The SD card flap on my Z no longer stays closed all the way.
You can push it in and it'll appear fine for an instant. Then, before your eyes, it slowly slides back out like some insect is pushing it.
So phone is no longer waterproof unless I'm holding that shut.
There have been times since the problem began that it seems to have fixed itself. Then it happens again at random.
Anyone dealt with this problem or have a theory? Could it be caused by temperature changes?
You can push it in and it'll appear fine for an instant. Then, before your eyes, it slowly slides back out like some insect is pushing it.
So phone is no longer waterproof unless I'm holding that shut.
There have been times since the problem began that it seems to have fixed itself. Then it happens again at random.
Anyone dealt with this problem or have a theory? Could it be caused by temperature changes?