Latest Gingerbread leak (more than likely OTA)


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Mar 17, 2011
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I see others have posted about the front camera not working for Google talk. I flashed this update and have the same problem.

Has anyone gotten the front camera to work in this version specifically for Google talk?


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Dec 24, 2009
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Hope not, but I wouldn't put it past them.

I really don't know when. My source in Verizon has changed to a different department. .03 was the latest as of Friday though.


Account Deactivated
Dec 24, 2009
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The point of .3 was the radios. There are no real changes past that from .2. The changes from .2 form .0 were camera libs, and exchange portion of the HTC Mail app.


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2011
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Thanks for the info, but I'm selfish. I just want them to release the source so you can start developing some awesome kernels ;)


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Mar 20, 2011
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We could all be the testers also. They must look at these forums. Wonder why we got the leak one after the other.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2011
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Other than the Verizon Voicemail indicator issue, the RUU that leaked last week has had very few problem reports. I think (pronounced "hope") that the delays have been because Verizon and HTC want to release as nearly perfect a Gingerbread release as they can manage before they unleash it on their audience. They don't want another MR1.

Certainly the sheer NUMBER of pre-release versions has been encouraging, and shows they don't appear to be slapping something together to get it out the door come hell or high water. Bugs found in each release have been fixed in the next, with very few exceptions.

I think the quality of the recent RUU releases shows that they are close. Very, very close. I read somewhere that Verizon likes to do their releases on Monday evenings, so as to avoid a weekend release but also to avoid blowing people's phones up during busy Mondays. So there's some hope that, maybe (just maybe) this evening we'll all be more concerned about overloaded Verizon download servers than by the continuing delays. It's a slim hope, granted.

But, frankly, I'd rather get a stable bug-free release as a Thanksgiving present than a buggy load of equine dung shoveled out the door to meet an artificial (if self-imposed) Q3 deadline.

I just think the latest RUUs show that they really have everything but the Verizon Voicemail indicator problem pretty much licked, and I can't see that being a complete-rewrite-grade problem. I have to imagine in my ignorance that it wouldn't take too long to fix that one, and of course I'm in the "Google Voice Voicemail" camp of people who care not a whit whether Verizon Voicemail indicators work or not...

So we'll see. I predict with some level of confidence that there will either be a Gingerbread release this week, or we'll see another RUU with a solid attempt at fixing the voicemail notification problem that will be tested first. And I'm a pretty cynical person.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2011
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I don't root or want to install these leaks on my phone, but I'm curious, I heard Gingerbread supposedly includes a Swype-like keyboard (someone called it a trace keyboard). Can anyone confirm or deny whether these Gingerbread leaks for the Thunderbolt have that included?