Is your Droid protected?


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Dec 10, 2009
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So I'm just wondering how many people have a case on their droid? I have a clear case on mine, I took it off today and it felt so much thinner... then I put it back on :) I'm usually not a fan of cases... but I refuse to let anything happen to my beautiful Droid.

Or has anyone dropped their Droid? I've already dropped mine and I haven't even had it for two weeks :( another reason why the case must stay on.

Chris Kerrigan

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Nov 16, 2009
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So I'm just wondering how many people have a case on their droid? I have a clear case on mine, I took it off today and it felt so much thinner... then I put it back on :) I'm usually not a fan of cases... but I refuse to let anything happen to my beautiful Droid.

Or has anyone dropped their Droid? I've already dropped mine and I haven't even had it for two weeks :( another reason why the case must stay on.

My droid goes naked :)

Thankfully, I have yet to drop my droid on anything other than a soft carpet floor. The day it hits the ground, I'll probably have a heart attack.


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Nov 9, 2009
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I have the clear case as well. Also I've the screen protector Verizon sells. It looks good to me. That's all the protection I have. The phone travels on my left pocket. So the phone is now what, 1/8inch thicker? Not a problem for me. Also because of this I don't have the car mount. But I don't need it, I can just put the phone down and listen to the Google Navigation. I don't have the media dock either, for the same reason as the car mount, but no worries either, there's an app for that too.


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Dec 1, 2009
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Full case with belt clip from Verizon and also the plastic screen protector. The black case where you slide the Droid in facing inward, so I can't see my screen when it's in the case. I dropped her(Ruby Lite)today on pavement, no problems. Droiiid.


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Nov 27, 2009
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I currently do not have a case on my Droid, but I AM suggesting to everyone to get one! LoL I mean I know that phones are supposed to get beat up, but not my Droid!! I've already dropped it once on concrete when I had one too many. Barely any damage but a few nicks in the metal on the right side of the touch screen. Not really noticable by others, but I know it's there! When I can I'm getting a case. My Droid looks like it has pimples now. LoL

*Edit* I don't have a screen protector and don't see why it would be needed. My Storm1 had to take a drop from the second floor of an apartment complex before it EVER showed any nicks/scratches. Yes, I had dropped it prior to that but not from that height.


Dec 15, 2009
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I have the Seidio. I like the way it feels (less slippery) and also how it 'unifies' the back...meaning it looks like one smooth back instead of 3 sections. Plus no more accidental battery door removal. :p


Dec 11, 2009
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I have Verizon's pebble textured rubber case. It is doing fine for now, but I may want to get the Sedio case later. I've been hearing a lot of mixed reviews though....some say its great and some say its not very good at staying on....

Hopefully by the time I get it, the problems have been fixed and it is flawless.


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Nov 10, 2009
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I have a screen protector but no case. I carry the phone on my belt with the swivel holster (screen facing in). I use the car mount alot so the case did not seem to be at all practical.
Nov 15, 2009
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I've dropped mine at least a dozen times since release day. Mostly on carpet, but also on my desk and on ceramic tile. I've been lucky enough to have no problems. I have screen protector and insurance--I once dropped a bberry in the street and, while bending over to pick it up, kicked a "goal" in the sewer drain across the street.


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Nov 13, 2009
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Full case with belt clip from Verizon and also the plastic screen protector. The black case where you slide the Droid in facing inward, so I can't see my screen when it's in the case. I dropped her(Ruby Lite)today on pavement, no problems. Droiiid.

That's the same shell/holster combo that I have as well. I like it alot. It does add a little bulk but it actually looks pretty cool in my opinion.


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Nov 25, 2009
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I've dropped mine at least a dozen times since release day. Mostly on carpet, but also on my desk and on ceramic tile. I've been lucky enough to have no problems. I have screen protector and insurance--I once dropped a bberry in the street and, while bending over to pick it up, kicked a "goal" in the sewer drain across the street.

LOL man that sucks.... and that is why I have the insurance


Dec 12, 2009
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Once my baby comes in next month, I'll be having a full body invisi-shield installed on her. Got the screen protector installed by them the same day I my Pre and my screen is flawless despite the many times I've dropped it from hip level and had it land on its face. Meanwhile, the back of my Pre's all kinds of scratched up from laying there..and being spun, ect. Aside from the invisi-shield though, prolly just go in my pocket.


Retired Moderator
Nov 2, 2009
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Sometimes my Droid has it Seidio Innocase but still sometimes it has been streaking around naked. And I'm still waiting for my Sena pouch and that will be like being naked in a sleeping bag I guess.


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Dec 15, 2009
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ZAGG InvisibleSHIELD screen protector, and that's it.
I ordered a three pack, and threw away the first one because it wasn't applied good enough for me. I did it so carefully, you barely notice it's there, besides the smudginess that tends to get picked up more with it. I trust the screen to be scratch resistant, I just figure that any extra protection I can muster is useful if this thing is going to last me 2 years. My RAZR was looking pretty sorry near the end.

I've only dropped it twice, once on carpet, and the other time on linoleum, but it landed face down, no bounce or anything. It scared me soooo much. I was afraid to turn it over when I picked it up. The only visible imperfections at this time are some scratches on the protector (not sure if it would've scratched the screen), and a small white dot on the motorola emblem on the back.


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Nov 13, 2009
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I think the only scratch I have is when I tried to plug the phone in after too many drinks at the bar. There's a little scratch around the hole from the USB plug where I kept missing ha ha.
Nov 28, 2009
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i've seen pics of cases messing up the plastic thing on the back of the screen making the sliding of the screen loose. has anyone here who has a case encountered that problem. it's the main reason i don't have a case. if i'm careful i can just avoid dropping it, but if the case messes up the back everytime i open it then that's more damage than not having it.


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Dec 3, 2009
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I have the shell/holster combo from the Big Red. I only have it on my baby when we go out or go to work, anywhere else and she is naked as a Jay Bird. ;)

It just feels so much better without a case, and if I otherwise knew she wouldn't get hurt or dirty, she would be naked 24/7.


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Oct 24, 2008
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Sometimes my Droid has it Seidio Innocase but still sometimes it has been streaking around naked. And I'm still waiting for my Sena pouch and that will be like being naked in a sleeping bag I guess.

I too am waiting for my Sena Ultra Slim Pouch! Should be shipping any day now.