LG Tone+ Bluetooth headset HBS-730 microphone problem.

Andy Stein

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Apr 20, 2014
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i tried this today and was able to talk for over 30 minutes without issue.
But we still don't necessarily know if it's the phone or the headset. We just know that there is an issue between the two devices.
In any case, I was playing with IfThisThanThat today and was hoping that upon entering into a call I could have the wifi disabled. No such luck. You can at least have it tell you when your call is done to remind to turn wifi back on.


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Dec 1, 2010
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Glad i found this thread. I have an S4 and i bought the HSB700 about 8 months ago and messed up the wires (dont shave while wearing these headphones), so i purchased the HSB800 from Amazon. Thats when the mic issue started. So I returned them and purchased the HSB750 from Best Buy yesterday. I have the same problem. I will set up a Tasker profile to turn off wifi while on a phone call. If that works I will post the profile here. I LOVE these headphones, I work in a data center all day by myself with phone calls druing the day. I need the 10 hour battery life.

If this problem is too much, does anyone know of a set of headphones similar to the HSB line. I have tried the MOTO S10-HD's and dont like them.


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Dec 1, 2010
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The Wifi thing works.

In Tasker, +>State>Phone>Change Incomming to any. That will set the profile. +tast>check>Net>Wifi off.
If you set the profile as an event and phone off hook it will not turn wifi back on when the call is ended.

Mary Ferguson

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May 23, 2014
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I am experiencing the exact same issue! I just got this headset last week, it's a "new" version......BUT, I traded out with my husband who has a previous version and always works for him. It did the same thing on his headset, but he's been using mine all day without a problem. So, it could be something with my phone?? I have the Note 3, but so does he. It is SO IRRITATING when this happens while talking to a client!

Avi Alkalay

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May 27, 2014
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I came here looking for a fix to a different problem for my LG HBS730. I use it with an iPhone 5.

I never ever had this mic mute problem. I suspect this is an incompatibility between the headset and Android, probably on the Android side, because it never happened with me and my iPhone 5 along with 2 HBS730 that I used so far whole day long, in long calls.

I think LG still is crap because I use this product line (HBS headsets) for years and I can see how the quality decreased. But I would tell you, Android folks, too look for a solution for this specific mic mute problem into Android, not the headset.

Andrew Houlne

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Nov 12, 2012
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I realize this is an LG thread, but I have experienced the microphone cutting out when using a Jabra Wave+. I have a Galaxy S4 (Verizon) and have now used two different Wave+ units and have experienced the same issue. The issue is very sporadic, and I can restore the microphone function by toggling the bluetooth setting while in the call. My wife and neighbor have the same headset and have not experienced any issues on their non Samsung phones (HTC & Motorola). I also have a Plantronics BT300M which has not exhibited this problem. At this point, I think it may be an issue between Samsung and certain Bluetooth devices.


Jun 6, 2014
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It is not just a Samsung problem. I have the same problem with my Verizon Droid Maxx. Have tried three different LG tone headsets and all had the same problem. I have not tried the Wi-Fi off solution yet. Maybe that will help with the Mic problem. Does it also help with the voice activation issue mentioned earlier?

Andrew Zychowicz

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Jun 10, 2014
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I posted a review online referencing this microphone issue and got this response:

Your opinion is very important to us and the LG community. We appreciate your taking the time to write a review on HBS730. Unfortunately your review did not meet our guidelines for posting on our site.
We encourage you to review our guidelines and resubmit your review on HBS730.
Thanks for being an active member of the LG community.
The LG Team

I went and read their guidelines and in no way can anything in my review be interpreted as violating any of their guidelines. They simply don't want this issue recognized on their site. Infuriating!


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Jun 15, 2014
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Glad i found this thread. I have an S4 and i bought the HSB700 about 8 months ago and messed up the wires (dont shave while wearing these headphones), so i purchased the HSB800 from Amazon. Thats when the mic issue started. So I returned them and purchased the HSB750 from Best Buy yesterday. I have the same problem. I will set up a Tasker profile to turn off wifi while on a phone call. If that works I will post the profile here. I LOVE these headphones, I work in a data center all day by myself with phone calls druing the day. I need the 10 hour battery life.

If this problem is too much, does anyone know of a set of headphones similar to the HSB line. I have tried the MOTO S10-HD's and dont like them.

GunnerMike - I hope this works! Just set up a Tasker which when in a call turns off the wifi, and when out of a call turns wifi back on. I have had the same problem since I've had the 730's, works great, but all of a sudden the mic shuts off and the hearing portion is fine. No one can hear me. I solve it by hitting the "headset" button on and off, but I'm hoping the tasker works - that it truly is a change / wifi issue. I use Wifi Toggler, and wonder if wifi toggler when searching for better wifi might interfere... But here i go - wish me luck!


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2010
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I came here looking for a fix to a different problem for my LG HBS730. I use it with an iPhone 5.

I never ever had this mic mute problem. I suspect this is an incompatibility between the headset and Android, probably on the Android side, because it never happened with me and my iPhone 5 along with 2 HBS730 that I used so far whole day long, in long calls.

I think LG still is crap because I use this product line (HBS headsets) for years and I can see how the quality decreased. But I would tell you, Android folks, too look for a solution for this specific mic mute problem into Android, not the headset.

It's not an android issue. LG is responsible for Bluetooth protocol compatibility. Furthermore earlier builds of the same model do not exhibit the problem. Other brands of headsets using the same protocols do not have this problem. I know you iPhone guys look for every opportunity to blame Android (we do the same for iPhone) but LG owns this problem.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


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Dec 1, 2010
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GunnerMike - I hope this works! Just set up a Tasker which when in a call turns off the wifi, and when out of a call turns wifi back on. I have had the same problem since I've had the 730's, works great, but all of a sudden the mic shuts off and the hearing portion is fine. No one can hear me. I solve it by hitting the "headset" button on and off, but I'm hoping the tasker works - that it truly is a change / wifi issue. I use Wifi Toggler, and wonder if wifi toggler when searching for better wifi might interfere... But here i go - wish me luck!

It has worked for several weeks for me now. You should be good.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


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Jun 18, 2014
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Llama is a free easy program to use. It can turn off your WIFI connection when your phone rings or you make a call. I am trying it now to see if it helps with this issue.


Mar 31, 2011
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Are people smoking crack... Turn off wifi to get the mic working really!!! Product is defective end of story. I'm returning mine to BB I'll try another one or get my money back. People want things to work so bad they try all these gimmicks just take the dang things back or get the extended warranty and move around.


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Jul 1, 2014
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Rashad is correct. I have a very old version of this headset - more than 4 years old. I recently bought a new one and gave the old one (with which I have never had ANY issues at all) to my mom. Unfortunately, with the new headset I have had the "mic going mute" issue from DAY ONE, with a Samsung S5.

I went and switched it at Verizon (who said they'd never heard of the issue before - yeah right!) and the replacement one has the exact same issue.

Since it has been 32 days, I am out of luck. Awesome.

Turning off wifi when you take phone calls is a ridiculous workaround. LG and Verizon: you guys kinda suck.


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Jul 2, 2014
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FYI, several people I work with have the LG HBS-750 and iPhone 6s. We all have the microphone death curse as well. Turning off wifi on the iPhone 6s seems to cure the problem. Not an acceptable solution, though.


Steven Ginsberg

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Jul 2, 2014
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Well I guess I will join the group. After returning my first LG 750 for a new one the same problem happened with the microphone kicking out. Whe I went to Verizon today they swapped it for the Motorola Buds which I am going to return. I found them to be uncomfortable and the earbuds kept falling out. My amazement is that both Verizon and LG say that nobody is reporting the same problem.


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Jul 4, 2014
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Thought I would let you know that I experience the microphone sudden death problem with a Samsung Galaxy Note II (KK 4.4.2) and a Jabra Play headset. I am testing if disabling wifi will solve it in my case too. But I think it could make sense. A few days ago I could sit in a car and talk for a long time without the microphone going dead. Obviously I did not have a wifi connection at that time. Just this morning, sitting in the office with wifi on, the microphone died. As I write this, I am testing how a call with wifi off to see if the microphone dies.


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Apr 14, 2013
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I have the same problem. I have a note 2 and it keeps dropping my Bluetooth. I hear the caller but all of a sudden they cannot hear me. It happens about every 40 sec or so on the 750's. It is so frustrating. I can play music with no issues. I can connect a Motorola one and have no issues but that one does not have the noise canceling in noisy areas. I really like the 750’s but I cannot have this on my business calls. I am taking the third 750 back. It is no use, it just doesn't work no matter what I try.

Kim Wright1

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Jul 7, 2014
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My boyfriend broke his HBS-700 so I bought the HBS-750. Having same problem with the mic cutting out and no one can hear me. This issue was constant averaging less than a minute before happening. Tried making sure I was unpaired from everything else and went through several restarts on my phone and repairing the bluetooth but nothing helped. Exchanged it for a new one - same problem only this time even the music from Pandora cut out as well. Returned the headset especially after seeing so many others with same problem. Told Verizon I planned on buying another 700 online because I had no problems with this headset and I've had it since it first came out. They ended up talking me into trying the new 800. I relented for one more try because the sound was much better than the 750 (my 700 was way better than the 750). Well, the 800 has same problem. I finally tried it without the wifi turned on as someone else discovered this solved the problem. It did fix the issue but I'm not going to turn off my wifi so I can forget to turn it back on and accidentally use a whole bunch of data because I was watching videos! Also, some people complained of the mic going out even when not at home so if you are driving and pick up wifi it essentially could turn off the mic. So unless Verizon wants to give me unlimited data the LG bluetooth series after 700 is useless to me! It doesn't matter how much I like this type - when I can't get anymore 700's it will be back to the other styles. And Verizon acted as if I was the first one with the problem too. The first person I did exchange with was extremely rude. The second person didn't act like I was making it up but still said he hadn't heard of any issues like this.

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