Hide apps from "complete action using"?


New member
Oct 9, 2013

Hopefully the title is clear enough. I wish to hide certain apps from the "complete action using" list.

I'm not talking about setting a default app, nor uninstalling.
eg. I have a gazillion editors that I have installed (droidedit, jota, ...) and when I edit a txt file I want this list to open...however there are apps that appear (eg maxathon web browser) that has no place there...but there are others non relevant ones too.

eg2. I have many browsers installed, but generally only work with one or two (...and occassionally even set a default!) & want to hide some from my everyday use (eg. Opera, dolphin mini, etc, etc)

So, my question: is there a way for me to control this list?

Ps: my phone is rooted & use nova launcher (free)

Any help appreciated.