is it worth getting ?


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Dec 23, 2009
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i currently have a galaxy tab & like it but also hate it because i can't sync it with any computer & Ive tried everything ...
so i can get the nook color for $200 & was wondering if it is worth it & if anyone has had any experience with both ..
any input would be appreciated ..


Feb 11, 2011
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Fix your sync issues on the galaxy tab. Nook is cool because its cheaper... but you already have the galaxy. Heck.... want to trade?

Sent from my rooted nook using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2009
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pudmunkie --- you just don't know how irritating it is when something doesn't work as its supposed to ,it drives me nuts .. how much you willing to add ?


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Dec 15, 2010
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From what I have read, the rooted nook is not as "perfect" as some people say. If your pickey about things working 100% I would say go for a Xoom. If you sell your tab locally, you could get anywhere from 350 - 450 and then just use the 200 you would have spent from the nook. Thats just my 2c worth... sorry if this rains on your parade pud


Feb 11, 2011
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Not a problem, and a valid solution. I don't need to spend any more on a tablet right now.

I will eventually ditch the nook for a 'real' tablet, but not at the price points they are at now.

Sent from my rooted nook using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2009
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corrosive - that's what im going to have to do ..i just hope the xoom is better ,i really love having a tablet & would just like it to work properly .
pud- thanks for your input ..


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Oct 15, 2010
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It has been perfect for me. I have not run across the thing I wanted it to do that it couldn't with the exception of playing iTunes purchased movies (yet). I don't need/want cameras, 3G, or a 10 inch screen on my tablet. I don't need bluetooth, but I would find uses for it if it were available. I just need access to the Android Market to get the apps I need and for those apps to work. In every occasion for myself, so far, it has done that. I am just rooted stock and using the Zeam Launcer and it has been the perfect little tablet. I actually prefer the 7in form factor because it fits in the lab coat pocket I wear at work and in a zippable portfolio I already carry.

Now in your case, I think I would just make the Tab work. Either rooting it to make it work. I am surprised you can't get it to sync. I am curious exactly what kind of problems you are having? It should be able to do everything the Nook can do. And that is what it comes down to, you already have the Tab and I don't think that the nook will do much different or Sync differently so I would look into why you are having trouble with the Tab first, it is an expensive thing to have around if it doesn't do what you want. My phone is the Samsung Captivate and it does most of the things I want so maybe you can use some of the things I use on the captivate and nook to help solve your problems.

For syncing music on both I use iSyncer to get music from my iTunes. iSyncer wifi is also very nice to sync from your comp to the nook wirelessly. I use dropbox for a lot of documents or if I want them available offline I just drag and drop.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2010
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i currently have a galaxy tab & like it but also hate it because i can't sync it with any computer & Ive tried everything ...
so i can get the nook color for $200 & was wondering if it is worth it & if anyone has had any experience with both ..
any input would be appreciated ..

What are you trying to "sync"?


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2010
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I really like my NC for what it is. A $250 compromise tablet. For the price its great slander has alot if features. That being said if I had a Galaxy Tab I wouldn't get the Nook Color because you just wouldn't gain anything from it. It would probably be best to try different apps in the market to help solve whatever synching issues you're having.


Jun 29, 2010
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Hey all; I wanted to add my .03 cents to this discussion. You can see from my post count that I'm not very active here. At this point I don't even own a tablet of any sort. But I am shopping and have done a LOT of research on the NC and the GT. Eric6052 is exactly right IMHO; I think the NC is a great value and an all-around workhorse tablet only if it's rooted and tweaked. OTOH, the Galaxy Tab is already "complete" and ready to rock out of the box, no tweaking needed. Yes, there's a large discrepancy in price. But my understanding is that the GT SHOULD be able to sync files with your laptop. Instead of making the effort to sell/trade your GT and buying (then rooting) a NC, I would do more research and figure out how to fix the sync issue. However, if it's a money thing, then by all means sell your GT and buy the NC while it's discounted. If I could pick one or the other and price was no option, I'd definitely go for the GT. I've played with both in stores, but of course the NC in the store isn't rooted lol. I hope you're able to solve your problem either way.