How-To Enable ADB for the Kindle Fire (Windows)

Jerry Hildenbrand

Space Cowboy
Staff member
Oct 11, 2009
Piece of cake. Fire up the command window (Start>all programs>accessories>command prompt) and enter one command:

echo 0x1949 >> "%USERPROFILE%\.android\adb_usb.ini

You don't even have to type it, just copy and paste. Press the Enter key, and plug your Fire in.

Viola -- ADB.

You can sideload (I would recommend you try the Gingerbreak apk as a test :) ) or debug like any other Android device now.

Bonus round:
Add the line 0x1949 to the end of the ~/.android/adb_usb.ini file in Mac or Linux to get the same result.

Let the games begin!
can you please post how to get to the point where this command will work? from my understanding reading on other forums you need to install the AndroidSDK first and run it once and then you can do this command. unfortunately nobody explains how to do this
Thanks gbhil! I couldn't get the fire to show up under adb devices (on two computers, win 7 64bit), couldn't find any information beyond suggestions to re-install the drivers. That did the trick, thanks!
I'm confused as well. I did the walk through per the Rootzwiki post yesterday. When i get to command prompt and type in my cd c:\KindleADB it goes through. When I check for devices, adb devices, I get list of devices...blank. I have everything (to the best of my knowledge) installed correctly. So whats up with this command? echo 0x1949 >> "%USERPROFILE%\.android\adb_usb.ini

Trying to root this bad boy. Any help would be great!!

Edit: Okay, type this in BEFORE doing anything else. D'oh! I get it now
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Solved... Expect a complete linux walkthrough for adb connection, partition backup and root (all credits will be provided).
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I am trying to install ADB on a Win 7 (64bit) and I get the following error during installation. ADB Server Failure (code -1).
What am I doing wrong.
Thanks in advance.

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
can you please post how to get to the point where this command will work? from my understanding reading on other forums you need to install the AndroidSDK first and run it once and then you can do this command. unfortunately nobody explains how to do this

I think you have to be at the c:\kfu directory (or wherever you installed the Kindle Fire Utility program)...