LG G4 Wireless charging issue


New member
Mar 27, 2017
Hi all,
I recently attempted to use the QuickCircle case on my H810, which I was told had a finnicky chance of working, however, it worked flawlessly first try with this pad:
After that, however, it hasn't really worked right. I've only been able to get it to work right after powering the device off, which lets it charge until it's full, then stops. It then won't work again until I power cycle it again. When it's not working, the charging light on the pad flashes irregularly, not the regular flashing I'm used to that lets you know the device is incompatible. I've been told there's a possibility of damage to the wireless charging circuits on this phone, but it doesn't make sense that restarting would have any effect on this. Any help would be most appreciated, as I'm not sure this thing is still under warranty.
Are you using the AT&T branded folio case?
I was under the impression that AT&T had disabled Qi charging in software so as to push their association with the PMA standard.
Which might explain why your phone will charge when off but keeps disconnecting when on.

Have you tried a Power Mat charging device (like they have at Starbucks)?

I've been a user of wireless charging since the Palm Pixie and Touchstone chargers.
My H811 works well with an inexpensive Qi+NFC sticker.
I'm using this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B...ag=hawk-future-20&ascsubtag=UUacUvbUpU5731944
I did some reading before buying and I was told that AT&T had in fact enabled both Qi and PMA, and I believe they sell this QuickCircle case in AT&T stores. Pretty sure they also don't make a PMA-enabled version of the QuickCircle case, and I really enjoy it so far :( If that is the case, I'd hope that it's changed in the future, but for now I can try and find something PMA compatible to test it out with. I assume I'd have to get a different case, as correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the PMA standard applies to both charger and case, not just the charging pad. If that is the case, I'd be rather disappointed, as the other functions of the QuickCircle case are extremely useful and kinda neat, but I suppose I can just get one of those stickers and put it on the back anyway.
Yes, I see that the charging back you have is for the Korean (f500) version, so that would only work with a Qi charging pad.

When I look at the AT&T page Q&A for the charging back *they offer* it seems that even their own customer care representatives dont know what standard they are using....

Threads over on XDA suggest the same thing you've experienced.
That Qi worked once, and then acted flakey.
My interest was piqued so i went to look at the charging sticker I have.

If you look down under description and features, the first line says ATT h810 is not supported because it is PMA only.

This would fit with your ability to charge with the phone off.
The Qi sticker and the battery know nothing and will be happy to pass energy from the Qi pad.
The phone's ability to monitor charge also allows it to identify the type of induction/coupling and reject something that isn't PMA
Rather annoying that AT&T has disabled this, as Qi is by far the more widely used standard it seems. Thanks for the help, I will go purchase a PMA sticker and see if that works.

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