

Roy Aguilera

Most of you have probably figured it out already. I haven't. If someone sends me an email it will not go to my gmail inbox. I will not get a notification either. However if I go to all mail it will be there. How do I make the mail go to my inbox and notify me when I get it?

Roy Aguilera

Its the gmail icon that shows up after you set it up.
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Oct 17, 2009
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the all mail and inbox is what's throwing me off, in my gmail app, it only takes me to the inbox every time unless i want to see a specific label...

what happens when you open the drawer and click on the app that says gmail and not email


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Oct 24, 2009
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When you set the phone up, it will receive email in the email folder only. To get it in a gmail folder you will need to add your gmail address to the phone using the add account in the >settings>Accounts & sync. At least that is what I needed to do.

Roy Aguilera

Alright, I only have 1 account set up so far. A gmail one. All yesterday and today I received emails but was not notified and even if I refreshed nothing. So today I start messing with it and look under all mail and all the messages are there but not in the inbox. So now I went to the mail icon and set that one up. It says it will check every 5 minutes. Is that how its supposed to work.


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Oct 17, 2009
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gmail should be pushed to your device, if you are seeing those options (or the all mail option) you are most likely using the email app and not the gmail app.

what's odd is when you setup the phone, it should have set that one up, and that one should be notifying you. there is no option for checking intervals for that one.



Nov 6, 2009
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Has anyone figured out how to turn push on for gmail? Mine is still stuck on a 5 minute timer and I just can't find an option for push.


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Nov 4, 2009
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I think push is enabled for the "Gmail" app, but if you put your gmail in the "Email" app then it doesn't push it has to poll for accounts in the "Email" app.


Nov 6, 2009
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I think push is enabled for the "Gmail" app, but if you put your gmail in the "Email" app then it doesn't push it has to poll for accounts in the "Email" app.

That was my understanding too. I've done a factory reset 3 times now and it goes through the setup requiring gmail info, I enter it in, it calls verizon to activate and finishes up. I enter the gmail app, never touching the email app, and everything is set to sync.

So I open gmail, through firefox, on my pc and my mobile me account in safari. I send an email from to gmail and wait. It pops into my inactive firefox window almost instantly, within seconds of sending, and then droid gets it in a few minutes. Now here's the real test. Once droid gets the first test message, I send a new one that I have queued up and I watch as it appears in my inactive firefox (I've not touched firefox at all) window within seconds but takes almost 5 minutes exactly to reach droid.

Obviously I'm doing something wrong and verizon is clueless as well.


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Nov 5, 2009
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I use the gmail app and is pushes gmail to me (6 seconds from send to receive) and my pop box is setup to pull every 5 minutes which it does. Not sure what is going on if yours doesn't act that way.


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Oct 17, 2009
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it seems to be some kind of issue related to it being marked as delivered (either in the case of sal's video that showed his BB picking it up instantly, where the droid took 5 mins, or in the case where a browser window is open and picks it up first)

it seems (not that i have anything to back this up, but it's just a guess) that the phone doesn't see it as a new message so there is nothing to push, and it later syncs everything regardless of new or not every 5 mins.

that's my guess anyways. :)

Roy Aguilera

My problem is that they will not show in the gmail inbox at all. They will show up in the email inbox though. In gmail they go straight to all mail and I will get no notification. However I get notified via the email icon.


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Nov 4, 2009
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Ok, so you have it in in the "Email" app. You also have it set up in the "Gmail" app. You have it set to poll every 5 minutes in the "Email" app. It should push in the "Gmail" app. In the Accounts & Sync section you have the same gmail set up and it is green checked to sync Gmail.

When you click on the "Gmail" button you don't see any of your mail there? Do you have multiple gmails set up in the "Gmail" account? There is no unified "Gmail" account. Are you looking at an empty email account in "Gmail"?


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Nov 9, 2009
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Gmail Push issues

Hello all, I am new to android having come over from a bb storm. I love the droid however can not figure out what i am doing wrong with gmail. i do not get any new gmails on my phone unless i go into the menu and "refresh". i have tested several emails and they show up instantly on the gmail website but never get to my phone. I have waited over an hour on several occasions, but when i hit refresh on the phone then the email comes. I have also noticed this in the calendar as well. is there a setting that i am missing or am i doing something wrong?

any help would be appreciated.


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Nov 1, 2009
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So here's the weird thing I'm seeing.

I have 3 Gmail accounts (personal, work, and family) and one IMAP account (work). I set up the 3 Gmail accounts in the Gmail app, and the IMAP one in the email app, with the email app set to poll every 5 min.

If I send email to one of the Gmail accounts, I will only get notified if that's the account currently active in the Gmail app. I.e., whichever account was last opened in the Gmail app, that's the one that will notify if it gets an email. Because there's no unified Gmail account, it seems that notification only works with the last Gmail account accessed by the app. Does that sound plausible? If so, it's a drag. I guess I could consolidate my Gmail accounts (I don't like have 3, anyway)...



Well-known member
Nov 3, 2009
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make sure you have active sync ( not sure what they call it on droid ) on for gmail account and it will be instant