New to Android and Note, HALP


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Nov 21, 2014
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Hi everyone. I am new to android and the note and I have questions bc my iPhone did not have these issues.
1. What necessary apps do you suggest? Outside of normal stuff I could get on iPhone I mean.
2. What's the deal w wallpapers? Even when searching for 2560x1440 they still look grainy when I use them. What am I doing wrong?
3. I download Themer, is there a better launcher app? Are there any issues w Themer I should know about?



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Oct 30, 2014
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Welcome to Android Central! You came to the right place to learn about your device.

I'm an android junkie for several years now, and this device is loaded with stuff even for me. So don't get discouraged or frustrated with the learning curve you are on.

The "necessary" apps I highly recommend to get the most out of your Note 4:
-- S-Note. This is where the Pen meets the display. Sync it with Evernote for a cloud based storage option for all of your notes and ideas.
--Tapatalk. This is a forum reader. It makes it much easier to read forums like Android Central from your mobile phone.
--Waze. If you use GPS Navigation to travel around, this is a great one.

That should get you started on apps.

Launchers? I would uninstall Themer and give Nova a try. Nova and Apex are usually the most often recommended launchers.

As for getting know your this forum as much as you can, especially the "what are the coolest things about..." and "I like my Note because..." threads. Lots of gems hidden in those posts.

YouTube is also a great place to learn more about the phone. There are hundreds of videos that can show you how to take advantage of all of the stuff this phone will do. Here's one to get you started.

You made a great choice, it's a great phone. Welcome aboard.
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New member
Nov 21, 2014
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Thanks so much. You were right about Nova, I deleted Themer and started Nova and I love it.

I'm still trying to get the hang of the wallpaper thing, it seems like everything I try still comes out grainy and weird.