New superphone for sprint soon? HTC Evo 2?

I just got the Motorola Atrix moving from the HTC Evo because i wanted something next gen and seeing that Kyocera failure in my opinion was a waster of an announcement. If Sprint brings a banger within the next couple of weeks I might have to hop back to Sprint :)
I just got the Motorola Atrix moving from the HTC Evo because i wanted something next gen and seeing that Kyocera failure in my opinion was a waster of an announcement. If Sprint brings a banger within the next couple of weeks I might have to hop back to Sprint :)

that was kinda a stupid move, Sprint will be releasing phones on March 22nd. You couldnt wait like 2 weeks lol
that was kinda a stupid move, Sprint will be releasing phones on March 22nd. You couldnt wait like 2 weeks lol
I agree with you but we are expecting them to announce new phones on March 22nd but what are they planning on releasing on the 22nd? I would suspect that they would release the phones announced at the end of this month in June, just my guess.

I am in a holding pattern now with a well used and warn Hero waiting for the follow-up to the Evo.
i was going to buy the Evo, but with the latest planned announcements, I think i'm willing to wait the few weeks and see what happens!
Pre Switch

I made the switch.. I liked WebOS but the Pal Pre was built like crap. Since HP has taken over I haven't seen any phone updates or improvements.

Me too!!

I bet there are a lot of us Pre owners joining Android Central.

I don't like the look of the Evo or the Shift. It is too fussy for me. I do like the Epic and Transform looks, but cocerned about getting updates to the next OS. (as most Pre owners are!!)
Not for nothing love my Evo (owner for 2 weeks).

As far as I'm concerned this summer's stuff surely will be stat stuffing devices, but the "leap" from gen 1 to gen 2 stuff is meh to me.

I find it funny that all my iphone friends can hold their iphone for the full duration of the 2 year contact but android people have to have a new phone every 6 months as they release. Are our devices/ecosystems really that lacking?
Not for nothing love my Evo (owner for 2 weeks).

As far as I'm concerned this summer's stuff surely will be stat stuffing devices, but the "leap" from gen 1 to gen 2 stuff is meh to me.

I find it funny that all my iphone friends can hold their iphone for the full duration of the 2 year contact but android people have to have a new phone every 6 months as they release. Are our devices/ecosystems really that lacking?

I don't think its funny at all. I feel bad for iphone people that have to hold onto their phone for 2 full years with no discounted upgrade path until then. Just because they're forced to hold onto it, doesn't mean they're thrilled with their 2 year old hardware and the choice of only a single piece of hardware every year. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting the latest and greatest in hardware. Yes, 6 months may be pushing it, but getting new hardware to support the awesome advances in software every year seems very reasonable. I've been holding onto my Palm Pre for over a year and a half now and it feels ancient to me. 2 years ago this hardware would've been the latest and greatest. That's just how the tech industry goes. Iphone users by no means have a better devices/"ecosystems"... they're just sheep that are told to be happy with whatever Steve Jobs gives them.
No, they'll be announcing their new phones in March. They won't be out until somewhat later.

That's a good assumption, but your guess is as good as anyone's that the phones will be out "somewhat later". It's possible that one phone could be released immediately and one will be delayed, or both will be out immediately. You just never know.
That's a good assumption, but your guess is as good as anyone's that the phones will be out "somewhat later". It's possible that one phone could be released immediately and one will be delayed, or both will be out immediately. You just never know.
Does Sprint do that?
Does Sprint do that?

at this point I can't even begin to guess what the heck Sprint is thinking or doing. A little summary of the last year and a half....

June 2009 - Palm Pre was released, sprint claimed they would put lots of resources behind it... it failed miserably...
June 2010 - HTC Evo 4G was released and was one of the most successful phones sprint ever had.
February 2011 - Sprint announces first dual screen piece of crap smartphone... what the hell were they thinking?
February 2011 - Sprint realizes they f'd up bad with their last announcement and hypes up the WP7 announcement that again no one cares about.
March 22, 2011 - Sprint hypes up a third HUGE announcement in a 2 month period... people have absolutely no clue what to expect from Sprint anymore...

As you can see, Sprint is kind of unpredictable.. they've had great phones, they've had crappy phones, they've had everything in between. Most of us that have been with Sprint the longest stick with them because they continue to offer the cheapest service. We just continue to hope Sprint will wow us with phones once again and possibly surprise us with a quick launch of something.
at this point I can't even begin to guess what the heck Sprint is thinking or doing. A little summary of the last year and a half....

June 2009 - Palm Pre was released, sprint claimed they would put lots of resources behind it... it failed miserably...
June 2010 - HTC Evo 4G was released and was one of the most successful phones sprint ever had.
February 2011 - Sprint announces first dual screen piece of crap smartphone... what the hell were they thinking?
February 2011 - Sprint realizes they f'd up bad with their last announcement and hypes up the WP7 announcement that again no one cares about.
March 22, 2011 - Sprint hypes up a third HUGE announcement in a 2 month period... people have absolutely no clue what to expect from Sprint anymore...

As you can see, Sprint is kind of unpredictable.. they've had great phones, they've had crappy phones, they've had everything in between. Most of us that have been with Sprint the longest stick with them because they continue to offer the cheapest service. We just continue to hope Sprint will wow us with phones once again and possibly surprise us with a quick launch of something.

What was the time between when sprint announce the evo shift and the release date? That was more what I was aiming for. I think that was one of the quicker ones but most of the time when they make a large announcement there are a few months between announcement and release. The shift was never meant to be a flagship release so there was no real need to hype it up.
What was the time between when sprint announce the evo shift and the release date? That was more what I was aiming for. I think that was one of the quicker ones but most of the time when they make a large announcement there are a few months between announcement and release. The shift was never meant to be a flagship release so there was no real need to hype it up.

I may be wrong, but I believe there were about 5 days between the official announcement and the official release date of the Evo Shift. That would be amazing if they could deliver that quickly on a flagship phone but like you said, its unlikely. That said, Sprint has been pulling some pretty unexpected PR moves, and I would guess that at least one of the devices they'll be announcing will be released within less than a month of the announcement just to keep people from jumping ship.
I may be wrong, but I believe there were about 5 days between the official announcement and the official release date of the Evo Shift. That would be amazing if they could deliver that quickly on a flagship phone but like you said, its unlikely. That said, Sprint has been pulling some pretty unexpected PR moves, and I would guess that at least one of the devices they'll be announcing will be released within less than a month of the announcement just to keep people from jumping ship.

I am pretty sure they are staying with the same time line that they had with the Evo. I wouldn't call what Sprint is doing unexpected PR moves, after all, they have more platforms to support now that WP7 is in the game, and also, there are a lot more android devices out there, so, seeing that they didn't have much to show in time for CES, they tried to get the Evo 3d out in a hurry for that February event before MWC (which most American carriers don't give a dogs rear end about, it's more for us to see what the handset manufacturers are up to) but when the Evo 3d wasn't ready yet, they pulled the Echo out of the hat. The Palm Pre came out at CES and took forever to get ready, that wasn't really a Sprint event, that was a Palm event with them trying to save their butt, Sprint just happened to be the partner.

So, more platforms, more Android forms do equal more announcements. I think they are right on track.
I am pretty sure they are staying with the same time line that they had with the Evo. I wouldn't call what Sprint is doing unexpected PR moves, after all, they have more platforms to support now that WP7 is in the game, and also, there are a lot more android devices out there, so, seeing that they didn't have much to show in time for CES, they tried to get the Evo 3d out in a hurry for that February event before MWC (which most American carriers don't give a dogs rear end about, it's more for us to see what the handset manufacturers are up to) but when the Evo 3d wasn't ready yet, they pulled the Echo out of the hat. The Palm Pre came out at CES and took forever to get ready, that wasn't really a Sprint event, that was a Palm event with them trying to save their butt, Sprint just happened to be the partner.

So, more platforms, more Android forms do equal more announcements. I think they are right on track.

I don't disagree with the timeline you're guessing at for the Evo 3D/Evo 2 whatever they're gonna call it. I do however think that it's likely other phones could be released shortly after their March 22 announcement. If the Nexus S 4G is in fact coming to sprint than I would guess that will be released immediately.

welcome to 2 weeks ago. :-P j/k yea, I think Sprint will be the talk of the show at CTIA this year. I just hope its going to be positive talk because Sprint really can't handle another echo flop. I have a good feeling about it though. Only one more week to go!

I'll be so stoked if Evo 2/3D is announced next week and they say... and it'll be in stores TOMORROW! I know, wishful thinking, but I can dream.
I may be wrong, but I believe there were about 5 days between the official announcement and the official release date of the Evo Shift. That would be amazing if they could deliver that quickly on a flagship phone but like you said, its unlikely. That said, Sprint has been pulling some pretty unexpected PR moves, and I would guess that at least one of the devices they'll be announcing will be released within less than a month of the announcement just to keep people from jumping ship.

i thought sprint announced the EVO in March, but it didn't come out until June.
i thought sprint announced the EVO in March, but it didn't come out until June.

Yap they did, sprint anounced the Evo at CTIA 2010. aslo keep in my that sprint released their last two major releases on June 6th. (Palm Pre, HTC Evo) So excect the next big phone to be released on June 6th.

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