace defective devices; running OS a full generation and a subsequent revision release behind; outdated AI; no on-device support; bloatware, most of which can, if desired, be available to other devices via Play; etc (I'm sure there's more, but those are a few big ones off the top of my head).

Point of the above isn't to bash Samsung. They have a lot of strengths for their side of the argument, and both are good phones. I personally really like the S7 Edge. It was a close decision between it and the Pixel. But stacking all of the pros and cons exclusive to one another, for what I'm looking for, the Pixels came out noticeably on top.

Also, if you feel AC would buckle in selection to advertising needs, let me ask you this: do you really think AC sees more capital, historically and long-term, resulting from Google or Samsung? If Samsung, a supposition with which I suspect most would agree, then that would speak even more highly of how they feel about the Pixels were they to slant it at all.

Last point, declaring that if AC were independent they'd have said differently is an interesting position to take given just how many independent sites have come to the same conclusion as AC regarding the Pixel.
Re: AC recommends....

How can the N7 be the best phone with such an obvious failure that caused its discontinuation? Its like saying the BMW LaFerrari (intentionally combined for example purposes only) was the best car except the engine will most likely grenade? While feature wise it might have met the bar; its execution (quite literally) was very damning.
Re: AC recommends....

@Jeremy8000: Thanks for typing that so I didn't have to. Well said. The best phone is the one that works best for you.
Re: AC recommends....

Can't agree with Pixel being the top based on their current "Best Android Phone" article.
I agree, but mostly because the AC nerds are just riding the hype wave generated by the newest thing to jump into the smartphone pool. The Pixels haven't been subjected to enough diverse real-world testing to earn any sort of title yet. By January, reviewers will have a much better case to make for the phones; for now, they're just trolling for clicks and cooing like early adopters do.
Re: AC recommends....

How can the N7 be the best phone with such an obvious failure that caused its discontinuation? Its like saying the BMW LaFerrari (intentionally combined for example purposes only) was the best car except the engine will most likely grenade? While feature wise it might have met the bar; its execution (quite literally) was very damning.
I knew exactly what "miyanc" meant - my Replacement Note 7 was running cool as a cucumber and performing flawlessly. It was by far, the BEST phone I have ever owned. It may have never failed. "But" I didn't trust it and decided to turn it in, this time for a full refund rather than seeing what was next. I am currently running my Note 5 and waiting for my 128 GB Pixel XL to arrive in late November, partly because I really didn't want another Samsung phone because I've been a Note user since the Note 4 and more so because I am "miffed" at Samsung! That's my take!
Re: AC recommends....

It is a consistency in people arguing against the Pixels being compared favorably or even in the same realm of other established leaders like iPhone and S7/edge that they focus on specific features that Pixels lack while choosing to not acknowledge value-adding innovations that Google has implemented that are available either nowhere else, or nowhere else among Android devices.

No SD? Unlimited free lifetime cloud storage in full resolution for photos/video. 128GB? 500GB? 10TB? All you want...
No waterproofing? Well, no phone is waterproof. If an OEM claims it is, ask them why they don't warrant vs water damage. It's varying degrees of water resistance. Pixel isn't rated as highly, true, but it's not like the argument that it recoups that difference elsewhere is invalid. Rounding the facts to the nearest whole that would better support your position undermines that position.

Dull design? I'm ok with that. A lot of people want their phone to be a status symbol or flashy. A lot don't care, and would rather the R&D costs and time invested to be put towards improving the actual experience. Take your choice.

For any phone that someone says is better and points out features it has that Pixel doesn't and says "THAT is why Pixel isn't as good/worth the money!" one can make up a counter list to the say the same about the other phone. Thing is, neither person is right in their argument for anyone other than his/herself.

Example vs S7/Edge, since that's the position you took with them over the Pixels:

The price of the S7/Edge is absurd considering the features missing... Limited bands for international use; inability to work with all major wireless network technologies; no unlimited storage; poor history of delivering timely updates to OS, rarely delivering more than 1 major release; recent history of related products with MAJOR flaw; overpriced because 'they can' due to brand recognition; slower to replace defective devices; running OS a full generation and a subsequent revision release behind; outdated AI; no on-device support; bloatware, most of which can, if desired, be available to other devices via Play; etc (I'm sure there's more, but those are a few big ones off the top of my head).

Point of the above isn't to bash Samsung. They have a lot of strengths for their side of the argument, and both are good phones. I personally really like the S7 Edge. It was a close decision between it and the Pixel. But stacking all of the pros and cons exclusive to one another, for what I'm looking for, the Pixels came out noticeably on top.

Also, if you feel AC would buckle in selection to advertising needs, let me ask you this: do you really think AC sees more capital, historically and long-term, resulting from Google or Samsung? If Samsung, a supposition with which I suspect most would agree, then that would speak even more highly of how they feel about the Pixels were they to slant it at all.

Last point, declaring that if AC were independent they'd have said differently is an interesting position to take given just how many independent sites have come to the same conclusion as AC regarding the Pixel.

Man, you said it all and said it beautifully!

Everybody values different features. For example, I would gladly give up waterproofing to get on screen buttons and not have to deal with touch wiz.
Re: AC recommends....

How can the N7 be the best phone with such an obvious failure that caused its discontinuation? Its like saying the BMW LaFerrari (intentionally combined for example purposes only) was the best car except the engine will most likely grenade? While feature wise it might have met the bar; its execution (quite literally) was very damning.

I think the poster was just lamenting. Many of us had the N7, and for the time we had it, felt it was the best phone we'd owned. I personally felt that way, and most blogs put it to the top by a margin. In my mind, there was nothing close.

That said, I would be predisposed to the S7E, but I did not like it. The edge is too rounded, the UI is not there yet, and there is no telling when it will get Grace UI, 7.0 or 7.1. For me, the tweaks that make the N7 a special phone were necessary over the S7E.

In leaving the Samsung ecosystem to move to Pixel, I have become more irritated with Samsung. I may not go back, but that is a post for a different day, and probably different forum.
Re: AC recommends....

I agree. They didn't even say why it is better than the s7 or anything either.

The s7 has a better battery life, features including expandable storage and waterproofing, and better design and proportions.

And what does the pixel actually have that makes it better than the s7? Stock android? Generic copied design?
Performance, buttery smooth, regular updates, great camera, great battery, great display. Main thing doesn't stutter for a $800 device something which every flagship galaxy phone does.
Re: AC recommends....

no touchwiz and update is more than enough to make this phone the best android phone.

nexus for life... i mean pixel for life
Re: AC recommends....

I agree, but mostly because the AC nerds are just riding the hype wave generated by the newest thing to jump into the smartphone pool. The Pixels haven't been subjected to enough diverse real-world testing to earn any sort of title yet. By January, reviewers will have a much better case to make for the phones; for now, they're just trolling for clicks and cooing like early adopters do.

Why the double standard? AC along with other tech blogs/reviewers declared the S7 Edge the best android phone during its initial reviews as well. Why does the Pixel have to wait? Its not uncommon, especially in tech, for the new kid of the block to be the new "best". When the S8 comes out that will all probably change again.
Re: AC recommends....

I think the poster was just lamenting. Many of us had the N7, and for the time we had it, felt it was the best phone we'd owned. I personally felt that way, and most blogs put it to the top by a margin. In my mind, there was nothing close.

I knew exactly what "miyanc" meant - my Replacement Note 7 was running cool as a cucumber and performing flawlessly. It was by far, the BEST phone I have ever owned. It may have never failed.

I follow.
Re: AC recommends....

I agree, but mostly because the AC nerds are just riding the hype wave generated by the newest thing to jump into the smartphone pool. The Pixels haven't been subjected to enough diverse real-world testing to earn any sort of title yet. By January, reviewers will have a much better case to make for the phones; for now, they're just trolling for clicks and cooing like early adopters do.

I disagree with that. I've been visiting this site for awhile, and the AC nerds as you call them, have been pretty straight forward in their reviews over the years of Google phones. Do I agree with them all the time? No, but their coverage of these devices never seem like they were just riding the hype. They are Android users just like most of us here, and I don't blame them for being positive or excited about the Pixel.

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