HTC 10 Owners: First Impressions, Initial Reviews Thread


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Oct 14, 2009
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Initial thoughts;

-Charges FAST and battery life is excellent.
-Feels wonderful in the hand. No slip, no grime build up. I won't be needing a case.
-External speakers have same vol as M8, but the 10 distorts at max. M8 has better bass and balance but vocals are slightly recessed. 10 has greater midrange clarity and vocals are very intimate.
-Headphone quality is a game changer. M8 was very good but the 10 actually makes me want to use my high-end headphones. Great dynamics, detail, bandwidth, and a nice sense of depth. So good you can easily hear flaws in the source material, but not clinically accurate (there's definitely a little flattering going on). Audio is my living and I'm very pleased with the headphone jack audio.
-Runs normal, temp-wise. Considering the screen size/brightness, it's actually running cooler than expected.
-Screen is way brighter than expected (after reading the various complaints). It's more than capable for anything I would ever need. Color tone is vivid but not obnoxious like the S7 was for me. I can stare at this one without fatigue.
-Very snappy/fast response and the screen sensitivity is excellent. Best I've ever used.

-I hate google apps and miss the old HTC gallery and such. I generally think HTC does things better than google.
-Reaching all the way to the bottom isn't as easy as having capacitive buttons on the screen, but that's not so much a complaint as it is me needing to get used to the way phones are made now.
-Cam needs a beginner's guide. I am experienced and started understanding the exposure thing quick but average users are going to be confused and not understand how good this cam is.
-No eyecandy on initial start-up. This is minor but since I can't find anything to complain about I'll mention it; that ugly orange and green wallpaper that (ironically) looks like a downward trend in a chart is not an impressive way to display the phone to a first-time user. WTH were they thinking??

Overall though, I'm SOOO glad I didn't jump on the 6s and S7 when they came out because I'd be hating myself right now. Not that they are bad or incapable, but the "little things" and attention to detail and overall user experience is what makes the 10 great. THIS is the phone for me. Bravo HTC!
Completely agree on all the little things. It's just the little touches that make you feel like it was really well thought out. Everything works great on this device. Super glad I swapped my s7 edge for this.


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Mar 26, 2014
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Agree with everything except the apps, I'm happy with Google apps. But those capacitive buttons? It is extremely awkward to reach the back button while one handing the phone. It's almost a deal breaker for me. Have to see how I adjust to it after a few days.

Reading this again a few hours later, I forgot all about my initial complaint. I'm pretty stubborn about change sometimes and was originally swearing to myself about the low buttons. However, the bevels on top and bottom, as well as the slight texture to the finish gives this one a really good grip so I'm able to hold it lower without fear of it slipping. I didn't even realize I had adjusted. Hope the transition works out for you.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2010
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Agree with everything except the apps, I'm happy with Google apps. But those capacitive buttons? It is extremely awkward to reach the back button while one handing the phone. It's almost a deal breaker for me. Have to see how I adjust to it after a few days.

Do you hold the phone in your right hand? If so try holding in left hand. I have no trouble with the back button.


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2012
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Agree with everything except the apps, I'm happy with Google apps. But those capacitive buttons? It is extremely awkward to reach the back button while one handing the phone. It's almost a deal breaker for me. Have to see how I adjust to it after a few days.
And that's why the back button should always be on the right of the phone. It's normally used way more often than the other ones.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2010
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And that's why the back button should always be on the right of the phone. It's normally used way more often than the other ones.
I've said for a long time that Google should make the button location user definable. Some people prefer left and others prefer right and it can really impact the experience of using a phone if the back button is uncomfortable to use.


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Apr 28, 2016
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I've found that after a few days with a device I can adjust to the locations of various buttons. Being able to assign a specific location or orientation would be awesome though.


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Nov 5, 2013
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I completely agree on most of your points. I really miss the old HTC messaging app, especially its look and feel. I really don't want to go Hangouts, or add some other app that I am not familiar with to the phone. The new messaging app is almost too Google, and I really miss the look and feel of the old HTC Messaging and wish I could d/l it from the Play store.

I added a case since I am hard on the phones. I purchased a tempered glass from HotCool that was advertised as HTC 10, but it was marked iPhone SE, and in any case did not completely cover the screen. I ordered a different tempered glass screen protector, and have another case coming in, which has a screen protector. I am waiting (not patiently) for either UAG or Otterbox to come out with their cases for this phone.

After I got (what I suspect was a user error) things fixed, and ready to go, I was happy. PAY ATTENTION to SIM and SD Card insertion instructions on the enclosed paper with the phone! Calls seem clear. I am getting used to where the power button is located since I turned off the tap to turn on feature (mostly because I am a klutz and it would stay on). The button is however very nicely textured so that you can't mistake it for the volume rockers. I miss the HTC gallery, it is so much nicer than the Google photos, but I had to go in, and tell it DO NOT UPLOAD my photos. Also I noticed when adding a phone number to my contact list, it defaulted to Google address book, which I did not want.

I have already added my own wallpaper to the phone, I can't comment on battery life yet since it is still getting set up/updated. I lost 40% power last night while i slept because apparently Neutron Player did not close when I shut off the bluetooth headset. So far power seems to be good to great when not being sucked dry by a misfunctioning app. I removed Neutron player, and instead installed PowerAmp, as my music player for stuff on the phone.

I used the screen while I was out walking today, and in shade it was great, in direct sunlight, it was dim, but that was to be expected. Bluetooth connectivity is good to superior. I constantly use a bluetooth headset, so that is an important issue for me. The size and shape are both great, I need to do some more learning on the phone, I miss some of the older features from the M8 running 5.0.2. Mostly its going to be a matter of adjusting to the new almost not there Sense.

I really like the phone so far, and I really, really dislike Touchwiz, and Samsung bloatware. I disabled Facebook, Instagram, and Facebook Messaging immediately, I just wish I could remove those apps. It is so nice to NOT have a phone loaded with Bloatware! Had some initial trouble getting my contacts back on the phone using the HTC software on my computer, but the HTC Transfer tool did the job 100%. Copied all my contacts, ringtones, music, and photos in about 10 minutes. A little quibble, on sound I tried to reset the message notification from whatever they had it set to, over to the Hangouts notification which I hear better, and it just refused to accept it. No idea why. Tried it 10-11 times, and no joy.

Memory usage seems to run 1.5-1.7 gb regularly. I know I have 4 gb installed, and I am very glad to have that. I won't address the camera, since I seldom use it except when the spouse-unit demands I take a photo (I have Nikons for that).

Overall, a Home Run for HTC.

Initial thoughts;

-Charges FAST and battery life is excellent.
-Feels wonderful in the hand. No slip, no grime build up. I won't be needing a case.
-External speakers have same vol as M8, but the 10 distorts at max. M8 has better bass and balance but vocals are slightly recessed. 10 has greater midrange clarity and vocals are very intimate.
-Headphone quality is a game changer. M8 was very good but the 10 actually makes me want to use my high-end headphones. Great dynamics, detail, bandwidth, and a nice sense of depth. So good you can easily hear flaws in the source material, but not clinically accurate (there's definitely a little flattering going on). Audio is my living and I'm very pleased with the headphone jack audio.
-Runs normal, temp-wise. Considering the screen size/brightness, it's actually running cooler than expected.
-Screen is way brighter than expected (after reading the various complaints). It's more than capable for anything I would ever need. Color tone is vivid but not obnoxious like the S7 was for me. I can stare at this one without fatigue.
-Very snappy/fast response and the screen sensitivity is excellent. Best I've ever used.

-I hate google apps and miss the old HTC gallery and such. I generally think HTC does things better than google.
-Reaching all the way to the bottom isn't as easy as having capacitive buttons on the screen, but that's not so much a complaint as it is me needing to get used to the way phones are made now.
-Cam needs a beginner's guide. I am experienced and started understanding the exposure thing quick but average users are going to be confused and not understand how good this cam is.
-No eyecandy on initial start-up. This is minor but since I can't find anything to complain about I'll mention it; that ugly orange and green wallpaper that (ironically) looks like a downward trend in a chart is not an impressive way to display the phone to a first-time user. WTH were they thinking??

Overall though, I'm SOOO glad I didn't jump on the 6s and S7 when they came out because I'd be hating myself right now. Not that they are bad or incapable, but the "little things" and attention to detail and overall user experience is what makes the 10 great. THIS is the phone for me. Bravo HTC!


Nov 3, 2015
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So is anyone here who already has theirs going with a case or naked? It looks like a beautiful phone and I despise cases. Is it fairly durable? Just wondering what the consensus is about case vs. no case so far.

yomny Martinez

Well-known member
Nov 13, 2008
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I've taken the camera out today for a quick test and it's working nicely. The only thing I keep noticing is that the phone does get warm after five minutes of use or so. Nothing crazy and not updating and installing apps. Simply surfing the web, testing or sharing some photos. Anyone else having similar experiences. Aside from that I'm loving it. Lastly, can anyone try this to see if your HTC does the same. When exiting the camera app, the brightness jumps up. Simply go to camera then exit out, back home. Cheers.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2016
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So is anyone here who already has theirs going with a case or naked? It looks like a beautiful phone and I despise cases. Is it fairly durable? Just wondering what the consensus is about case vs. no case so far.

I will probably go with a tpu case. Most likely clear. I hate hiding a phone. That said my incipio dual pro had kept my m8 pristine after many many drops and fumbles.

yomny Martinez

Well-known member
Nov 13, 2008
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So is anyone here who already has theirs going with a case or naked? It looks like a beautiful phone and I despise cases. Is it fairly durable? Just wondering what the consensus is about case vs. no case so far.

Going naked, it's tough and pretty heavy plus the oh uh protection gives a little more confidence. ??????


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2014
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So is anyone here who already has theirs going with a case or naked? It looks like a beautiful phone and I despise cases. Is it fairly durable? Just wondering what the consensus is about case vs. no case so far.

It seems to be pretty scratch resistant unless you take a knife to it. Scratches from car keys rub right off. The guy that folded a couple of other phones was unable to bend the 10 at all, and stated that it was "incredibly strong". Link to the Youtube video is below...

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