Does your S3 work with Verizon Network Extender?


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Jul 24, 2012
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Just had to add this. just did a speed test, both with computer = 45 mbps and phone = 38.0 mbps For some reason, hooking up the network extender upped my speed with computer.

So think pretty decent, Hope I got the mbps in the right order, LOL. :eek:


Jan 17, 2011
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Just moved to a new house and only get Verizon in my front yard :(. I also have never gotten signal at work. Anyone have any success getting Verizon to give a deal/discount on them? What about being released from your contract? I've put up with this for 5 years at work, but now home makes having a phone pointless.

I'm in the middle of Austin, reason for this!


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Jul 24, 2012
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Network extender was working great, up til today?! Phone (Samsung Galaxy S3) is showing 4G and 2 bars. So, check extender, all blue lights, no problem. dial #48 get the You are on the Network extender coverage. So, start making calls to make sure "you can hear me now" no problems. Then in the middle of the car I check and 3g and full bars. Hang up, back to 4g and 2 bars. Can get on internet, text, etc. no problem. Called Verizon, stumped Network Extender should cancel out 4G as it's not compatible. So, take a drive to get out of NE coverage. 4G 2 bars. back home, wait about 7 minutes, #48, yep on network extender coverage, still showing 4g but now average 2-3 bars.

Anyone else have this problem? The Rep at the verizon local corp store said they are turning on 4G and seeing how everything goes around the area. Not sure if that has anything to do with it or not.


Aug 24, 2012
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My S3 advises that is on extended network, but I do not believe that it is actually working to boost signal at all in 4G. Im looking at 110dbm in 4G and when in 3G it was 56dbm. My other family members phones in 3G have 5Bars +. I spoke with Verizon as well. They said this extender supports 3G but couldn't explain why such a low signal. That tends to make one believe it only recognizes my phone as being connected.

jerry 12

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Feb 12, 2012
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My S3 advises that is on extended network, but I do not believe that it is actually working to boost signal at all in 4G. Im looking at 110dbm in 4G and when in 3G it was 56dbm. My other family members phones in 3G have 5Bars +. I spoke with Verizon as well. They said this extender supports 3G but couldn't explain why such a low signal. That tends to make one believe it only recognizes my phone as being connected.

The network extender does not work on 4G it doesn't have the band in it that Verizon is using for 4G. I have a network extender to but sorry guys it want work. I did hear one time that Verizon was working on one for the 4G radio's.

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Jul 24, 2012
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Although my device is 4g, the NE WAS working. up until today. It would revert to 3g data. Just starting today is when the device showed 4G and 2 bars. ALSO dialing #48 it states: you are under network extender coverage. So, it can work with the 4g but always reverted to 3g. but, like I said, today, not reverting to the 3g and full bars, but staying on 4g and 2 bars and still saying I am under Network Extender coverage.

UPDATE: As I make a call I hear the sound noting I am on NE. Also, watching the NE the WAN light does blink as the call connects and I talk. So, apparently the NE is working for calls. BUT, alas, phone still shows 4GLTE and only 2 bars.
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Jul 24, 2012
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UPDATE: Network Extender working great for phone coverage. Also, using 4G for data. Although phone still shows 2 bars, I have verified the NE is working for calls/sms. Just thought I'd update ya all. So, conclusion it is capable of working with 4G devices. No dropped calls, etc. :)


Oct 26, 2010
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Yes, I have been let out of my contract twice by Verizon for exactly that. Having said that I could see them cutting you a deal on a NE. Best $$ I've ever spent on anything cell phone's reliable.


Jul 13, 2010
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not to thread jack but i have one for sale if anyone is interested.(pm plz)
i can confirm from my previous use that the network extender is only for 3g voice/data this is not a 4g signal booster.


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Jul 24, 2012
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True is does not boost 4G, BUT it does still work making calls. The NE is just for calling and sms purposes not used for data. That is why it will not work for 4G data. :)


Aug 24, 2012
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The Network Extender, reagarless of what model you may have does not support 4g and can not support 4g. Even though if you test the S3 with #48 and system advises "You are on extended network", yoor are not. The extender only recognizes your device as an approved device. It will not boost your signal ect, unless phone is forced into 3G. This per the VZW Network Support Team. My other lines are BB and they are pegged for signal ect. My S3 barely has one bar. If it wasn't for my wifi, I would of returned phone. I am still having issues as wel with tex messagin, which I posted in a seperate thread


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Feb 11, 2010
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Network extender was working great, up til today?! Phone (Samsung Galaxy S3) is showing 4G and 2 bars. So, check extender, all blue lights, no problem. dial #48 get the You are on the Network extender coverage. So, start making calls to make sure "you can hear me now" no problems. Then in the middle of the car I check and 3g and full bars. Hang up, back to 4g and 2 bars. Can get on internet, text, etc. no problem. Called Verizon, stumped Network Extender should cancel out 4G as it's not compatible. So, take a drive to get out of NE coverage. 4G 2 bars. back home, wait about 7 minutes, #48, yep on network extender coverage, still showing 4g but now average 2-3 bars.

Anyone else have this problem? The Rep at the verizon local corp store said they are turning on 4G and seeing how everything goes around the area. Not sure if that has anything to do with it or not.

I also have the network extender. I've lived in the same house for 18 years and had Verizon since it was Celluar One and ever since they turned on 4G in our area (which is on both sides of where I live, but not where I live) I've been dropping calls. I've switched to several different phones thinking that might be the problem, but they all dropped calls.

Anyway, I got the S3 on drop day, broght it home, fell in love and then the calls started dropping. I kept the phone for a few days and then returned and went back to me Razr as it hadn't dropped calls as long as I sit upright on the edge of my couch when talking. A rep at Verizon told me one day the next week that the "Updated" sticker on the boxes of S3's after drop day meant that they had updated the radio and I should try again so back I went and bought another at full price again. Got it home and no luck. Took it back to the store, and went back to my RAZR and in the process got banned from a local store for returning my phone too often... (Remember I paid full price for these things and the $35.00 restocking fee each time) anyway got back home call Verizon in a rage over being banned from said store, got pushed to upper management who actually listened to me for once. All I want is a phone that will make and receive calls at ALL times, everything else the phone does is just icing on the cake if the damn thing works.

Very long story short (trust me, this is the short version) the rep sent me a network extender free of charge. Got the thing in the mail 1 day shipping and hooked it up and dialed the #48 or *48 which ever it is and got the message that I was connected. That was on Monday, Labor Day. Everything was fine, got used to the beeps when dialing and everyone said I sounded better until Thursday.

I missed 5 calls that I know about becasue my friends texted me when I didn't answer, the calls went straight to voice mail, but I received no notification on my phone, the Razr, that I had missed the calls. I'm laid off right now and waiting for the call to go back to work, so needless to say I'm very cheesed off right now. I've unplugged the extender and so far I haven't missed any calls today, but I also haven't been able to sit down while talking on the phone either.

I don't know if my rant will help anyone, but, Yes, my network extender flaked out yesterday too. Since it was free I really can't complain to Verizon about it not working I suppose, and at this point I really don't think they care anymore.

Oh and one more thing, in a late night, no voice of reason around decision, I purchased the LG Intuition. I know don't laugh... anyway, got the phone today and it's already back in its box, ready to go back to Verizon. I thought that since it was bigger it would work better... not... I'll stop now and let y'all get back on topic. Tomorrow I'm going to go back and get an S3 and try it once again, but this time with my extender and see what happens...



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
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I also have the network extender. I've lived in the same house for 18 years and had Verizon since it was Celluar One and ever since they turned on 4G in our area (which is on both sides of where I live, but not where I live) I've been dropping calls. I've switched to several different phones thinking that might be the problem, but they all dropped calls.

Anyway, I got the S3 on drop day, broght it home, fell in love and then the calls started dropping. I kept the phone for a few days and then returned and went back to me Razr as it hadn't dropped calls as long as I sit upright on the edge of my couch when talking. A rep at Verizon told me one day the next week that the "Updated" sticker on the boxes of S3's after drop day meant that they had updated the radio and I should try again so back I went and bought another at full price again. Got it home and no luck. Took it back to the store, and went back to my RAZR and in the process got banned from a local store for returning my phone too often... (Remember I paid full price for these things and the $35.00 restocking fee each time) anyway got back home call Verizon in a rage over being banned from said store, got pushed to upper management who actually listened to me for once. All I want is a phone that will make and receive calls at ALL times, everything else the phone does is just icing on the cake if the damn thing works.

Very long story short (trust me, this is the short version) the rep sent me a network extender free of charge. Got the thing in the mail 1 day shipping and hooked it up and dialed the #48 or *48 which ever it is and got the message that I was connected. That was on Monday, Labor Day. Everything was fine, got used to the beeps when dialing and everyone said I sounded better until Thursday.

I missed 5 calls that I know about becasue my friends texted me when I didn't answer, the calls went straight to voice mail, but I received no notification on my phone, the Razr, that I had missed the calls. I'm laid off right now and waiting for the call to go back to work, so needless to say I'm very cheesed off right now. I've unplugged the extender and so far I haven't missed any calls today, but I also haven't been able to sit down while talking on the phone either.

I don't know if my rant will help anyone, but, Yes, my network extender flaked out yesterday too. Since it was free I really can't complain to Verizon about it not working I suppose, and at this point I really don't think they care anymore.

Oh and one more thing, in a late night, no voice of reason around decision, I purchased the LG Intuition. I know don't laugh... anyway, got the phone today and it's already back in its box, ready to go back to Verizon. I thought that since it was bigger it would work better... not... I'll stop now and let y'all get back on topic. Tomorrow I'm going to go back and get an S3 and try it once again, but this time with my extender and see what happens...


wow! you have gone through a lot of new phones! are you back to your razr now?

Sent from my VS950 4G using Android Central Forums


Jan 26, 2010
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voice calls go out on 1x, period. it doesnt matter what your phone shows, when you make a call, it is 1x. if you have 1 bar of 4g, that is just because the phone is trying to grab a weak 4g signal, which is what it is programmed to do. look for 4g, none, look for 3g, none, look for 1x. when you dial the call, it switches to 1x to make the call. that is why all the new 4g phones can "talk and surf" at same time. voice is 1x radio, data is 4g. if you dont have 4g you cant do this (with a few exceptions). if you hear the beeps, you are routing a call via 1x to the femtocell then ip out of the femtocell.


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Oct 12, 2012
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Re: Does your S3 work with Verizon Network Extender and SyncMate

I got the S3 to work with my Verizon Network Extender with the phone info app. Thanks for the hint! I used CDMA prl (not auto) and I have 5 bars.
Switching to the S3 has been time consuming. Getting my email to work (roadrunner) was a struggle and syncing the phone with Mac was a learning curve. By the way,
SyncMate works to sync my calendar and contacts with Mac. Those 2 items are free in the program.