HTC 10 Owners: First Impressions, Initial Reviews Thread

J R Mtz

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Feb 1, 2014
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Thoughts on getting the T-Mobile and T-Mobile voicemail apps?
Had those on my M8. Useful for checking account info and I guess voicemails as well. Worried about bloating up this sweet unlocked goodness :)

Dr. S

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Apr 30, 2012
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Quick question about the curved back: does the phone wobble and/or spin when you try to use it on a table? It's almost impossible to use the Moto X lying flat for this reason, which is kind of annoying.


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Sep 7, 2010
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Some more updates on this from my end.

Had no problems seeing the screen in bright sunlight today. Not as good as the S7 but I could see and read the screen. Can't say I had much issue in the car either with my sunglasses on. So, at least for me the screen seems fine.

Charged the phone to 100% last night before I went to sleep and took it off charge. Work up this morning with 8% used in almost 8 hours. I am quite happy that it will only go through 1% hour while the phone is sleeping :) That is about par for course with the S7.

I also just tried out the headphones, after going through the audio profile setup. I have to say...WOW. Absolutely night and day when compared to the S7. I had both set to middle volume level and the HTC 10 was head and shoulders so much better than the S7.

The only thing I am not liking now is their email app since every time I open it, it seems to perform a full re-synch of my inbox and I need to wait until it has finished. Never had a phone email app do that before. Not sure why is going on with that but it is annoying. I might try and see if I can somehow get the Sammy email APK and do a side install :)


Moderator Team Leader
Apr 17, 2012
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Thoughts on getting the T-Mobile and T-Mobile voicemail apps?
Had those on my M8. Useful for checking account info and I guess voicemails as well. Worried about bloating up this sweet unlocked goodness :)

It isn't bloat if it is an app you use. Thinking in the way you posted above would mean all apps are bloat ^_^.


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Sep 7, 2010
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Re: S7 Edge to HTC 10 - First Impressions are mixed.

Posted this in another thread but wanted to post it here too, since I also have an S7e.

Had no problems seeing the screen in bright sunlight today. Not as good as the S7 but I could see and read the screen. Can't say I had much issue in the car either with my sunglasses on. So, at least for me the screen seems fine.

Charged the phone to 100% last night before I went to sleep and took it off charge. Work up this morning with 8% used in almost 8 hours. I am quite happy that it will only go through 1% hour while the phone is sleeping :) That is about par for course with the S7.

I also just tried out the headphones, after going through the audio profile setup. I have to say...WOW. Absolutely night and day when compared to the S7. I had both set to middle volume level and the HTC 10 was head and shoulders so much better than the S7.


Moderator Team Leader
Apr 17, 2012
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Re: S7 Edge to HTC 10 - First Impressions are mixed.

For me, it's strange to see people say this as I rarely every want/need my phone at max brightness. I'm usually wanting it to be comfortable to look at in indoor lighting (which the S7E wasn't for me). It's good we all have choices to suit us though. I hope HTC does well because competition in the marketplace is ultimately a blessing to the customers.

It is mainly for sunlight usage. The extra max brightness that kicks in with Samsung phones makes it really easy to read. Other than that I agree I don't keep it at max.

yomny Martinez

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Nov 13, 2008
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Thoughts on getting the T-Mobile and T-Mobile voicemail apps?
Had those on my M8. Useful for checking account info and I guess voicemails as well. Worried about bloating up this sweet unlocked goodness :)

I use use t-mobile visual voicemail, used to it back with ATT and cant go back to calling my VM lol. Works nicely.

yomny Martinez

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Nov 13, 2008
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Same here no duplicate apps on the unlocked model, I would suggest factory reset and may be start clean without restoring from back up.

You know what, this could be the issue. I may have downloaded all my Nexus 6p apps when i restored from the back up! I'll do a factory reset and just start from scratch.

yomny Martinez

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Nov 13, 2008
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My phone hasn't gotten warm at all. I haven't had my battery drain fast except for when I was initially downloading my apps. You could have removed blinkfeed by pinching the home screen and going over to the blinkfeed page and dragging it to the remove button at the top of the screen. I agree with you about the phone having trouble adjusting brightness.

What phone did you have before this phone?
Nexus 6p

Weird. I had no duplicates. 1 calculator, 1 email, etc. Have an unlocked phone.

And thanks for the power saver tip! Now if only i could replace extreme saver in the quick settings with that :)
Really looking forward to being able to edit the quick settings lol

Quick question about the curved back: does the phone wobble and/or spin when you try to use it on a table? It's almost impossible to use the Moto X lying flat for this reason, which is kind of annoying.

It doesn't wobble, stays put as any other completely flat phone would.


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Jun 15, 2015
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Re: S7 Edge to HTC 10 - First Impressions are mixed.

Can't say that my unlocked bloat-free Exynos S7 has this input lag of which OP speaks. Mine is snappy and fluid.


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Jun 15, 2015
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Re: HTC 10 owners first impressions/review thread

Anyone else get a thank you email from HTC saying to be on the lookout for a package in the next couple weeks? Wonder what that's gonna be. The headphones we should have gotten in the US maybe?

Uh-Oh protection for non-US customers?


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Mar 26, 2014
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Initial thoughts;

-Charges FAST and battery life is excellent.
-Feels wonderful in the hand. No slip, no grime build up. I won't be needing a case.
-External speakers have same vol as M8, but the 10 distorts at max. M8 has better bass and balance but vocals are slightly recessed. 10 has greater midrange clarity and vocals are very intimate.
-Headphone quality is a game changer. M8 was very good but the 10 actually makes me want to use my high-end headphones. Great dynamics, detail, bandwidth, and a nice sense of depth. So good you can easily hear flaws in the source material, but not clinically accurate (there's definitely a little flattering going on). Audio is my living and I'm very pleased with the headphone jack audio.
-Runs normal, temp-wise. Considering the screen size/brightness, it's actually running cooler than expected.
-Screen is way brighter than expected (after reading the various complaints). It's more than capable for anything I would ever need. Color tone is vivid but not obnoxious like the S7 was for me. I can stare at this one without fatigue.
-Very snappy/fast response and the screen sensitivity is excellent. Best I've ever used.

-I hate google apps and miss the old HTC gallery and such. I generally think HTC does things better than google.
-Reaching all the way to the bottom isn't as easy as having capacitive buttons on the screen, but that's not so much a complaint as it is me needing to get used to the way phones are made now.
-Cam needs a beginner's guide. I am experienced and started understanding the exposure thing quick but average users are going to be confused and not understand how good this cam is.
-No eyecandy on initial start-up. This is minor but since I can't find anything to complain about I'll mention it; that ugly orange and green wallpaper that (ironically) looks like a downward trend in a chart is not an impressive way to display the phone to a first-time user. WTH were they thinking??

Overall though, I'm SOOO glad I didn't jump on the 6s and S7 when they came out because I'd be hating myself right now. Not that they are bad or incapable, but the "little things" and attention to detail and overall user experience is what makes the 10 great. THIS is the phone for me. Bravo HTC!


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Dec 1, 2014
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I prefer the HTC apps as well, and the music player was WAY more efficient then Google's Play Music app.
I think the brightness issue is a bit overstated, but it does not help that the wallpaper is dark towards the top. However, some of the videos I've seen show the 10 brightness being a bit better than the M9. The only real world experience I've had is that the M8 is brighter and more color accurate than the S7 Edge (I own both). And just as an FYI, Samsung display models in retail outlets have the screen brightness locked to 100%. Even if you jump out of demo mode and change brightness, it goes right back to 100% in a few seconds and stays there. They certainly know how to manage perception.

By the way, they did a scratch/burn/bend test on the 10, and they guy that folded a couple of other phones was unable to bend the 10 at all, calling it "incredibly strong"


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Dec 1, 2014
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I also just tried out the headphones, after going through the audio profile setup. I have to say...WOW. Absolutely night and day when compared to the S7. I had both set to middle volume level and the HTC 10 was head and shoulders so much better than the S7.

The only thing I am not liking now is their email app since every time I open it, it seems to perform a full re-synch of my inbox and I need to wait until it has finished. Never had a phone email app do that before. Not sure why is going on with that but it is annoying. I might try and see if I can somehow get the Sammy email APK and do a side install :)

Agree completely about the headphone performance. I purchased the S7 Edge last Tuesday, and I'm a bit underwhelmed coming from the M8.

For your email problem, you should be able to set that app to manual sync. That way, it only syncs when you swipe down on the screen. Failing that, you could try the sideload, or an app called "Nine Folders" which is my personal favorite.


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Sep 17, 2010
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Initial thoughts;

-Charges FAST and battery life is excellent.
-Feels wonderful in the hand. No slip, no grime build up. I won't be needing a case.
-External speakers have same vol as M8, but the 10 distorts at max. M8 has better bass and balance but vocals are slightly recessed. 10 has greater midrange clarity and vocals are very intimate.
-Headphone quality is a game changer. M8 was very good but the 10 actually makes me want to use my high-end headphones. Great dynamics, detail, bandwidth, and a nice sense of depth. So good you can easily hear flaws in the source material, but not clinically accurate (there's definitely a little flattering going on). Audio is my living and I'm very pleased with the headphone jack audio.
-Runs normal, temp-wise. Considering the screen size/brightness, it's actually running cooler than expected.
-Screen is way brighter than expected (after reading the various complaints). It's more than capable for anything I would ever need. Color tone is vivid but not obnoxious like the S7 was for me. I can stare at this one without fatigue.
-Very snappy/fast response and the screen sensitivity is excellent. Best I've ever used.

-I hate google apps and miss the old HTC gallery and such. I generally think HTC does things better than google.
-Reaching all the way to the bottom isn't as easy as having capacitive buttons on the screen, but that's not so much a complaint as it is me needing to get used to the way phones are made now.
-Cam needs a beginner's guide. I am experienced and started understanding the exposure thing quick but average users are going to be confused and not understand how good this cam is.
-No eyecandy on initial start-up. This is minor but since I can't find anything to complain about I'll mention it; that ugly orange and green wallpaper that (ironically) looks like a downward trend in a chart is not an impressive way to display the phone to a first-time user. WTH were they thinking??

Overall though, I'm SOOO glad I didn't jump on the 6s and S7 when they came out because I'd be hating myself right now. Not that they are bad or incapable, but the "little things" and attention to detail and overall user experience is what makes the 10 great. THIS is the phone for me. Bravo HTC!
Agree with everything except the apps, I'm happy with Google apps. But those capacitive buttons? It is extremely awkward to reach the back button while one handing the phone. It's almost a deal breaker for me. Have to see how I adjust to it after a few days.


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Dec 1, 2014
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I would not put all my stock in the websites that measure screens. The S7 is supposed to be brighter than the M8, but an actual side by side photo is below.



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Apr 14, 2014
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I actually prefer the HTC 10's display more than the Nexus 6P and Galaxy S7. I find the 6P and S7 screen just too saturated for me, they're really quite saturated. I had this complaint with the S6 last year, but it seems the 6P and S7 follow suite. Things like the Youtube app has an extremely intense red on AMOLED displays and other apps can have really intense colours. A common argument I hear is that you can turn the screen to sRGB mode, and sure you can, but the problem I have with that is that those modes look too dull and washed out, despite being 'accurate'. There needs to be a good medium where colours are still saturated and pop, but don't go too far. I find the HTC 10's display hits that mark pretty well. It's kind of like the iPhone's screens as far as saturation goes, which I think is a good spot.

Also, the whites are much better on the 10 than on either the 6P or Galaxy I've owned. AMOLED screens I've had always have a yellow or blue hue to them. The 10's LCD screen has much better natural white.

But that's just my personal preference.

On a side note, I find the HTC 10 much better in bright sunlight than the Nexus 6P as well. On full brightness I can see everything fine, which isn't so easy on the Nexus. However, I have polarised sunglasses and for whatever reason the HTC 10's screen looks dark with polarised sunglasses on. The screen image doesn't come through well when I have them on.

Have you been using the sRGB mode on your Nexus 6P?

Posted via the Android Central App

J R Mtz

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2014
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Initial thoughts;

-Charges FAST and battery life is excellent.
-Feels wonderful in the hand. No slip, no grime build up. I won't be needing a case.
-Runs normal, temp-wise. Considering the screen size/brightness, it's actually running cooler than expected.
-Very snappy/fast response and the screen sensitivity is excellent. Best I've ever used.

-I hate google apps and miss the old HTC gallery and such. I generally think HTC does things better than google.

Overall though, I'm SOOO glad I didn't jump on the 6s and S7 when they came out because I'd be hating myself right now. Not that they are bad or incapable, but the "little things" and attention to detail and overall user experience is what makes the 10 great. THIS is the phone for me. Bravo HTC!

Yeah, loving both the very very fast charging and battery life. Ended the work day with 40%+ left, when i'd leave with about 20% or less on my M8. And this was after the extra usage for tinkering and setting up some more apps. Gonna be even better afterwards.
Only noticed some heat during the initial transfer form my old phone, but been fine since. Haven't played games or run any video apps for more than a minute though, so we'll see.
And yeah, fastest phone I've used by far.

and Yeah, some of the HTC apps were definitely better or simpler to use. Not liking photos, especially compared to Gallery. I think Gallery is adownloadable app though, so I may end up switching.
And yeah, don't like Google music. Downloaded Rocket Music Player based on an article from AC from last fall. Very lightweight, and has a similar vibe to the HTC one. Free for basic use, with a fee for the more advanced features. Would need to research what those features are since my music needs are simple really.

At this point, my one real gripe with the phone is using it with my polarized sunglasses on. Not a deal breaker considering all the the other pros it has, but definitely not happy about it.

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