Is there a Tetherberry Equivalent for DROID?


Nov 15, 2009
Coming from a blackberry, I used tetherberry quite frequently.
Is there an app like that or one that performs similar fnctions for the droid?
I may be going to the droid from the Palm Pre and I also use a Tether app that I paid for. Just wondering how much the pdanet app is running??
Can anybody explain how to set up the bluetooth dun on my windows 7 netbook....I am using pdanet and can connect using the usb but can't figure out how to get the bluetooh dun working......worked great before I upgraded from xp??????????
alright, so i've got PDAnet installed on my PC.. Are we sure there isn't any kind of spyware / adware crap on this software ?

First off, I had like 3 security warnings when trying to install this...after i'm finally done with that, the software tells us we have to turn on USB Debugging as well. (which had security warnings from Droid) why must we have USB debugging on ? have any of you got it to work without it enabled ?

I'll be using it on my do we know our connection data / passwords aren't going elsewhere ?
PDAnet has been around for years and years. If you downloaded directly from them (June Fabrics), I'm pretty sure you can trust that there's no spy or adware in their software.

Is there anyway to have a computer nerd look into and analyze the .exe file though and exactly what its doing ?

Thats what I hate about downloading most apps...It seems like only the developer knows exactly all the small little tidbits of information they can collect. People outside of the development aren't able to see exactly whats going on. or are we ?
PDAnet is awesome--

It's free and extremely useful. It has all the same functionality Tetherberry had, except for the inability to access https:// websites in the free version, so I can't check my online banking.

Despite the fact that I have internet service in every place where I'm likely to go (Home, School, Work), I can't tell you how many times I have used this randomly in a place where there was no Wi-Fi.
PDAnet is awesome--

It's free and extremely useful. It has all the same functionality Tetherberry had, except for the inability to access https:// websites in the free version, so I can't check my online banking.

wow, you'd actually use it to access your online banking..
Used pdanet in Palm land quite happily. Fantastic, easy to set up and use. Worth every penny. Haven't had the need yet in Droid world, and kind of waiting for the dust to settle on early software releases to see if VZW can manage to poison the linkup somehow.
pdanet works super well. Just used it while traveling this weekend and had great wifi on my netbook everywhere
i have the paid version and it works great. its actually faster than my wifi was at home. i love it. really worth the 29 bucks.
Sorry if this is a stupid question but what does Dun Bluetooth for Android mean.

I am huge newb to android phones never owned one in my life and only had this one 48 hours and I freakin' LOVE IT!:)
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By the way, you all Rock! I love the Droid Eris and this was my last hurdle in deciding to keep it! I to have used Tetherberry. I don't use it that much but when I need it, I really need it! I can't wait to check out the forums more!
can somebody reassure me that even with USB debugging enabled on the droid, that this program doesn't have some kind of secret script that can send the developers of PDAnet my passwords and stuff ?

I know...i'm kinda paranoid. but just wanna make sure.

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