Galaxy S5 or HTC One (M8) - Which are you more likely to buy?


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Mar 9, 2011
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Re: Galaxy S5 or M8 - Which are you more likely to buy?

I've seen a lot of people say that I've only stated my opinion (even though I believe everything I said to be fact). Can someone inform me what about the Galaxy S4 or S5 appeals to them? Is it really just the removable battery and/or the SD slot? Aside from those two factors, I literally cannot find a single redeeming factor of those devices. They're that bad. Why would anyone purchase the S5 over the new HTC One (assuming the leaks are accurate)?

I loved my S3 - but when the S4 dropped, I bought that device for the better battery and camera and have not been disappointed. However, I will say I don't think there is enough to the S5 to justify full donkey pricing. Sure it has a little better camera and battery but it also has stuff I'll never use such as the heartbeat monitor among other things. I've always liked the One, especially the front facing speakers. No one should have to cup the rear speaker in order to get better sound, but that's my opinion. The lack of SD Card kept me from picking it up - but it seems the new One will have it, if the leaks are confirmed. I can deal with a non-removable battery as long as I can make it through the day. One thing that irks me is having to cripple a device in order to get a work day worth of battery life - we shouldn't have to dim the screen, turn off features, etc to get through the day. Make a battery that will last - the Note 3 has an awesome battery but it's also like holding a ham sandwich to your ear.

The M8 (or whatever the official name is) has my attention - we will see what the final product is soon enough.


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Jun 24, 2011
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Re: Galaxy S5 or M8 - Which are you more likely to buy?

Really depends. However if I am sold on one device it will more than likely be the new HTC One.2 or whatever they call it. Or who knows I might just keep my One longer. Not to sure personally yet.


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Jun 18, 2011
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Re: Galaxy S5 or M8 - Which are you more likely to buy?

M8 for sure.

I hate the S series and only bought the S4 to profit off it.


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Sep 16, 2012
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Re: Galaxy S5 or M8 - Which are you more likely to buy?

Well being that the Samsung S5 is the same piece of 5h1t as the S4, I can't really see anyone with any true knowledge of smartphones choosing it over the M8. That being said, they'll still sell millions to unintelligent buyers on the shoulders of Samsung's marketing budget.

And the M8 is not pretty much the same as the HTC One? (except for the SD Card)
I really hope the camera is not like how it was on the leaked video...otherwise other than a good quality camera, doesnt really have a lot of modes to choose from

The HTC One M8 is a pretty nyce phone, but I gotta go with Samsung on this one...The Water Resistance won it over for me


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Sep 30, 2010
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Re: Galaxy S5 or M8 - Which are you more likely to buy?

Not for me at least, the glass-metal-glass sandwich design just doesn't look good IMO.

Posted via Android Central App

You're eyes must be failing you my friend because that design is quite nice and clean! :) My concern/worry about that design is fragility and durability, IMO.


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Sep 30, 2010
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Re: Galaxy S5 or M8 - Which are you more likely to buy?

I'm going to be holding out for sometime before going with a device but I like what I've seen so far of the M8! How it'll perform for my needs is another thing.


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Aug 28, 2013
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You're eyes must be failing you my friend because that design is quite nice and clean! :) My concern/worry about that design is fragility and durability, IMO.

Perhaps it is indeed my eyes! But alas it just doesn't do it for me! ☺ Durability concerns factor in for me as well.

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Nov 13, 2010
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Re: Galaxy S5 or M8 - Which are you more likely to buy?

If the M8 has a "Blue Point" filter I'll seriously have to look at it.... My last HTC was the Thunderbolt.


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Mar 7, 2014
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Re: Galaxy S5 or M8 - Which are you more likely to buy?

Contract expired beginning of this month. I'm pretty much solid on the HTC M8 and am eagerly looking forward to it being announced, the only thing that could possibly sway me is if the Xperia Z2 releases on AT&T sooner than I expect it to.

(Edit) Forgot to add I may also go with something else if it suffers from delays like the HTC One had. My Iphone's battery is going bad so I won't be able to use it much longer.


Jan 23, 2012
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Re: Galaxy S5 or M8 - Which are you more likely to buy?

I've seen a lot of people say that I've only stated my opinion (even though I believe everything I said to be fact). Can someone inform me what about the Galaxy S4 or S5 appeals to them? Is it really just the removable battery and/or the SD slot? Aside from those two factors, I literally cannot find a single redeeming factor of those devices. They're that bad. Why would anyone purchase the S5 over the new HTC One (assuming the leaks are accurate)?

I prefer Samsung Camera Software. Better organized, lots of useful features/modes, and it's extensible so there is probability to add functionality outside of a FW update.

The HTC One camera was too low MP and the M8 is only going to be 5. That doesn't help much for cropping and far off shots. Sometimes you can't walk up to that Bald Eagle at the Zoo, you know, and want to crop into it in the larger image... just an example.

I personally prefer TW to Sense. I have no performance issues with it on the Note so I don't think an S5 buyer has to worry about that.

S Voice/Finder is useful for things that Google Now is incapable of.

Removable battery is nice.

Samsung phones have better accessories (covers, docks, companion devices, etc.)

Sorry, but on screen buttons are a show stopper for me.

Better specs than HTC devices which matters for media manipulation apps that I use.

S Beam. A lot of people have Samsung devices. This is a lifesaver for transferring very large video files.

Multi window

Some of Samsung stock apps are more flexible and useful for what I do on my phone.

Personally I will stick with Note Series. The S Pen is indispensable for me.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 3 using Tapatalk


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Apr 18, 2010
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Re: Galaxy S5 or M8 - Which are you more likely to buy?

The M8 looks cool, and definitely improved upon which is what I expect a company to do. I don't actually need a new looking design I need real improvements. That said the only thing that would interest me is 64GB ROM and support for MicroSD and swappable battery. I heard the microSD was there but they cut the ROM to 16GB which I don't get unless what I have read is incorrect (could be). Any details. Oh and Verizon will likely NOT get it until late summer so honestly its likely out for me unless I change carriers.


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Jun 18, 2011
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Re: Galaxy S5 or M8 - Which are you more likely to buy?

Telus just released a press image on the All-New One.

I'm disappointed with the Bezel/Design.

I think I will save my third upgrade and just wait for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 as I'm getting the Sony XPERIA Z2 & Apple iPhone 6.


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Mar 1, 2011
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Re: Galaxy S5 or M8 - Which are you more likely to buy?

Though you already know this, what makes a phone great or not so great to you is not necessarily the same for someone else. That doesn't necessarily mean your opinion is irrelevant or invalid, it's just your opinion and preferences. Some people couldn't care less about a phone's "specs" as long as the phone provides the experience they expect. Motorola is depending on that viewpoint with their X. Some people do care about the design, build materials, and build quality of their electronics. I certainly do but because you may not doesn't make my preferences any more or less valid. None of the above makes a person less or more tech savvy, it's just preferences.

Again, you're here, so you likely already know all of this but the way you phrased your post may lead some to believe it couldn't hurt to have it pointed out.

Sent from my liberated plutonium 5s 64

seriously? read my comment again without taking it personal or defensive.Yes it has attitude but is said as a caution to those taking some guy screaming Samsung/HTC?LG Etc are idiots as a scientific proof that the a phone is a piece of crap or any of the other colorful and intelligent commentary left without any solid, information, references.

I'm not using the criteria you described to determine these people as not tech saavy or saying that you shouldnt gauge quality. I'm saying calling a diamond glass doesnt make it glass no matter how many times you swear it's a piece of glass and that these people obviously are not jewelers. I'm saying for every complaint there is a solution and that people saying that these companies are doing a terrible job is hyperbole by the uninformed. Thats what it was about. I use and modify more devices than most and experience them all in hand daily. Fact is if people dont care about specs as you said and real world usage and lifespan and are using superficial reason to determine said qualities then...yeah = not very tech saavy. The opposite hype of Beats audio craze. They are not great no matter what you tell your self. said phones are not crap no matter what these people tell themselves and theyre causing a worse experience for themselves, other users, and phone developers by creating a culture of never being content and never LEARNING how to determine quality and how to modify, update, and make software additions and changes to find solutions. It creates a culture where companies cant share with us because people would constantly ruin their phones. It creates a culture where rather than put your S4 in a case you blame it being broke on samsung and go on forums and drive customers to htc or vice versa. I say samsung was smart to reduce on plastic waste because your phone NEEDS a case. saying the phone is flimsy, never putting a case on it, breaking it, and complaining on android forums that they made the phone weak know. Fact is they arent going to make small affordable phones out of military plastics and basically build phone into the case(too expensive, and big and clunky, tons of reasons), fact is they arent going to be able to make magical software that never has glitches especially with all the variations of apps people can choose from, and all the android variants available. Fact is some updates will be awesome and some phones wont get them and other updates will be horrible and yep, your phone got it. Fact is if you dont like any ofthat you can change it. Fact is these phones are powerful and have been for years now. I remember when computers had less ram and processor than any of these phones. I'm only 30. I think people need to get over themselves and choose wisely and use what you have to it's fullest. The way you word it is a passive defense of that line of thinking I spoke of ...the beats tech consumer that "knows best" but in reality youre using lay knowledge/reasoning and probably looking at marketing to find quality....

Nice way to say i'm not looking at the criteria i just mentioned myself(and offered resolutions for). "Some people do care about the design, build materials, and build quality of their electronics. I certainly do but because you may not doesn't make my preferences any more or less valid"...true but i was not saying these people's opinions arent valid from their perspective what i'm saying is you can convince yourself anything is the "true" if your not looking at THE truth in specs and real world applications and review....and it does matter in the public forum of discussion in regards to sharing real data vs misinformation or no information guised as hyperbole and opinions...all this type of thinking makes developers burn out and phone companies just toss a new "piece of crap" so you buy it and feel like your getting New, Shiny, Better...heck evo's will still run as great devices as long as development is out there...all the complaints i heard about that device i never experienced, same for my Note 2, S3, S4 Evo 4G LTE, Evo 3d, HTC One or Note 3 or hell even my lg optimus s for that matter...... Both phones S5 and M8 = great phones. Find and Android in your price range with good specs + need upgrade = get it. find a root and a unroot method, unlock/de-knox your frigging bootloader if possible or needed, recovery+rom,if you want the security of nand backups and want to change Android build... buy a case..... if you just want to buy new numbered devices go buy an iphone... dismounting soapbox
it's 8:30 going on 4:20
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